*Zayns Pov
It's been only a day since the 'situation'. I'm beyond embarrassed .
That was the best feeling I've ever experienced . I felt as if I couldn't control my actions . I was only focused on that breath taking feeling in my body . Now that I think of it , I think that was my first sexual experience .
When Niall left me their , it's like I felt the most vulnerable I've ever felt in my life . It left me empty and scared . I don't know what to do . I just try and keep my distance from everyone . That's why I've been locked in my room most of the day . I find myself crying every time it crosses my mind . It crosses my mind ever few seconds .
I don't know what I was thinking . I don't know why the heck I did what I did .
I just feel like escaping away from the world .
*Niall Pov
Well this is going great . Note the sarcasm . I thought maybe if I just went to sleep the next day the memories would wash from my mind but I no that's all that I can think of .
I feel horrible . Zayn hasn't spoken one word to me . He has not even looked my way today .
*Knock Knock*
"Who is it !"
"Harry , Zayn's Friend ." I heard the familiar husky voice say .
When I opened the door he went straight towards Zayn's room .
"Is everything alright ?." I asked before he got to far away .
"He's ignoring me ." Harry said as if he were a 5 year old child .
I heard Harry open the door forcefully , making the door hit the wall .
"Zayn!?!? Baby , why are you crying ! Come here babe . No shhh shhh . It's ok ." I heard Harold from across the hall say .
Wait ? He's crying . Noo this was not intention . This is what I was hoping I wouldn't have to feel . Regret .
I thought I was doing the right thing . I guess not . But it has to be the right way , right ? Maybe it was just a phase. He'll get better . That's what I thought until I saw Zayn with a towel wrapped around his naked body while Harry helped his limp looking body towards the bathroom .
He looked horrible . What have I done.
I heard soft singing come from the bathroom . Also the sound of sobs . To know that it was my fault . It killed me inside .
Harry slowly walked towards me .
"What the fuck happened to him ?!" He whisper yelled .
"I um I , well we were on the couch and um- I didn't know I was rubbing his thigh and he started to moan . And um he ,I mean I took my hand back . Then he put my hand on his crotch and his hand on top of mine , and started palming . I was surprised so I didn't move . I started thinking about Trish and how wrong I thought it was . I took both of our hands off . And while he was in what seemed to be , complete euphoria ." I explained slowly approaching my next words. " I um -I-I " I stuttered out .
"Ha , All I heard was a bunch of mumbling . " Harry laughed sarcastically
" We'll that's your fault ." I said
Harry shook his head and walked out the front door . I'm glad he didn't hear that .
I don't know what to do . How can I fix this ? I have to admit it was an incredible feeling to sit their and watch him come apart on the couch.
The way his back arched . The way his eyes shut tight . The way each and everyone of his moans sent tingles to my crotch . The way his moans sounded like a fucking porn stars moans . Oh great , now I'm hard.
I felt my eyes drifting as lied on the couch . I wasn't sleeping but I was resting . I heard some type of noise . I opened my eyes to see Zayn digging through a drawer .
Ou eyes both met . At the same time we said the same words .
"I'm so sorry ." We both said .
"W-why are you sorry ?" His voice came out quieter and a little hoarse .
"I um well , I shouldn't have left you . I thought it was the right thing to do but then I thought about it . I shouldn't have left you . I wouldn't have wanted anyone to do it to me ." I said
"I was the one who put your hand on my penis ." He said bluntly .
" Oh , um well you weren't wrong at all. You were new at it so you know . It's fine if you need any help . Just give me a call . " I said slowly .
His started biting his lip . He scratched the back of his neck and looked down shyly in the sexiest way .
Wait sexy !? What the fuck am I thinking . Then I basically offered him a helping hand when he needs release. I felt my shaft twitch multiple times .
He gave me a nod and we both head towards our rooms .
I was in a deep sleep , that was until I felt someone tap on me . I looked up to see Zayn in short and tight boxer briefs .
" Mm - are you alright Zayn ." I said my accent thick .
"Can I uh - sleep in here . " he asked .
"Yeah um sure ." I said .
I flicked on the lamp so he wouldn't fall . 5 o'clock wow. He climbed into the bed . I felt his bum press against my bare member .
He soon fell asleep . Whenever he moved , his bum grinder against my member . He'd turn back and fourth . His plump and pink lips stuck out as he slept . His soft breathing soon took me into a deep slumber .
Next chapter will be better . This chapter sucked sorry . I'm not as focused . Probably some spelling errors but , vote anyway .