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"Happy birthday baby!" I shouted as my husband-to-be walked through the front door. He put his breifcase down and I ran towards him as he picked me up and twirled me around. 

"Wow Steph! Look at this place!" He said as he put me down, admiring how I decorated the place. 

"All ready for your party tonight!" I said. He came towards me and kissed my lips gently. 

"Thank you, I can't wait" He said. I smiled and kissed him one last time before he went upstairs to shower. It's been exactly two years today since I left Mystic falls. I changed my mobile number so no one could contact me, I moved somewhere completely new which was Paris! I absolutely adore it here it's amazing. I met Jack in New York when I went travelling, we bumped into eachother in a cafe and ever since then we just clicked. We moved to Paris together and he proposed to me on the Eiffel Tower just a few months ago. We live in a nice little house just in the village and I love it so much. However not a day goes by I don't think about my dad, Damon, Bonnie and everyone else back in Mystic Falls. I miss everyone loads but i've moved on now and nothing's gonna stop my future. I went upstairs and got ready for tonight's party. 


I woke up with a slight headache but not too big. Last night as really good for as much as I could remember. I turned round and couldn't see Jack next to me. I got out of bed and put on my black dressing gown and headed downstairs. I watched Jack as he was tidying up the room. I coughed slightly so he knew I was there. He turned around quicky. 

"Good morning sexy" He said as he walked towards me. I smiled widely.

"Morning" He pecked my lips. 

"You better get going to work or you'll be late. The house will be tidy for when you get back" He hugged me I smiled and started to go upstaird and get ready. http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=136064949

I work in a cute little dress shop in town and I love it so much. I sell all sorts of dresses especially wedding dresses, it's amazing. I walked to starbucks first to grab a coffee then I headed to the shop. 

I have one more hour left then I can go home to Jack. I love little nights in that we get to spend together. I was on the counter just reading a magazine until I heard a familiar voice. 

"I'm picking a dress up for Forbes" she said to me. I didn't look up though, I recognised the voice and the last name I just couldn't pick who it was. I nodded then went out back for the dress. It was a wedding dress and I designed this one. Wow. I walked back and handed the dress over, once I saw the girl who asked for the dress my mind completely exploded. 

"Steph??" She said. 

"Caroline?" I gasped. My mouth dropped but Caroline just screamed as she ran towards me and hugged me tightly. I couldn't believe she was here.

"How are you? Oh my gosh I can't believe its you! You look amazing!" She said to me smiling hugely. 

"I'm fine thank you haha, how are you?" I said to her.         

"I'm great now, especially after seeing you!" she said. I smiled, it was quite nice seeing her actually. 

"So who's the lucky guy who gets to marry you?" I said to her, I mean she must be getting married to someone for buying a dress. 

"Actually it's not me getting married... it's Elena, with Stefan tomorrow" She said smiling. 

"Oh my god no way. Send my wishes to them" I said to her. 

"Why don't you come? I got to arrange the whole thing i'm sure there will be a spare seat for you, plus you can see your dad and his new lady friend" She winked at me.

"My dad, is he okay?" I smiled just thinking of him. 

"He's great but he misses you terribly. Please come tomorrow, everyone will be so happy too see you again" she said, i thought about it. 

"No I can't Caroline, i've got the shop to run and besides I have nothing to wear" I said to her. She looked down in disappointment. She then started shuffling around in her bag. 

"Well if you decide to change your mind, here are the details for tomorrow" She said while passing me a card with when and where details for tomorrow and then hugged me really tight. She then left. 


I couldn't sleep, I kept tossing and turning all night thinking about this wedding. A part of me really wanted to go and see everyone but then a part of me didn't because I would be bombarded in questions. I looked at the time and saw it was 6am, Jack was fast asleep next to me. In the end of thinking constantly I grabbed my phone and booked the next tickets to mystic falls. I packed my suitcase quickly then left a note for Jack. I got into my car then drove to the airport quickly before missing my flight. 

It was 3pm and the wedding had started 3 hours ago so it will be half way through the ceremony, it will probably be the after party now. I booked myself into a hotel and was driving to the venue (http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=136067835) 

I got out my car and started walking to the place where they would be. I walked through this arch and ended up infront of everyone in the middle of speeches. Everyone's mouths dropped when they saw me. 

"Steph?" Stefan said through the microphone because he was in the middle of his speech. 

"Congratulations" Was all I could say. Everyone ran up to me and hugged me which was not the response I was expecting but I was so glad. I had a really good feeling about coming back and i'm really glad I did. 

After getting to see everyone again and giving everyone hugs it was finally time to see my dad. I saw him sat at the table just watching me and when I started to walk towards him he stood up with a huge smile on him and hugged me tighter than anyone else. 

"Hello princess" he said in my ear. I pulled back.

"Looking good dad" I said and he laughed.

"Why thank you" I laughed at him, I met his new girlfriend and she seems lovely, i'm really happy for him. We talked about how my dad's life was doing and what he's been up too and I done the same. After a few hours of talking to my dad, Matt, Caroline, Tyler, and Alaric, I felt a tap on my shoulder. 

"Fancy a dance with the new bride?" I saw Elena and jumped up to hug her.

"You look so gorgeous Elena!" I said to her. 

"Well it is one of your dresses" She smiled. We caught up on the dancefloor and had an amazing laugh. I really am glad I came tonight. 

"I think Stefan wants to talk to you" She said, pointing over to Stefan who's back was facing me. I nodded then gave Elena one final hug. I walked over to Stefan who sounded quite nervous to speak to me. 

"How have you been?" I said to him.

"Okay I guess, what about you?" He said. 

"yeah i've been okay" Stefan gave me a small smile then left, what's up with him? I frowned to myself then decide I needed the ladies room. I started to walk there, I went in then touched up my make up. I walked out when suddenly I saw face I didn't think I would ever see again apart from in my dreams. he was dressed in black suit with a purple tie to match the wedding theme. 


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