Chapter 9

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"Wow! Look at this place! It's very glamorous!" Ruby exclaimed as soon as she stepped inside the bar with Emma and Belle by her side. Killian stood behind them, wearing a nice suit and tie and a pair of dark glasses.

"Yeah. There's a table over there. Let's take a seat," Belle said as the girls followed her. Meanwhile, Killian stood some feet away from them, keeping an eye on Emma and taking a look around discreetly.

The ladies ordered some drinks and made a toast, celebrating the amazing friendship they had.

"So how's James Bond doing?" Ruby asked Emma playfully.

"Who, Killian?" the blondie asked before Ruby nodded. "You do know that the 007 agent is British, right? Killian is Irish"

"Irish? Well, that's even better."

"He looks nice with those glasses," Belle stated.

"I thought the same thing!" Ruby exclaimed making a high-five with Belle "And the suit makes him look even better"

"Yeah, definitely."

"I had no idea we had come here to talk about my bodyguard," Emma said a bit bothered. The fact that the girls talked about Killian's handsomeness made her remember the crazy dream she had had.

"We're just appreciating art, darling," Ruby teased her.

Emma rolled her eyes and looked at her phone. She had received a text from Walsh telling her that he was already on his business trip to Berlin. He was not coming back until Thursday night.

"I love that song!" Belle exclaimed grinning. "Come, let's go dance."

Ruby and Emma followed her to the dance floor before laughing. They danced there for a while before heading back to the table. They chatted and drank, drank and chatted for some hours whereas Killian stood some feet away watching over Emma.

Just then, he caught sight of a mysterious man on the other side of the bar. He was all by himself and had a suspicious look in his eyes. The man's gaze scanned the whole place discreetly but obviously enough for Killian to notice it. The man walked around the place, ordered a glass of water at the bar and drank it as soon as it was given to him. After that, he sat two tables away from where Emma and her friends were and began to smoke.

Killian analyzed the man, trying to figure out if he was really someone to be careful with or not, whereas he moved his gaze towards Emma and made sure she was okay.

This went on for a while until the man stood up, left his cigarette in the ashtray and disappeared into the crowd.

Killian released a small sigh. False alarm. He thought before looking back at the table where the girls were.
However, he furrowed his eyebrows as soon as he saw that none of them were there. Killian walked calmly through the bar, focusing on the dance floor.

Maybe they stood up and decided to dance again.

But they were not there. Killian made his way to the table, hoping to get some sign of the girls when one of Emma's friends showed up.

"Ruby, where's Emma?" he asked her quickly.

"I don't know. I lost her and Belle some moments ago" she replied making a grimace. "Maybe they just went to the restroom"

"But Emma knows that if she has to go there she needs to tell me first. It's part of our protocol"

"Yeah, well, I don't think she remembers a damn about the protocol if she's all drunk."

"Has she drank that much?"

"Quite. We tried to stop her but Mrs. Stubborn wouldn't listen. She's been acting weird since we arrived."

Killian shook his head. "Come, I need you to see if they are in the restroom or not."

Both of them walked towards the restrooms area, but he stayed behind and waited for Ruby to check.

Not even thirty seconds had passed that Ruby opened the door with Belle behind.

"I found Belle," Ruby stated. "But there's no sign of Emma"

"Weren't you with her?" Killian asked Belle.

"I was. We both came to the restrooms but by the time I went out to wash my hands Emma had already left. I thought she had gone with Ruby."

Killian moved his head from one side to another, trying to look out for Emma between that rowdy place.

"How drunk was she?" he asked the girls.

"Drunk enough to have little sense of reality," Belle stated worriedly.

"So what now? We split up and look for her?" Ruby said readily.

"Actually, I'm gonna track down her phone," Killian told them taking out his device and used it to locate Emma's.

"Yeah, that's a good idea too," the black haired woman said crossing her arms.

"Alright. According to this, Emma is... In the southern side of the building, outside," he said before putting his phone back into his pocket. "You stay here and I'll go for her, okay?"

Both of the girls nodded before Killian left almost rushing in the search of Emma, hoping she was okay.

After elbowing his way to the southern side, Killian managed to get to the place where Emma was supposed to be. It was the spot where the bar's employees left the trash and it also connected to the parking lot on the left side. There were no security cameras and it was dimly illuminated.

Not very good signs, unfortunately.

Killian gazed around and caught sight of a familiar object on the ground just some feet away from him. He walked towards it and picked up.

"Bloody hell," he exclaimed realizing he was holding Emma's phone. But where was she? She would never leave without it. Unless someone had taken her, dragged her to a car or something and made her drop her phone accidentally. Or that was what Killian thought.

"Swan!" Killian yelled before realizing it was useless. Screaming her name wouldn't just poof her in front of him.

Bloody hell, Emma, he thought worried. Where are you?


Short chapter, but I hope you had liked it :)
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