Chapter 11

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The far away sound of the noisy blender machine caused Emma Swan to open her eyes. She stretched out herself before heaving a long sigh.

She stayed on the bed for a while, miraculously feeling not as bad as she had expected to be.

And suddenly... all the things that happened the previous night showed up in her mind. When Killian carried her in his arms to the room, when she couldn't stop staring at him when he took off her dress because she has too drunk to pull it off and then... The things she said to him.

"Kiss me."

The bodyguard lifted up an eyebrow as Emma smiled to him.

"What?" he asked, feeling his heart racing fast.

"You heard me. Kiss me, Killian."

"You're under the effects of alcohol, Swan."

"Am I?" she said in a whisper, her nose touching his.

Killian moved backward, not wanting to be carried along by the moment. However, Emma was quicker and she placed her hand on his suit, not letting him go.

"Swan... why are you doing this?" he asked, Emma's touch making him feel something.

"Isn't it obvious? I like you... And I want you."

Emma stood up and started to curse herself, sliding her fingers through her hair.

I was so stupid! How could I tell him such things? To be fair I was drunk as hell and I couldn't control my actions or words but... Damn, the worst thing is that I what I said is true. I'm starting to like Killian.

And not just as my bodyguard.

She put on her slippers and headed to the kitchen, hoping to find the maid there and ask her to prepare some coffee.

She really needed a good cup of dark strong coffee.

However, to her surprise, someone else was there and it was certainly not the maid.

"Killian," she said oddly, standing in the threshold without knowing what else to say. She was certainly not expecting the Irish guy to be the first person she saw in the morning.

"Hey," he replied simply before turning the oven off. Killian avoided her eyes, feeling awkward to talk to her after what she had told him the previous night, all that "kiss me" and "I want you" stuff.

"Uhm, where's Josephine?" Emma asked in a low voice.

"It's Sunday, Swan. It's her day off."

Emma nodded, feeling stupid for forgetting about that detail. "Right. So... You're cooking instead? I didn't remember that was part of being a bodyguard," she said as casual as possible.

"Stop complaining and take a sit," he said gently as he poured coffee into a green mug, Emma's favorite mug to be precise.

Emma felt weird but did as he said.

"I knew you were not going to be in conditions of preparing yourself the breakfast so... I thought I could give you a hand." He placed the maple and the dish with pancakes on the table

Emma smiled "Thank you, Killian."

"It's nothing."

The bodyguard washed the dishes he had used to cook while Emma ate the just made pancakes and enjoyed their sweet taste. Even though breakfast was beyond delicious, she couldn't help but notice that there were certain tension and oddness between Killian and her. It was obvious that he was still disconcerted about her words.

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