Chapter 26

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The supermarket didn't have its usual large number of costumers since it was midday, but Emma preferred it that way in order to buy the things she needed without getting annoyed at the long queues at the cash and the irritable employees. She was walking peacefully through the long corridors of the establishment, pushing the cart as her bodyguard walked by her side.

They hadn't had a lot of conversation since they left the residency. Emma had her mind busy with the discussion she had had with Walsh days before, the one she hadn't told Killian about. She didn't want to worry him. Moreover, speaking of her husband with Killian didn't seem to be a good idea. Funny thing was that there was no need of telling the bodyguard about the discussion since he had overheard most of it; their voices had been very loud the other night.

He didn't want to push her, though; if Emma didn't feel like talking with him about it then he was going to let her be. Besides, they both had a tacit agreement of not speaking of Walsh since it would only make things uncomfortable. It was better that way.

"Interesting choice of ingredients" Killian commented, scanning the stuff Emma had placed inside the cart "Dough, tomato sauce, cheese, pepperoni... Are you preparing pizza?"

"How did you know?" She asked sarcastically "I thought you were never going to guess"

Killian laughed "Well, you know I have my magic tricks. Are you doing it for today?"

"For tomorrow night, actually. You remember Annie and Paul, my neighbors? They invited me over for dinner tonight"

"Aye, I almost forgot"

"We haven't seen in a while so they thought it would be nice to catch up on some things"

Killian nodded as both of them kept walking until they reached the end of the hallway.

"Have you ever prepared pizza?" Emma asked suddenly.

"A couple of times, but it wasn't the big deal. Why?"

She bit her lower lip and unconsciously spoke in a provocative voice "Well, maybe you can join me tomorrow night at the kitchen. We can do it together. We can chat, eat... I can show you some things"

Killian grinned, feeling his cheeks blushing slightly "Hmm... Sounds tempting. Aye, I'll be there promptly"

Emma grinned before feeling a sudden urge to grip at Killian's shirt, drag him close to her body, kiss his tender lips hardly, and take him right there.

Jesus Christ, Emma. She thought. You're in a damn supermarket! Get a hold of yourself, woman!

"Everything okay, love?" He asked with a smile, noticing his companion's look.

"Uh yeah. I just remembered that I need to put more stuff inside... Inside the cart"


Dinner time arrived. Killian left Emma at the Harris's place and stayed outside of the big house. There was no need of going in with her since the family had an efficient security service. He just hopped inside the car and waited, obviously keeping an eye at the surroundings just in case.

Annie and Paul were a nice married couple with two little kids that lived just four houses away from Emma's. Dinner with them was delightful and pleasant. They chatted for a while before their guest decided to play with little Clint and then hold baby Natasha in her arms until she dozed off.

"You're really good with kids" Annie told Emma as watched how her neighbor placed the baby carefully in the crib.

"Well, being a teacher gives you some good experience with them" she whispered back before both women tiptoed away from the nursery.

"Yeah but you seem to be a natural" Annie went on once they were back at the dining room "Have you ever considered having children?"

Emma shook her head and flatly said "No"

"What about Walsh? Does he want to have kids?"

"We haven't really talked about it, but I think it's better to be just the two of us, you know?"

Emma faked a smile before looking at Paul watching TV with his son. Of course Emma wanted kids, but the opportunity had never showed up. However, she was glad that there were no children in between at the moment; she was already having a hard time by lying to her husband about her relationship with Killian. Having a kid would've complicated things a lot.

"Oh, that's a shame. Having kids it's beautiful" Annie continued "But I get you. Things in your life aren't easy right now. Having a child would just make things harder"

Emma glanced taken aback at the host, feeling her heat beating faster. Was Annie aware of her affair?

"I can't even imagine how would it feel like to know there's a criminal trying to wipe me out while I'm taking care of my children. It must be horrible"

Emma released a discreet sigh. Phew! Annie was only talking about the case, not the other thing. She almost had a heart attack.

"Yeah, it must be awful" She replied.

Half an hour went by when the blondie said goodbye to the Harris. Killian and her made their way back to the house under the starred sky of Los Angeles. Once there, they halted in the middle of the living room and look at each other for a moment.

"Are you leaving to your place already?" Emma asked shyly.

"Aye, it's getting a bit late"

"Oh, ok" she replied a bit disappointed.

"Is something wrong, love?" He asked with a little frown.

"I'm fine"

"Okay... Goodnight Swan"


Killian turned to leave but stopped as soon as Emma spoke again.

"Wait!" She exclaimed, feeling a bit nervous of what she was about to say "Can I... Stay with you tonight?"

The bodyguard held her hands and grinned "Of course you can. I was hoping you asked, actually"

Emma hugged him before kissing his cheek quickly "I'll get my pajamas then. I'll be there in a minute"

Later that night, Emma and Killian went to bed, cuddling together and covering themselves with the quilts. He turned Emma on her side before surrounding her with his arms.

"Do you have any plans for tomorrow?" She asked, feeling his breath tickling her neck.

"I have a special pizza night, but my agenda is pretty clear the rest of the day, why?"

"Well, since no one else is in the house I thought that maybe we could enjoy ourselves for a while"

Killian grinned "I like that. What do you have in mind?"

"Hmm, several activities. You'll see"

Emma gave him a little goodnight kiss before turning the lights off.

"It feels good" Killian commented some seconds later.


"Not spending the night alone"

Emma smiled and snuggled even closer against Killian's chest, shutting her eyes and falling into a profound and peaceful slumber.


More fluff and other activities to come on next chapter! Don't forget to vote & comment, I love to read what you guys think of the story 😊

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