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She wants to kill herself? I can't let her do this! Elena gave me Stephs diary and I was flicking through every page. She had been planning this day the night Bonnie and Damon died. I read through every page finding out so much stuff she has done to achieve this. It was now 11 and I told Elena to go get everyone. Everyone rushed outside and I started to tell them what was going on.

"We need to keep a close eye on Steph tonight. She can't leave our sight for the rest of the night, Klaus is coming to get her at 12pm sharp" I told everyone.

"So while you're saying this, who is looking out for her now??" Caroline shouted. My eyes grew wide and we ran inside the grill, we all looked around for her but then saw her kissing this random guy. I watched as Matt went over to her and picked her up, throwing her over his shoulders. She was kicking and punching and shouting but Matt just carried on walking and put her in the back of Sams car. I got into my car with Elena and the others and we all drove back to the boarding house. Everyone got there before us and when I walked through the door I saw Steph pacing up and down shouting.

"Stefan! Why am I here? I need to go home" she said looking at me.

"Can you please sit down" I watched her face frown then walk away from me.

"No! No i won't sit down! I'm going home" She headed towards the door but Caroline got in the way.

"Sit. Down. Now" Caroline warned her. Steph did as she was told and sat down next to Matt. I sat down opposite her and threw her diary on the coffee table infront of us. Her eyes grew wide and didn't move from the diary.

"Did you read it?" she whispered softly.

"Every page" I replied. She stayed quiet a bit longer, but suddenly burst out.

"How could you do this?! You had no right to look through my private things!" She stood up shouting in my face.

"It was me! I gave him it" Sam blurted out. Steph moved away from me and looked at her dad who was now standing up near the bookshelf.

"I was worried about you princess" he said walking towards her.

"Why? Because I stayed in my room, didn't eat, didn't drink and cried myself to sleep? I am greving over my boyfriend and sister! Do you know how hard this is for me? To lose the two most important people in my life" A tear escaped her eye as she explained to us but she soon wiped it and changed the tone in her voice.

"I am going to work with Klaus, he needs me to do a spell for him for his hybrid curse. Don't even think about messing this up for me" She warned us all then dissapeared out the house.

"We can't let her do this!" Matt protested. Everyone started to argue until Sam shouted.

"Stop! We can't get involved in what she does" he said then went upstairs. What the fuck are we gonna do.

Don't let her go Stefan.

She can't go to Klaus she will die!

She's my life Stefan, don't let her do it!!

I woke up from another nightmare that same night with Damon in it. I rubbed my eyes and looked at the time, it was 3am and I felt all sticky from my sweat. I saw Elena wide awake next to me.

"How come you're up?"I asked her. Her head slowly snapped towards me.

"Can't sleep, I'm worrying about her" she said in a slow whisper. I just looked down at my hands and decided to grab my phone and call her. It rang a few times but she picked up and it was silent.


"Hey" she replied. I sighed in relief, just hearing her voice.

"Are you okay? Where are you?" I asked still quite worried.

"I'm at the mystic fall sign" I hung up, threw on some clothes and drove to the mystic fall sign where I saw Steph just sitting on the front of her car with a bottle of whiskey. I sat down next to her and watched the sky like she was.

"Klaus left about an hour ago. Decided not to go with him" she said, I just turned my head to face her.

"Why should I put all my family and friends who mean the world to me what I've been going through the past week or so. It's not fair and I'm not doing it"

"So does that mean-" I started but she interrupted me.

"I'm staying" she said smiling at me. I smiled wide and hugged her, I was so relieved, I wouldn't know what I would do without her. I hugged her tightly for a few minutes. Next thing we were staring into eachothers eyes, I slowly leaned in and we kissed. It was nice but it didn't feel right, we carried on though. It turned out into a make out session, but after a few seconds Steph pulled away.

"I'm so sorry" she said quickly putting her hand over her mouth.

"No Steph its fine" I grabbed her hand as she jumped off the car.

"No it's not, I've just kissed you Stefan!" She got into her car as I jumped off. I watched as she quickly sped off into the distance.


I've just kissed Stefan. Stefan Salvatore. Elena's boyfriend, Damon's brother. What is happening? I need to see Damon, I just have too. There must be a way. Suddenly an idea popped into my mind. Liv. She can take me to Damon. I quickly drove to her house even though it was now 5am. I jumped out of my car and banged on the door many times till she opened it.

"Steph??" She said as she opened the door 5 minutes later of me shouting and banging on the door as hard as I could.

"You know how to take me to Damon" I said with a hint of aggressivness in my voice.

"What? erm- I don't" she hesitated.

"Yes you do. If you don't let me in and take me to Damon then i'm gonna kill you right here right now" i threatened her.

"Fine. Come in" She opened the door wider and I stepped inside. Her house was very unfashioned, like she lived with her grandmother or something. She sat me down on the carpet and she started to light candles.

"Why do you want to see him?" She asked me.

"I couldn't hear him when he died. He was there; just couldn't see or hear him. I just want to say bye to him" She nodded. I noticed I was now surrounded by candles. Liv sat in front of me and held both my hands.

"You do know this spell is very risky. You could die for going to the other side" she told me sterny.

"I wouldn't of asked if I didn't know the risks" She sighed and held my hands very tightly. I had to watch her as she said the spell over and over again. Next thing I felt a huge sharp pain in my stomach, slowly moving up to my heart. I screamed in agony but Liv didn't stop saying her spell. Suddenly a gush of wind threw me back, once I opened my eyes I wa in the same room but Liv wasn't here. All the candles were out and I was face to face with my lover. Damon.

My Witch, My Vampire (Damon Salvatore love story)Where stories live. Discover now