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"Fuck" I breathed

"This is your fault. So go fix it and I'll be back."

I walked after Rose hearing her small feet against the carpet of the hotel hallway. I cut the corner seeing her open her door. I jogged up and caught before she shut it.

"Stop it." I said feeling her push against the door

"I don't want to see you ever again. You were doing good when you left now keep that going. I hate you."

She spat shutting the door.

I sat against the door feeling hurt. I care about Rose and she fucking hates me.

A housekeeper passed by and I asked her to let me in to Roses room which she did.

Rose sat on the bed looking through pictures that she tried to scrambled up before I got close.

She shoved them all in a drawer and wiped her face. All except one.

I picked it up and looked it over it.

"Fuck is this?"

"Nothing now give it back and leave."

"You were pregnant?

"Nope." She looked down at her hands


"Yes." She said lowly

"By who?" I growled feeling a slap after

I tacked her small body to the bed coming face to face with her.

"By me?"

She only stared at me as tears left her eyes.

"Get off of me dammit!" She pushed me throwing small blows my way as she cried

"Rose!" I grabbed met cradling her body

"Stop." She pushed away from me

"I lost my fucking child because of you! Being worried and stressing because you weren't calling it answering your damn phone! Inconsiderate dick! I hate you! Leave!"

"I'm sorry."
I know its short but there's more to come🤗

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