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I was still in Damon's car since he left me just staring at my New York ticket. What should I do? I can't just leave jack, it's so unfair on him. But I love Damon. I really really love him. I was sat in the car holding my ticket tightly in my hand when suddenly the door in my side opened and j saw jack standing that looking at me with an angry look on his face. I put my ticket in my bag and got out the car.
"What's up?" I asked jack as I shut the door and looked at him.

"Why were you with your ex in the car? He kissed your cheek, what is going on Steph?! Are you cheating on me?!" He shouted right in my face. I could tell he was drunk, very drunk, which is very rare for Jack.

"Calm down jack, why don't we go back to the hotel and get to bed?" I asked him trying to just ease his mind.

"No Stephanie! We are gonna talk right now! You're sleeping with him aren't you?" I was scared of him, for the first time I was actually scared of him.

"You really wanna talk about this here?" I asked. He nodded vigorously.

"I slept with Damon last night and to be perfectly honest with you Jack I still love him. He was my first love and I'm sorry but I thought I was over him but coming back here just brought back old memories" I admitted. He looked at me with no expression in his face.

"Okay. Fine. I'll go back to the hotel and get my stuff and leave. Say bye to your dad from me" He said then walked away. I must say that was easy than I thought. I felt a lot happier though, I felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. I ran back inside and saw Damon standing with Stefan and Ric. I ran up to him and kissed him, everyone was looking at us but i seriously couldn't care less. I wanted Damon and only Damon.

"Let's go get our bags ready then" I said. He smiled widely and everyone around us looked so happy for us. We got into Damons car and he drove me to my hotel.

"I'm so happy you are mine again, you don't understand how much i've missed you Steph" He kissed me one last time then I went up to mine hotel room. I unlocked my door and my heart stopped beating when I saw how much of a state the room was. There was smashed glass all over the kitchen floor, all the feathers from the cushions from the sofa were all over the place, furniture was flipped over. It was an absolute disgrace.Then I remembered that Jack was in here last. I slowly walked into the bedroom and looked around but couldn't see anyone, plus the room was just how I left it, not like the rest of the rooms. Suddenly I heard a door slam behind me. I quickly turned around in shock to find Jack as a vampire, holding my dad in an arm lock. Blood was dripping from my dads face onto the cream carpet. My heart was beating so fast.

"You're a vampire?!" I shouted.

"Think i've done pretty well to keep it from you for a full year Stephanie. I mean your own not so ex boyfriend was a vampire and you couldn't even notice I was, find it quite funny to be honest" He said to me, I was shaking, I done a spell in my head to try and make him fall to the ground, but he started laughing again.

"Magic doesn't work on me love, I also knew you were a witch all this time, that's mainly why I got with you" He announced.

"Why? Why did you get with me for that reason?" I asked confused.

"There are many people in this world that want you Stephanie. Many many people need you to do spells they can't get normal witches to do. That's what I needed you for, you see my father is in hell right now. Well I persume he is, he killed my mother, grandmother, brothers and sisters. Your the only witch who can do the spell to get people out of hell or heaven and bring them back as a supernatural being"

"So why did you end up asking me to marry you? Why did you not make me do it as soon as you met me?! You took me out on dates, you let me into your home! You asked me to marry you and everything, you said you wanted to have kids with me!"

"Because I ended up falling in love with you! You drove me into a place I had never been before, you made my heart feel alive again. I couldn't put you in that place and make you hate me forever. But you don't love me anymore, or probably never loved me at all because you are back with Damon"

"What has me and Damon being back together have anything to do with my dad, what have you done to him?!" I shouted.

"I have to make you suffer somehow don't I? So i figured killing you would do you no justice, but killing your father might" He said, then suddenly snapped my dads neck and dropping him to the floor.

"Dad!!!" I ran towards him and fell to the ground, tears streaming from my eyes.

"Now it's your turn" Jack picked my up by my hair and suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my neck and my vision started the blur. The pain was unbearable. The next second was everything going black.


I couldn't be any happier that I can finally call Steph mine again. I regret not going to find her after I left that hell hole but that doesn't matter anymore because I finally have her back in my protection. The only woman I need in my life is her. I got to the salvatore house and packed a bag ready for New York with her, I honestly can't wait! I then droveback to her hotel and walked up to her room to pick her up so we could go to the airport.

I noticed that her front door was slightly open, so I called her name but there was no answer, then I remembered that I got invited in the other day so I opened the door wider and walked inside to find the place an absolute mess! Then I started to panic. I rushed around the rooms trying to find her and noticed the only room left was the bedroom. The first thing I saw was a body on the floor, when I looked closer it was Sam Stephs dad! I knelt on the floor moving him onto his back and checked his pulse and noticed he wasn't breathing. I searched his fingers and noticed the ring I gave him, the immortal ring, so if he was ever in danger and got killed, this would bring him back. I picked him up and placed him on the bed. Making sure he was comfortable for when he wakes now. What the fuck has happened?

My thoughts were immediatly on Steph now. I searched around everywhere, every single room but couldn't find her at all. The suddenly I could smell blood, her blood. I followed the scent and it led me to underneith her bed, I saw her hand peaking out from under it. Quickly as I could, I pulled her out and my eyes went straight o her neck and noticed a huge bite mark. You are fucking joking me!! I checked her pulse and she didn't have one. In a matter of time she will wake up. Not as a human. Not as a witch. But a vampire.

My Witch, My Vampire (Damon Salvatore love story)Where stories live. Discover now