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It felt so good being on that rampage. Hearing people scream and shout when I take them, their shocked face when I transform and hearing myself suck there blood, then the crack of their necks when I snap it. I cant go back there, I cant be with all of them knowing she remembers all of them but me. I know its not her fault but has anyone even tried to make her remember me? I was walking in the forest next to the beach when I saw her. Steph. She was walking along the beach, I couldn't hold back I had to go to her. She didnt recognise me. I tried and tried but she couldn't remember me, so in the end I compelled her, making her forget about our trip in the beach.
I've been out of town for a while, went to new orleans. I thought I'd give it one last try to make her remember me. I was sat on the park bench in mystic falls with a bottle of whisky. I felt someone sit beside me. I turned around and there she was. Steph.

"Mind if I sit here?" She said. I could smell her breath, she was drunk.

"No not at all" I said.

"I've such a weird day man, I went for a walk and ended on the beach then i cant remember anything while I was at the beach and I was there for an hour, so I went home where there is a bunch of vampires so I went to the grill had a few drinks and now I'm sat on a bench telling a stranger about my day" She called me a stranger, no one knows how much that broke my heart. Then I thought, what if we werent strangers anymore.

"It's a pleasure to meet you" i put my hand out for her to shake. She looked at it then shook it.

"I'm Steph"

"i know" I whispered.

"I lost my memory you know. I'm a witch and i've lost my fucking memory! I cant remember what put me in hospital, I can't remember why I came to mystic falls, and all my friends tell me I fell in love with this man called Damon Salvatore but I can't remember! It's so fustrating knowing I had a past that sounded so good and it's gone" Everyone has been trying to get her memory back then. I didnt think they would be thats why I ran. I had an idea.

"I know Damon Salvatore" I said to her. Her eyes went wide.

"Really?? how?" She asked, putting the empty bottle on the ground ready to listen to me.

"Ive known him all my life. He's told me stories about you to"

"Really? Tell me, if you tell me I could get my memory back!"

"He told me how you met in mystic grill and he fell in love with your beauty straight away, your smile was perfect he would say" She looked down and didn't say anything.

"How about I walk you back home?" She looked up and nodded smiling. Its true her smile was perfect. We walked to Elenas in silence, when we got there she opened the door and walked in, Elena was there to, she looked at me confused.

"Hey Elena, this is..." she turned round gesturing me to say my name.

"Dam- David" She turned round back at Elena and I put my finger on my lips telling her to keep quiet.

"I met him on a bench, he knows Damon, I thought that maybe he could help me remember him" She smiled at me and I smiled back.

"Well it was nice meeting you" She said then shut the door. I smiled at myself but then frowned knowing she thinks I'm someone else not Damon. I walked down the steps when i heard Elena.

"Why did you do that? Saying your called David is gonna make her not think its you. She wont know your Damon!" she shouted.

"I get to spend some time with her Elena! I havent in so long, I miss her!" I said.

"She's gonna be spending time with 'David' not Damon!" she said.

"Yeah Well Damon gets to spend time with her" I said then walked away. I walked to the boarding house and went straight to bed.


I woke up with the biggest headache. I shut my eyes trying to go to sleep again but someone jumped on top of me in bed. I groaned and opened my eyes to see Bonnie sat on top of me.

"Morningg!!" She shouted.

"Dont shout!" I groaned pulling the covers over my face.

"Well then I won't give you your phone" She got up and walked.

"Wait! you got my phone back from the shop? it's fixed?" She turned around waving it around.

"It's fixed" She smiled, I jumped out of bed and grabbed my iphone and smiled widly.

"Thank you!" I smiled and put it on charge. I got changed in my jogging clothes and went for a jog around mystic falls. When I got back I walked into the kitchen and saw Elena with some boy and Stefan. The man turned around and I noticed it was David from last night.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" I asked walking to the fridge and getting a bottle of water.

"I was wondering if erm you wanted to go out for dinner tonight? to talk about stuff?" He sounded nervous, I wonder why. I smiled and nodded.

"Yeah, that will good, I'll meet you at the Bistro at 8?" I asked.

"Great" He smiled and I went upstairs. It was 1pm so I took a nice hot bath. When I finished I wrapped a towel around me and layed on me bed looking at my phone. My phone got destroyed somehow when I got put to hospital, Bonnie found it and took it to get fixed, which has been there for a while. I unlocked it and noticed all my texts and photos and videos were still on it. I brought myself to look at the photos and saw so many photos of me and Damon, then I relised that Damon looked the spitting image of David. I then saw the videos of me and him. Why does Damon look like David. I put my phone away getting so upset at what I was looking at. I shut my eyes and ended up fallig asleep.

I walked along the beach, feeling the force of the sea water against my feet. I looked up and saw him. The man I missed so so much. I ran towards him, he felt so far away. I ran into his arms and he spun me round. I pulled away and saw his face. Damon.

I opened my eyes and sat up quickly. Damon. Suddenly all these memories were flooding back. David is Damon. Damon, my love, I can't believe I forgot about him. I looked at the time and noticed it was 7 and I had an hour to get ready. http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=110070445

I looked at my phone and it was 5 to 8, I put it in my bag and walked downstairs. I saw Elena, Stefan, Jeremy and Bonnie in the front room together.

"You look sexy, where you off to dinner with David?" she asked.

"No, I'm going to dinner with Damon" All their eyes widenened.

"You remember him??" I nodded smilin really big.

I got into the taxi and went to the bistro where I'll be meeting Damon. I walked into the restaurant and saw Damon jump out of his seat when we saw me. I walked normal speed to him.

"You look beau-" I cut him off by kissing him, he didnt kiss back at first but then kissed me back. I pulled back.

"I'm so sorry" I said, a tear rolled down my cheek.

"What for?"

"For forgetting you" He wiped my tear and kissed my lips again.

I have him back.


I am so sorry I havent been writing much lately. I've had so much stuff to do and I went to New York for a few weeks! If you would like me to carry on this story more often then please let me know. Thank you :) x

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