Chapter 24

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Emma's recovery from the incident at school had been quick thanks to the good cares of her friends and family. She felt happy for the fact that she didn't have to go through it alone, there were plenty of people who would always stand next to her.

Almost a week later, Mary Margaret and David had to pack their things and fly back to Colorado. It seemed like David had an important last minute meeting that required his presence, and it couldn't be delayed. At first, Emma's parents were reluctant about leaving, but their daughter convinced them to take a plane and go back to their place. After all, she was feeling much better and they had already helped her a lot.

Hours after her parents left, Ruby and Belle payed a visit to her friend while Walsh went back to work. He had also taken some days off, but Emma told him that he didn't have to call off everything just to stay with her, convincing her husband of heading off to the company.

"I see Mr. Blue Eyes is still hanging around" Ruby commented as she kept some stuff inside the fridge. From the kitchen's window, she had seen Killian entering his house moments before "I thought he had quitted"

Emma made an effort to hide her happiness on the subject by speaking with a normal voice as she stirred the mixture for the brownies "He had but changed his mind after what happened at the school"

"And what made him change his mind?" Belle asked, adding some sugar to the bowl Emma was holding.

"My parents, actually. They kinda made him see things clearer" she replied, omitting the other part where Killian also decided to stay because he had feelings for her.

She obviously didn't feel comfortable with lying to her best friends, but things were quite crazy at the moment and she thought it was the best to leave the story for another time.

"They are very fond of him" Emma added with a small smile, pouring the mixture into the molds "Specially my mother"

"Aww. Your mother loves everyone. She's such a sweetheart" Ruby said, leaning against the isle "Except for your husband. She doesn't have a lot of affection for him"

Belle shot her a glare as Emma left the empty bowl in the sink.

"Well... She's a human being, she can't like everyone, you know?" The blondie answered calmly, not feeling offended by Ruby's question because, after all, it was true.

Mary Margaret didn't like Walsh, not a bit. Not that she hate him, but let's say that he wasn't her favorite person either. Emma saw it as a normal thing because the relationship between in-laws was usually not a very loving one. That's why she really didn't give it a lot of importance. Besides, things weren't that bad since David did like Walsh because he had been his apprentice in the business world. David had taught him a bunch of things when Walsh was only an intern and trusted him with everything. So when Walsh proposed to Emma he was the first one to feel happy.

"What are these?" Belle asked, taking a look at some colorful papers that lied on one of the tables.

"Oh, just some drawings the kids from my class made for me. Blue brought them to me when she came to tell me the news"

"What news?" Ruby inquired frowning.

"Uhm, well... That I was fired"

Belle and Ruby widened their eyes as their jaws dropped.

"What?! B-but why?" Belle asked, leaving the papers on the table.

"My situation put everyone's life in risk, specially the children's. The school doesn't want to have any... casualties just because someone is after me. Parents freaked out a lot when the police arrived that day and couldn't believe that the school's authorities had let someone with a situation like mine work there"

"Oh come on! But that's not your fault!" Ruby exclaimed angry "Kicking you out is freaking unfair!"

"I know but... Their arguments are valid. It was dangerous and if something happened to the kids it was all going to be because of me"

There was a small pause. Emma gazed down at the floor before continuing "At least Blue came to me in a good disposition. She wasn't mad at me or anything. In fact, she looked downhearted because of my departure"

"It still doesn't compensate the fact that you were fired" Ruby stated.

"Oh Emma" Belle said, placing a hand on her friend's shoulder "I'm sorry to hear that"

"It's alright. I think it's for the best"


"We should go to the movies next week" Belle suggested as she and Ruby stood on the house's doorway with Emma.

"Yeah, sounds great" The blondie said "We'll keep in touch"

"Sure!" Ruby exclaimed "Don't forget to give Killian one of the brownies we made"

Emma nodded before the ladies walked away and hopped inside Ruby's car, driving out of the luxurious residency.

Making her way to the kitchen, Emma decided to follow her friend's words and share a brownie with her bodyguard. Crossing the garden, she headed towards the former guest house and knocked at the door.

"Hey lass" Killian said, drawing a smile on his face as soon as he saw her.

"Hey" she replied "The girls and I baked some brownies and I thought of sharing one with you"

"That's nice of you, thanks" he accepted the recipient with the brownie inside "Would you uh... Would you like to come on in?"

Emma didn't look so sure about it and that scared Killian a little bit.

"I can... Prepare you some coffee, if you want. Not to gloat but I make a good one" he said, making another attempt of convincing her.

Emma thought about it for a moment, gazing quickly at her house before accepting the invitation with a nod and a smile.


Emma helped Killian to pick up the cups and dishes from the small table after a talking for a while. She insisted on washing the dishes, but Killian said she was a guest in his house before grabbing the liquid soap and turning on the faucet.

"You're a real gentleman, you know that?" Emma commented, standing next to Killian with her back against the fridge.

"I do" he replied chuckling.

He finished washing the dishes, turning off the faucet and drying his hands with a cloth. Just when he placed the cloth back into its place he noticed Emma was looking at him with a cute half smile.

"What?" He asked, not being able to resist himself from smiling.

"Nothing, I just..."

Emma leant her body forward, causing her nose to touch Killian's as his arms unconsciously surrounded her waist. One of her hands made its way from his hips to his chest and then to the back of his neck, bringing her lips to his.

Killian kissed her harder, bitting slightly her low lip on the way. He pressed his hands tighter against her back as he felt her breasts close to his chest. Emma began to moan, suddenly feeling quite turned on.

With a quick maneuver and without breaking the kiss, Emma took both of them to the bed, letting herself fall down onto it and bringing Killian with her. She had placed herself under him as her fingers began to unbutton his shirt.

And the rest is history.

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