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Well I must admit, the last 6 months have been hard, very hard, but I've got through it. As everyone knows now, I am a vampire. Damon has been teaching me all the basics. One thing I haven't done yet is kill someone and no way is that happening. I had to drink human blood to stay a vampire and I really didn't want too but i did, that's when I learnt how to compel people and hide my problems. On the plus side me and Damon are doing good, we recently moved to a stunning beach house on the coast of Mystic Falls beach. It's perfect and just what i've always wanted, things are looking up for us all and it's great.

"Damon! I swear if you don't get out that bathroom in the next 10 seconds I am forcing this door open" I shouted while banging on the bathroom door for Damon to hurry up.

"Damon!! 5-4-3-2-" I stopped when he finally opened the door, he stood there all wet from his shower and holding his towel with one hand so it doesn't fall from his body and his other hand shuffling his hair. I couldn't help but stare to be honest.

"What do you need the bathroom for?" He asked. I looked at him confused.

"I'm going to wee myself and I need a shower"

"Well I need to shave so since you didn't say please you can wait an extra 10 minutes" He said, then shut the door in my face.

"Uhhh!" I decided to go downstairs and make some breakfast, I saw the packets of blood in the fridge and picked one up, I poured it into a glass then made a couple of slices of toast. I sat down and eat my toast while staring at the glass of blood. I'm still not used to it, and it's strange because I hate the blood. I'm definitely a vampire, I've got all the vampire features but I don't know, the taste of blood isn't nice for me but I have to drink it. I force it down most days and Damon kicks off if I didn't have any in the day. I finished eating then realised Damon was watching me. I didn't make it obvious that I knew, so I took the glass and drank the blood. I then began to wash up until I felt arms wrap around my waist.

"Thank you" I turned around but I was still wrapped in his arms.

"What for?" I asked him confused. He smiled at me.

"Taking the blood" He kissed my lips and pulled me in tighter. I kissed him back not saying anything.

"Right, go get ready and we'll go see Elena and Stefan for lunch" He rolled his eyes and I giggled and headed upstairs to shower and get ready.  http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=162684931

I walked downstairs to Damon bringing the mail in. He looked at me and shook his head, no mail from anyone for me.

"You can drive" He said while kissing my cheek. I got into my car and we drove to Elena and Stefan's house. We walked straight inside and we were greeted by Elena. We sat in and eat lunch, all just chatting, however was an awkward silence now and then.

"So Damon, what are you planning on doing for your birthday?" Elena asked him. looked at Damon and he put down his drink.

"Well since i'm getting one step older in my hundreds of years living, i'm planning on doing nothing but spend it with Steph" He looked at me and smiled so I smiled back.

After we had spent quite a while at Stefan and Elena's house, me and Damon decided to leave and have a few drinks together at Mystic Grill. It was only round the corner from where they live so we just walked there, hand in hand with the sun shining and it was really really nice. When we got there, I sat at a table and Damon went to go buy drinks. He came back with a glass of wine for me and a glass of whisky for himself. We sat and talked while we drank and I loved it, I love spending time with Damon. I really do love him and think he's the one.

My Witch, My Vampire (Damon Salvatore love story)Where stories live. Discover now