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She hung her head down pointing to the door. I left out going to find my source of sunlight and happiness. Harley. My daughter.

I drove 30 minutes to get her from Kelly's house.

"I'm taking my daughter for the day." I said once Kelly opened the door

"Who said?"

"I said now where is she?"

"Feed her and don't buy her any new toys she had enough."

Why wouldn't I feed my damn kid?!

"Harley." I called jogging upstairs

She ran to me hugging me.

"Is her bag packed?" I asked Kelly once she made it up here

"Of course." She said sarcastically grabbing a butterfly suitcase from atop the closet kinda slow. When I looked on my daughters face I felt guilt.

"Come on baby." I cleared my thirst picking my Harley and her bag

"Where we going?"

"To meet Rose. Remember daddy kept talking about her."

She nodded laying her head on my shoulder. I placed her in her car seat and started on my way back the hotel. I kept looking in the rear view mirror at my pride and joy but only feeling worse about Rose.

I picked up chic-fil-a for us and continued on my drive. Once at the hotel I picked up a sleeping Harley and her bag bringing her up to Roses floor.

I knocked and waited for the door to be opened by a tired looking Rose.

She opened up her arms for Harley letting me place her down. Harley immediately clinged to Roses body. It was weird like she already knew who it was.

"I brought food." I said lowly

She nodded taking it from me and plopping in bed pulling out the fries.

"Thanks." She said lowly

You could tell she'd been crying. Her voice was gone and her eyes were puffy.

She looked over Harley with a smile laying down with her. She threw her arm around Harley's small body and before long I heard slight snoring coming from both of them.

I closed up the food and laid next to them watching tv with the volume all the way down. Staring over them slightly.

I planned to make Rose love me again. Happy. And a mom.

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