C32~Admit it to Yourself.

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What are ya doin here ?" He said accent thick and speaking slowly .

"Oh uh ... we thought about just you know ... hanging out . We all rode with Ed but he had to go get Louis from work. A bit of car pull I guess" Andy said awkwardly scratching his neck.

"Oh." Niall said simply as he grabbed a bottled water from the fridge.

The boys were utterly weirded out by all of the noises and banging they heard just 10 minutes before.

"Well you seem tired." Harry stated

"What?" Niall asked . Then he noticed the matter of a fact tone Harry used clearly implying he heard them having sex.

He paused , looked at him and then rolled his eyes.

After about 5 minutes of silence the conversation somehow shifted to the events of this past week.

"So with all that happening how'd you all wind up having sex." Andy asked totally confused.

At that moment Louis and Ed walked in .

"What the--" said Ed

"Him being upset made it easier to get in his pants." Josh muttered quietly.

Josh thought he'd go unheard but obviously not. Everyone's eyes snapped to Josh. They were surprised he'd even think to say something like that .

"Excuse me?" Niall said sharply.

Even though Josh knew it was kind of wrong for him to say that he still felt it was true.

"You and I both know that you heard me." Josh said a rolling his eyes.

"How about you watch what comes out your f*ucking mouth. It was nothing like that and I happen to actually love and care for him." Nialls voice started to raise .

"That's what you told him earlier right? He's going through a lot and here you go again having sex with him because you're feeling lonely. I let you do that to people before but no , not to him. Don't act innocent , Zayn told me how he'd caught you saying the same thing to his mum that you said to him when you wanted sex from him." Josh said w/ anger evident in his voice.

"You know what , let me tell you something , Josh. I had my problems in the past but , that gives you NO right to judge me or make accusations about me. I made mistakes , I fixed them. If I ever did anything with Zayn it's my business and it didn't happen because I was alone it's because I love him and I need him. Y-you don't understand . You're acting like he's your boyfriend or something . What so you like him now?! That's what you're acting like." Said Niall furiously .

"What ? No ! Of course I don't . I just care for him he's been through a lot with you and I just didn't want him hurting himself because of. If caring is so fu*king bad then so be it ." Josh said slamming the chair to the table as he walked away outside.

"I'm not jealous , right?" He thought as he stood outside.

Yeah he caught a few feeling for him as there relationship grew but it was nothing more than a small crush. But to be honest rather he liked him or not he did truly did care for Zi. Like a brother maybe. Yeah Nialls his best friend but he only wanted Zi to be safe. Or maybe he did like him.

"No!" He screamed to himself.

The door creaked open and he heard someone sigh from beside him. He didn't bother looking up. He had a strong feeling it was Niall but he didn't no exactly .

"M'sorry mate." Josh sighed.

"No , it's alright . I just got offended cus I really did change and Id never do anything to hurt Zi regardless to what I've done before" Niall explained .

"M'sorry once again though. I never should've said it in that manner. I care for Zayn but not in a way you might think. I found it wrong if you had sex with him just cus you felt lonely like you did a while ago. I'm sorry for that. Good luck with h-him." Josh said . His last few words came out shaky and sad. He didn't notice how sad they sounded he had intended to keep it suppressed.

Niall being his best friend of years noticed this tone and emotion in his voice .

"Josh , do you fancy Zayn." Niall asked seriously .

"No , I mean ... I thought I did but it seems like you two are you know... but no I guess it was just a phase. No , I don't." Josh said quietly . To be honest he barely convinced himself that he didn't like Zayn but hey it's whatever. This wouldn't be the first time Niall winded up with the one he loved.

"Loved ? What the hell , I'm going crazy." Josh thought .

Maybe he'd find someone else. That'd be hard but hey , life goes on right?

"O." Niall said lost of words. He could tell Josh was upset. He wasnt upset. He knew Josh would never intrude his relationship but he could tell Josh was upset because this happened twice before (or more). But it really wasnt his fault. Josh said he didn't like Zayn so maybe he should just believe him.

"Let's go in." Niall said clearing his throat.

Josh only followed him without any other words.

Back inside Louis was kicking Harry's arse in FIFA.

"I bet if this were real I'd totally beat you." Harry screamed.

Ed and Andy were laughing hysterically at the two. It was a nice thing to walk in and see.

Niall sat down on the empty couch and joined in on the conversation .

The game came to an end so the lads tried deciding on what they wanted to do for the rest of the day.

Zayn walked down the stairs with wet hair from the shower and half closed eyes. He wore burgundy and dark green plaided boxers , black and fuzzy ankle socks , his black squared framed glasses and Niall's black Avengers hoodie (which he never wore because he didn't realise it was cropped , which mean it only shows the bottom portion of Zayns belly).

He looked high. His eye lids drooping , his lip poked out slightly and he was walking slowly because his body was aching and he was still extremely tired.

As he reached the bottom of the staircases he walked to the living room with squinted eyes because everything was so bright and he did this when he was confused.

When he got to the living room everyone stopped what they were doing and looked Zayn observing him. You could see 2 hickeys on his thigh and love bites and hickeys on his neck.

Zayn scratched his head and looked at all of the 5 lads like that were tiny aliens.

"You alright there?" Lou asked quietly

"He's so out if it." Harry laughed.

"No doubt about that. Zayn come here." Niall said to Zayn while also laughing lightly.

Zayn walked slowly to Niall almost limping. Zayn sat on the couch.

"My bum & body hurts." he whispered into Nialls neck. Everyone heard and burst into laugher. Everyone except for Josh.

He remembered being with Niall when he bought the too small hoodie.

"Think you said that too loud. And apparently we were to loud in bed earlier because everyone heard. Did you like daddy's cockk in you. Didn't you?" Niall whispered sexily in Zayns ear.

"Ni Niii." Zayn whined .

Zayn knew it'd be pretty hard to cover up his hard on if it happened.

"Ahh , I guess I won't do that , this time ...' he smirked devilishly as he moved his eye brows up and down repeatable .

Zayn burst into giggles.

Harry and Lou watched them in adoration , they hadn't seen Zayn this happy in a long time. Ed and Andy talked about how cute they were together in the corner and Josh ...

Well Josh just stared with a blank face wanting to throw the expensive vase that was placed on the floor by the door across the room.

The anger came sudden. He'd never felt angry towards Niall because of a boy or girl. Even though as teens he'd always win them before he did. But for some reason he didn't realize how much he actually liked Zayn he always seemed to think or told himself it was like fatherly (unless you're in DaddyKink fanficts. Do any of you read those or the Underage ones. Side tracked once again) well , brotherly love.


The boys were feeling lazy so they decided to dine in. No one was really hungry but they wanted to go somewhere that they could drink.

They picked well Zayn picked a restaurant called Balanga Bar & restaurant. The funny thing was , he only picked it because he liked the way it sounded.

After the boys were seated they ordered there food all and of course , drinks.

"You can get a sip of mine you know? I remember being your age." Andy leaned as he whispered to Zayn.

"He can't , he's pregnant." Niall huffed as he placed a hand on Zayns belly.

"Pregnant?" Ed and Andy asked in unison.

"He's got a special body that allows him to bare children." Niall said while smiling brightly.

"So what're you saying he has a p*ssʏ." (That y is cute.)

Zayn literally chocked on his pierogi. Everyone looked at Andy as if he were the most disguising person in the world.

"Um , no .. I kind of have a complex reproductive system because it functions as a male and female. So yeah I can produce eggs and sp-sperm." He said quietly while looking down as he played with his food with his fork. His face flushed and he was kind of embarrassed .

"Oh um , that's actually kind if cool. No need to be embarrassed. You're still the same in my eyes." Andy said breaking the silence . Ed nodded in agreement .

"Yeah , that's one less thing you have to worry about with Lou n I we've known and loved you for years whatever it may be , nothing can ever change that." Harry said.

Zayn smiled at Harry and then to Josh. He stomach did flips.

"You've got nothing to worry ab-" Josh started

"See , I told you." Niall said kissing Zayns lips.

The shakes ran through Josh for at least 2 seconds when he saw this. He clenched his teeth trying to stop the quivering of his lips. He couldn't let anyone , see him cry.

"Um , I've got to pee ." Josh said quickly with a shaking voice (the type of voice you have when you're about to cry) as he jumped up abruptly .

He sped off to the bathroom , Leaving everyone confused. Everyone except Niall.


This chapter was almost long. I was unhappy about the last chapter. My smut skills are terrible. I started to delete it but, more than likely I wouldn't have re-written it. but yeah more drama . Hurrah!

Thanks for all if your support. Greatly thankful.

Comment N Vote please .

So yeah I'll update soon. :* 😘☺❤

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