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I woke up to find Steph peacefully asleep next to me. Today was mine and Stephs one year anniversary. I didn't know whether she remembered but I have a really good surprise for her that I think will change our lives forever. I slowly got out of bed trying not to wake her and had a shower. I got ready and left a note for her on her bedside table ontop of her phone. I shut the door quietly then went downstairs. Stefan has been away for a few days but when I walked downstairs I noticed his bags at the bottom of the stairs. I grabbed myself a bottle of water and went to my car. I drove to Rics apartment and walked in. I saw him drinking his coffee.

"Ready to get this ready?" he said to me. I smiled and nodded.


I woke up alone in bed. The sun was shining beautifully through the windows. I wonder where Damon was. I reached for my phone like I do every morning but some paper was in the way. I grabbed the paper which was folded neatly that said 'Steph x' on the front. I smiled and opened it, it read 'You looked so beautiful and peaceful, I didn't want to wake you. Happy 1 year anniversary princess. I'm going to be out all day but a car will be picking you up at 8 to bring you somewhere special so dress formal. I love you so much. Damon x

I couldn't wipe the smile from my face, this has made my day. I can't believe it's been a year! I love him so so much. I was still in my pjs but I went downstairs to make some breakfast. As I walked into the kirchen I saw Stefan standing drinking some coffee. When he saw me his eyes grew wide.

"Stefan!!" I ran over and jumped on him, he caught my legs and I hugged him tightly.

"Oh my gosh Steph! You're here!" he shouted. He put me down.

"You remember?" he asked me.

"Yeah" I smiled widely.

"Thats amazing! I'm so happy for you" He hugged me again.

"How was your trip?" I asked him.

"Yeah it was great, I'm gonna go see Elena now so I'll catch you later" He hugged me and went. I eat some breakfast and tried to waste time by watching tv, read book, magazines, I cleaned the house a bit then it got to 6 so I ran a bubble bath and started to get ready. http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=119839506

It was finially 8 and I heard a knock at the front door. The Stefan shouted my name. I made sure all my stuff was in my clutch then walked down the stairs. Elena walked up to me and hugged me.

"You look gorgeous Steph!" She said so I thanked her then walked to the door that Stefan was holding for me.

"You look amazing" He hugged me. I noticed a limo was putside waiting for me and a man holding the door open for me. I sat inside and waited for the limo to take me to the place I was unaware of. After half an hour it stopped and the driver opened the door for me.

"Would it be okay if you put this over your eyes please" It was a blindfold, I was guite hesitant because I don't trust anybody apart from the people close to me. So to have someone I didn't know lead me to whereever, I was quite nervous.

"Mr Salvatore said you would be quite nervous to do this and you wouldn't trust me so he gave me this to give you" He smiled at me while he passed me a note. I opened it and it said 'You're probaby thinking why the hell has Damon left me with a complete stranger, but trust me you can trust him. He's a relative of Alaric. See you soon princess x' I smiled at the note then the drive and put the blindfold on. I felt two hands on my shoulder and we started walking. We actually had a nice conversation hahah.

"Okay well this is it, you can take your blindfold off now" I heard him say to me. I untied it and opened my eyes to see Damon stood on a beach decking. There was a table and chair with food on and it was surrounded with candles. I smiled hugely and walked over to Damon who had open arms. I hugged him tightly and kissed his lips.

"Happy one year anniversary darling" I said and kissed his lips.

"Happy one year anniversary, you look beautiful" He said. He held my hands to the table and we eat and talked for hours. It was now 10 and Damon got my hands.

"I have another surprise for you" He said. He held my hand and we walked down the street then up this alley. He told me to shut my eyes and we guided me to some place.

"Okay, open your eyes" I slowly opened my eyes and saw a huge house. My mouth dropped then looked at Damon.

"Why are we here?" I asked Damon. He looked at me and smiled at me.

"This is our new home" He told me. My heart stopped beating.

"Are you serious?!" I asked him, letting go of his hand. He looked nervous, his face dropped and nodded.

"Do you like it? Is it to soon to be buying our own house together cause I know you just moved back into the boarding house but Stevan lives there too and if it is I ca-" I shut him up by kissing him.

"I love it, it's perfect" I said to him and saw a huge smile appear on his face.

"Come on, lets look around the house." We held hands as we entered the house and it was huge! There was 5 bedrooms, a huge kitchen, dining room, living room, libarary, back garden bathrooms, garage for your cars. It was just amazingly decorated. Damon led me to our bedroom which had an en-suit attachted. On the bed was a little box, when Damon opened it a gorgeous ring was inside. At first I thought it was an engagment ring, but then I thought this is Damon...

"This is an eternity ring, this gives you my promise that I will love you for the rest of my life" I smiled as he slipped it on my finger. I kissed him so much.

"Maybe one day this will be an engagement ring" He said to me kissing me.

That night we made love in our new house <3

My Witch, My Vampire (Damon Salvatore love story)Where stories live. Discover now