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"I'm so sorry" a tear rolled down her cheek.

"What for?"

"For forgetting you" I wiped her tear and kissed her lips again.

I have her back. I dont know how she started to remember so quickly but I wasnt complaining. I had my girl back, the love of my life. Having her in my arms and her lips against mine felt so right, so perfect. I cupped her cheeks with both my hands, staring in her eyes that were full of tears.

"You don't uderstand how hard it has been thinking I would never have you back again" I told her, a tear slipped from her eye.

"I am never letting you go again, I promise I will protect you with my life" I hugged her tightly, she started sobbing. I even started to cry, but I didn't care, all I cared about was my girl Steph was back with me. We pulled apart after 5 minutes and both laughed at how much we were crying.

"Why don't we forget this meal and go back home?" she winked at me and put her hands around my neck.

"Well do you still live with me?" I said to her.

"Of course I do" She smiled happily, her smile made me smile with happiness. We walked out hand in hand and got in my car. We drove back to mine having a full conversation. When we got there Steph just walked straight inside which made me smile, still makes herself at home like she used to. I locked my car then walked into the house but couldn't see her. I walked upstairs and slowly opened the door to our bedroom. As I walked in I saw her looking at the photo of her and her dad. I walked towards her and wrapped my arms around her waist. She carried on holding the photo as I put my head on her shoulder.

"I miss him Damon" she told me in a sad voice.

"He will be so proud of you" I kissed her cheek, then her jaw moving down to her neck and shoulder. I felt her smile and put the photo down. I carried on kissing her neck and went to her soft spot, hearing her moan turned me on so much. She turned around and started unbuttoning my shirt while she kissed me. She took my shirt off and started rubbing her hands on my abs moving further and further down to my belt. I slipped her dress off and admired her body and I pushed her down on the bed. We kissed roughly as I unclipped her bra and slipped her pants off. We then gave each other exactly what we wanted.


I woke up with strong arms wrapped around me. I turned around and saw those blue eyes staring right at me.

"Good morning beautiful" he said to me with a smile on your face.

"Good monrning handsome" I leaned in and kissed him passionatly.

"What do you want to do today?" He asked me.

"Well I was thinking of getting my stuff and move ba-"

"Your moving back in?!" He cut me of.

"If you want me to? Or is it to soon?" I said nervously.

"Of course I want you to! I want to spend every day with you" He kissed me. He then got my hand and dragged me to the bathroom. We showered together then I started to get changed. I found a few spare clothes in my old wardrobe. http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=119827048

I walked out and saw Damon lying on the bed on his phone. I walked over and laid down next to him.

"You know one thing I havent missed about you is how long you take to get ready" He said putting his phone away.

" and I certainly haven't missed your whining, come on" I said pulling him up. He stood up and didn't move, he just stared at me.

"Woahh!" He shouted.

"What??" I questioned him.

"You look beautiful" He pulled me into him and kissed me. I pulled away and complained I was hungry so we went out to eat. We went to the grill and everyone was staring at us. I'm guessing we've been the talk of the town. We had pancakes for breakfast then went to Elenas house to collect my stuff. When we walked in everyone was there with grins on there faces.

"Sooo?" Elena and bonnie said at the same time. Me and Damon just looked at eachother and smiled. They all clicked at how we were togther again and elena, Caroline and Bonnie hugged me while screaming.

"I've come to pack up, I'm moving back in with Damon" Elena pulled a sad face but then laughed.

"Come on, we'll all help" They all helped me pack my stuff and Damon and Alaric put them in the car. We drove back and unpacked my stuff which took longer than expected. Me and Damon then had a night in with pizza, drinks and movies. For the first time in months, I feel so happy.

I have realised it has been quite a while since I've updated. I will try and update more if I can with all my school work in the way. I'm sorry this chapter ooks rushed but I promise exciting stuff is to come :) x

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