Chapter 16

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The morning after the Moonlight Gala was a wonderful one. The sun was warming the Californian city as a refreshing breeze twirled around the sky, pushing aside all the clouds. Emma Swan was sitting on a rustic workbench with her hair made up in a messy ponytail as her right hand moved the pencil all through the canvas.

"Good morning," Walsh said, stepping inside the studio and kissing Emma on the head. "Are you painting some flowers?"

"Yes. These are my mom's favorites, remember?"

Walsh cocked his head to the left. "Ah, yeah. The uhm... which was their name?"

"Snowdrops," Emma said after heaving a sigh.

"Snowdrops, yes. They look gorgeous. Well, I'm heading to the club. I'm having a friendly golf tournament with the guys from the corp, then grab some lunch and be back soon. I was thinking that maybe we could go out and have dinner together."

Emma blinked a couple of times.  "Yeah, sounds... sounds nice"

"Then it's settled." He kissed her head again and smiled. "See you later."

Walsh left the room before Emma arched an eyebrow. Walsh's proposal was unusual since he barely asked her out. Maybe he just wanted her to make her feel more relaxed.

Some minutes went by, Emma kept painting the lovely flowers. Whereas the painting tool marked the blank space, Killian Jones knocked at the opened door, making Emma direct her full attention to him.

"You wanted to see me?" he asked after leaning against the door.

The blondie smiled before leaving the pencil on the desk and cleaning her hands with a cloth. "Yeah. Sorry for the mess, I don't really have a lot of order in here."

Killian moved his eyes from corner to corner, grinning at the sight of such comfortable and domestic room.

"It's a painting studio, love. It doesn't need to be in order."

Emma let out a small chuckle before standing up from the workbench.

"And I find it quite nice if you ask me," he continued.

"Thanks. It's my favorite spot in the house. Not only for the view but also because it's only for me, you know? Like my private space, a place to take a break from reality."

Killian smiled. "Aye, it is definitely wonderful." He made a small pause before going on. "I didn't know you had a talent for painting."

Emma blushed. "It's just a hobby. I'm not even a good artist."

"Being modest, aren't we?" he teased her before taking a look at some of her works on the walls and on the work tables. "Swan these are bloody amazing."

"You really think so?"

"Absolutely. Are those Snowdrops?" he asked pointing at the canvas she was working on.

Emma almost let her jaw drop. "They are. How do you know?"

"Back in Ireland, when I was a kid, my mom used to plant some of those in the garden. She had a bunch of flowers and plants there so I learned a little bit of gardening."

Emma grinned and so did Killian, who would've liked to continue talking about his life and admiring her work but knew that he hadn't gone for that. "So... What did you want to talk about?"

Emma moved her head to the window for a quick moment before looking back at Killian.

"Do you... do you think I'm going crazy?" she asked nervously, crossing her arms against her soft pink blouse.

"What? Emma why are you asking me that?"

"Because I feel like I am. I just... God, I went all paranoid yesterday because my father's twin asked me about the incident. I started to think that maybe he had something to do about it but what if it was just me wanting to find someone to blame?"

Killian shook his head and got close to her. "You're not mad, Emma. You're just scared about the situation. It's completely normal to feel that way."

"Is it?"

"Aye. And what your uncle told you didn't seem to be something casual. You said his attitude is always despicable but yesterday it was different, didn't you?"

"Yes. After he left... I felt scared. That had never happened before."

Killian heaved a small sigh. "We can't do or say anything until having enough proofs, but I promise you that I won't let him or anyone hurt you. We're gonna solve this, okay? Don't be afraid."

Emma felt her eyes became slightly teary before stepping closer to Killian and embracing him tightly. He quickly placed his arms around her as well, one of his hands stroking her hair.

After a matter of seconds, both of them separated their heads a little bit, their noses almost touching. Suddenly, it was as if the world had stopped and the only ones that mattered were them. Their hearts were racing fast, their eyes showing nothing more but a desire for connecting their lips and get a taste of the other. Emma's arms were still around his body; she could feel Killian's deep breaths beneath the leather. As for him, he wasn't able to take his eyes off her, he was hypnotized by her charm and her whole self.

It was inevitable. Without letting their minds stepping in their way, Emma and Killian leaned their heads forward before finally finding the way towards one another's lips.

At first, the kiss was strange. It was just a simple and a motionless one. However, as soon as Killian began to move down his hand through Emma's back, she deepened it, allowing Killian to get more access to her mouth.

Suddenly, they couldn't stop. All the repressed feelings they had since the day they met were already showing up.

And what a way of showing up.

Killian started pressing his lips harder against hers before Emma managed to slide her fingers through his chest and then to his cheeks. Soon after this, Killian began to trace kisses on her neck, making Emma moan as she stuck her chest closer against his.

It was the moment both had been waiting for and they were enjoying every single second of it.

In the spur of a moment, both stopped, realizing what they had done. They stared into each other's eyes as they took a step back, breaking the intense and passionate scene they had just shared.

Emma was the first one to react by averting her eyes from him and bursting out of the painting studio, not saying a single word to Killian.

He stood there, not even following her with the eyes as she exited the room. He had kissed her and it had been something he had longed for. Nonetheless, he knew it was wrong and now things were going to get pretty bad for them. He slid his fingers through his dark hair before heading back to his house.

As soon as Emma reached her bedroom, she closed the door and lied down on the bed, still feeling the sweet taste and touch of the bodyguard all over her.

How could she let that happen? Why wasn't she able to stop it?

Simple, because deep inside she wanted that to happen, as wrong as it had been.


First kiss!!! What do you think is happening next?

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