Chapter 15

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"Hello, James," Emma told the man in front of her as she held a fake smile. "I thought you were in Russia."

"I came back two months ago. Business there is doing great but I was offered some opportunities here so I decided to stay in Los Angeles for a while."

James Nolan was a man who Emma was not very fond of. Even though he was her uncle, he had always been egocentric, selfish and a not very good relative.
He had a lot of difficulties in the past with David and their father related to the family business, the reason which made James change his own surname from Swan to Nolan.

Emma finished her first and last glass of champagne, leaving it on a nearby table. "Glad to hear that."

"Yeah. So... where's Mr. Anderson? Don't tell me you came all by yourself."

"I didn't, he's speaking with some Chinese people over there. His company is succeeding worldwide."

"Good for him," James said without showing a hint of happiness. "By the way, I haven't seen old Dave in a while. How is he? Is he still gloating about his successful and millionaire life in Colorado?"

Emma thought for a moment about punching her uncle in the face but knew that it wouldn't be a wise decision.

"You know Dad has put aside work since the doctor diagnosed him with heart disease last year."

"And yet he's still the owner of most of the family companies," James said rolling his eyes.

"Did you come here to talk about how much you hate your brother? Because we're all aware of that and I don't need to hear it for the millionth time," Emma snapped.

James laughed. "Calm down, Em." He patted her shoulder softly. "Look, I'm sorry. I just wanted to talk to you as your uncle and... you know, ask how you were doing after the incident in your house."

Emma frowned. "How do you know about it?"

"Are you kidding me? It was all over the newspapers the following day, sweetheart. It was impossible not to learn about it."

Emma lowered her head. She had been so focused on the fact that she killed a man that she didn't pay attention to the newspapers.

"You were really lucky, Emma," James went on with a serious tone. "You're truly a survivor"

She turned her gaze to her father's twin again. "I guess so."

"Have you found out why did that man go to your place?"

"He went there to kill me. Someone sent him but we don't know yet who."

"That's awful... and strange. Meanwhile, I would be very careful, my dear niece. I don't think this person has given up yet. I bet he wants you to lower your guard before attacking again. He won't give up until achieving his goal," James explained with an unfriendly voice.

"I haven't lowered my guard, I can assure you that. Walsh installed more security in the house and I have hired a bodyguard. He's with me wherever I go so I'm more than protected," Emma said confidently.

"I just hope he's good at it,"

"Of course he is," she replied almost angry. "Killian has all the necessary experience and abilities for that."

"Terrific," James said smiling, feeling in a certain way pleased to have annoyed his niece. "Well, it's time for this man to leave. The night is young and I still have other places to go. It was good to see you, Emma."

The blondie did not feel like answering, so she limited herself to fake another smile before her uncle left the room joined by a lady with a black dress.

Just then, Emma released a sigh she didn't know she had been holding. What James told her seemed so weird... he had always been a bad boy and quite annoying, but that night's comments made Emma feel more mistrustful towards him.

"Love, you okay?" a familiar voice said next to her.

"Yeah, I... I think we should leave. Party's already dead," she said rushing her words and started to walk away before Killian could even ask her why.

Once they found Walsh, the three of them went outside, where Will was already waiting for them with the car ready.

The first ten minutes of the journey to the house were made in silence. Walsh did not ask Emma why did she want to leave hurriedly and neither did Killian, even though he could sense that something was wrong with her.
Meanwhile, Emma gazed through the window, watching the city lights and the view of Los Angeles during the dark sky. She was so focused on the outside that when her husband spoke she jumped startled.

"Killian, did you get some information about the man you told us previously?"

"I wasn't able to," Killian answered, lowering his head for a moment before lifting up again and continuing. "I know I don't have enough proofs but I don't really think it was a coincidence that he was at the gala."

"You're saying he might be the one who wants to kill Emma?" Walsh asked worriedly.

"That would be a very high assumption to make but I can't rule it out either. Without evidence, I'm afraid I can't state anything clear."

"Alright," Walsh continued. "If there's anything I can help you with please let me know."

"Aye, thanks."

After less than a minute of silence, Emma finally spoke.

"I saw James," she said louder than she would've wanted to, catching both men's attention. "He talked to me about his hate towards Dad and... about the incident"

Walsh frowned. "What did he say?"

"It was odd. He told me how lucky I was to had survived and that I shouldn't let my guard down, that whoever was behind the attempt on my life wasn't giving up."

"What else?" Killian asked, looking directly at Emma.

"I told him I was being careful since we now have the security in the house and that I have hired a bodyguard. He then said something like 'I just hope he's good at protecting you' and of course I told him you were," she explained naturally.

After Emma's comment, Killian lowered his head a bit as a smile was drawn across his face; Emma and Walsh didn't notice it, which Killian was thankful for.

"So you think that... that your uncle has something to do with the incident?" Walsh asked shocked.

"I can't be sure. He was acting more despicable than usual but maybe it was just me and my paranoia."

"Emma, take it easy," Killian said calmly. "Maybe we should discuss it tomorrow morning. You're both tired and need to rest."

The blondie nodded slightly before Will opened the door for them.

Was she starting to go mad? Was she just overreacting about it? Emma had no idea, so she simply headed towards the kitchen, took some pills and headed upstairs hoping to get some sleep.


Do you think James has something to do with the incident?

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