Chapter 12

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Monday morning arrived. The driver left Emma and Killian at Edelweiss School, where she was going back to work.

"Here's the last class the substitute teacher gave the children," Blue explained to Emma as she handed her a folder with tons of papers. "And here are the results of their tests."

"Tests? The kids are barely five!" Emma exclaimed surprised.

"The substitute teacher thought it would be good to apply them."

"These things are hard for them. They're still in the basics and she asked them things they haven't seen!" Emma exclaimed as she revised the papers.

"I understand your point and I'm glad to tell you that there's nothing to worry about. These tests won't count for their final grades, only the activities they did for the last weeks," Blue explained trying to calm down Emma.

"Alright. Thanks, I was about to get mad." she laughed.

"Yeah, I got that," Blue said with a small smile before turning discreetly towards Killian, who was standing not so far from them. "Emma, can I... have a private word with you?"

Emma gazed gently at Killian, who quickly understood and walked some feet away for them to speak.

"What is it?" She asked, closing the folder.

"How is all the bodyguard thing going to work? Don't misunderstand me, Emma, I'm glad you have someone who can watch your back, but... I'm not sure how parents are going to take this."

"I'm sorry, I'm not following you."

"You know that parents are always prickly and fussy when it comes to us. Imagine what they'll say when they learn that you've hired a bodyguard because there's someone out there trying to... well, hurt you," Blue said in a low voice since they were standing in the middle of the hallway.

"I get that. But nothing bad has happened. Killian is here just in case, but there hasn't been any incident."

"But what if there is? And what if it happens here during classes? Imagine the chaos!"

"Blue, if you don't want me to work here anymore then tell me."

"No, Emma. I don't want that. I just... as director, I need to have control of things. We can't hide your bodyguard nor lie to the parents about your situation. I've done enough by telling them that you missed school because you were sick. What am I supposed to tell them now that you've come back with him?"

"You don't need to lie. You can always... modify the truth. Tell them that Walsh decided to hire me a bodyguard because he's an important business man. People like him always do that. There's no need of going into details."

The director sighed.

"Alright. But I need your bodyguard to be extremely cautious and discreet. He can't be inside the classroom or in the playing yard unless there's an emergency."

Emma smiled widely. "Thanks. I'll let him know about it."

"And one more thing, since he's going to be every day here I believe it will be good if you introduced Mr. Jones as a friend of yours to the children before they start asking who he is."

"Should I mention the word 'bodyguard'?"

"Not at all."

"But what should I tell them then?" Emma asked unsurely. "Those kids are quite clever, don't underestimate them."

Blue smiled. "Modify the truth."


"We missed you so much, Miss Swan!" "We're glad you're back!" "Never leave us again!"

Those and more were the expressions the little kids told Emma as soon as she stepped inside the classroom. She was very loved there, children admired her a lot and enjoyed their classes with her. She was like the teacher everybody wanted to have.

"I missed you too, guys," Emma replied happily with a big smile. "We have a lot of things to do, we're a little bit delayed and the year is almost over, but first, there's someone I want you to meet."

Emma gestured Killian to go inside. He waved to the kids with his right hand and gave them a little smile.

"Kids, this is my uh... friend, Killian Jones. Say hello." Emma explained oddly after saying the word "friend".

"Hello, Killian!" the children said in unison.

"Hey guys," he said, feeling weird to be in a kindergarten classroom because it reminded him of his childhood. "Nice to meet you"

"Killian is going to be with me during work. He'll be hanging around the school every day, so you will see him most of the time." Emma explained easily.

Right after this, one of the students raised her hand to speak.

"Yes, Caitlin?" the teacher said.

"Is Killian going to be our teacher as well?"

"No, he'll only be outside the classroom."

"But why?" Barry asked. "What is he going to do?"

Emma and Killian exchanged looks. How could they explain the children without going into details?

"Well..." Killian began. "Let's just say that I want to make sure Miss Swan is okay while she's in class"

"So if something bad happens to her you will protect her?" Caitlin asked.

"Aye, that I will."

"Like a superhero!" Barry exclaimed.

Killian and Emma gazed at one another quickly before snickering discreetly.

"I wouldn't have put it like that but yeah."

The children began asking a bunch of questions about Killian and if he had superpowers and a special suit when Emma stopped them.

"Okay guys, it's time say goodbye to Killian," Emma said. "We need to start our class"

"Noooo..." Everyone said sadly.

"It's alright, little mates. You'll see me later, okay?" he told them calmly and with a sweet smile.

Emma couldn't help but love the way Killian spoke to the children. It was a side that she had never seen. And it was really cute.

"Okay," the kids answered.

Killian then turned to Emma. "I'll be outside. If you need anything-"

"I'll let you know." she continued the phrase before smiling.

The bodyguard and she gazed into each other's eyes for a brief moment before he grinned and he headed outside, leaving Emma with a glad feeling in her heart.

"Okay," she told the kids. "Time to start."


So... I have some bad news darlings. My exams start on Monday and I have to study like a freak for two weeks 😭😭 so I won't upload the next chapters that soon. I'll try to do it next weekend though, just be patient.

Anyways, I hope you're liking the story so far!

Btw, did you get the reference I made of certain tv show? ⚡️

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