C5~ Alter Ego

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I struggled to open my eyes . I looked over to the clock 4 o'clock PM. How the hell did I sleep that late .How the hell did he sleep that late .

The covers were at the foot of the bed , exposing my naked body . Zayn was snuggled into me . His head laid on my chest . His had a string grip around my torso . His leg was leg was on top of me , deadly close to my manly jewels .

I whispered in his ear . "Zayn , babe . Can you let me go ?" He shot up with a tired face looking around frantically .

"Zayn , babe . Can you let me go?" I heard a deep hot breath whisper in my ear .

I shot up scared for my life . I know that my face looks crazy . Maybe high and tired ? I looked around . My mums room ?

While moving my leg it rubbed against something that seemed like a patch of hair and then something long and smooth . "Ohh fuuck." I heard someone whisper .

I turned to see Niall . I jumped a little . Wait , I remember now . I was being a big baby and came to sleep in here .

He stared at me with an amused expression . " No offense but your face looks like you're taking a shit . Un-scrunch your face . " he laughed . I could feel my face burning .

My laughing didn't last long . I had a large intake of . There it was .

Niall's cock . Centimeters away from my leg . I looked to him , he quickly looked up . When I looked back down his hand was covering it up .

"Well I'm about to go somewhere if you don't mind . " I said awkwardly .

"It's fine . I'm leaving soon also ." He said .

I rushed to the bathroom . I took a quick shower . I placed my palms on the marble top counter while studying myself .

I ran to my room getting my extremely tight skinny jeans with a chains hanging on the back , white v-neck and leather jacket .

*Back in the bathroom

I put on all of my clothing . I noticed the stubble growing on my face . This only complimented my look more . I applied black eyeliner and pulled my shirt down to expose my few tattoos .

I put on my socks and black combat boots , also adding my black circular earrings .

Before you ask . My reason behind doing this ?

Well in this town , if a little twinkle like me tries to buy weed (A/N)joint,marijuan*,tweeds. Whatever the fuck you call it) he gets the absolute crap beat out of him . So this is who Zayn becomes in the need of a smoke .

I grabbed my money and rushed out the door .

I drove to the town on the opposite side of town . The side most people are afraid of .

I knocked on the familiar run down house door . "Who is it?"the familiar deep voice asked. "It's Zayn." I said as intimidating as I could .

The door swung open . It stunk of sweat and drugs . I walked down the familiar hallway . "Hey Josh . You think you could hook me up ? " I asked hopefully .

"Let me see how much you've got ." He said referring to the money .

"Oh yeah . Strongest you've got " I added .

I handed him £150 . He smiled at the amount . He took out two fat pre-rolled blunts that were in a plastic bag.

I nodded at him and stuffed the bag deep in my pockets .

I decided to stop my Harry's house . Once again he starts telling me about sex . This time it's different . I'm partially high . That part of me listened .

*Niall's Pov

Where the hell is he , it's been hours . Trish will be here in 30 minutes.

Speaking of Zayn . I heard the front door open and close . Then the sound of heavy steps towards of Zayns room .

I thought about checking on him but decided against it .

*Zayn Pov

Lying on the bed , I took out my bundle of happiness . I lit it and let the amazing drug take over my body .

Wow , this really is strong . 2 minutes and I'm already high . The feeling of floating and numbness took over me.

*Niall's Pov

"Where's Zayn? Trish asked me . He's been in his room since he got home .

"In his room ." I answered plainly .

"Go get him then." She instructed as if it was the most obvious thing ever .

I walked to Zayn's room knocking on the door . I heard what seemed to be stumbling .

The door swung opened quickly . Zayn leaned against the door frame looking at me lazily . What the hell was wrong with him . I noticed his height was equivalent to mine now .

"Your mum said to come here ." I said awkwardly .

"Whoooo." He slurred . As he spoke a thick cloud of smoke was puffed into my face . I was completely shocked . He smoked . Is he high . So many questions right now . His eyes were half closed as he patted around my face moving out if the way .

As he went into the living room Trish put out her arms expecting a hug but instead . Zayn brushed past her going into the kitchen .

She gave me a questioning glance . I just shrugged . "Zaayn." She yelled out

He appeared around the corner stuffing cold fried chicken into his mouth .

"Hey , baby . I just want you to know that in going on another business trip w-wait . What are you wearing ." She asked shocked .

I had not even notice what Zayn was wearing but , woah . Tight black jeans , v neck , leather jacket , earrings and combat boots . He had sex hair also .

"Young man those clothes are out of question . They are inappropriate . " She lectured .

"Trisha , Hoooow about you Shuut the Fuuck up." He said giggling .

I was blown away . The was this words slurred from his lips made my heart rate increase .

She had the most angriest like in her eyes . "What did you say !" She roared.

The stupidest grin was plasters across his face . " Ask my dick . He needs some attention anyway ." My mouth parted . My trousers started to tighten.

She stormed out if the room pulling out her travels bags .

"I'm going to miss my flight because of this nonsense . I'm ashamed . When I come back you're done
Zayn Jawaad Malik ! " she screamed .

Well at least she's gone for a couple of weeks . What am I thinking I 'love her'.

After a 2 hours of watching t.v I decided to check on Zayn . I walked into his room it smelled heavily of weed . I didn't see him though .

Walking into my room their Zayn was in the middle of the bed stark naked looking at the ceiling . His head snapped towards me .

"Mind if we share ?"

"No ? "
I slowly walked towards the bed . It was hot so I didn't get under the covers .

Zayn looked me dead in the eye . He griped his shaft tightly and let out a whimper .

"Don't l-leave me ." He stuttered out .

He was looking in my eyes as he stoked himself deadly slow .

" أنا بحاجة لكم سيئة للغاية ( i need you) Zayn repeated constantly .

I was taken aback by this whole experience but then he starts moaning in a foreign language .

"يرجى نيال. يرجى نيال. يرجى نيال. ( please Niall )" He moaned over and over again . I recognised my name

"Papiii . Oh papi ." He moaned his Pakistani accent shining through .

I found myself palming though my boxers . I didn't notice untill a wave of pleasure washed through my body causing me to moan a little .

Zayns stroking stopped . He had fallen asleep . Leaving a string of precom* behind .

Who the hell falls asleep during masturbation .

I don't know what to do . Did i enjoy that ? Yes . Am I guilty ? Yes . Did I want to stop watching him . No . He was under the influence I took advantage .

I wonder how tomorrow will turn out .

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