Chapter 3

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As the cover of night fell over the forest, I made my way with my bow out as the fire I had started still burned brightly behind me. I kept low, almost going on my knees across the ground, as I kept my ears open for anything and as I did so, I soon reached the edge of the forest as before me was Kurigawa. The paddies were the same but as I looked at the village, I frowned as I saw the desolation the bandits had wreaked upon it.

The walls were filled with arrows and the holes from musket fire as bodies were laying where they had died. I saw some were Bandits but I saw many more were the Oda Ashigaru and as I slowly walked form the tree edge into the rice paddies, the cold water came up to my shins as I slowly sloshed through them towards the village. I saw no fires but I did see where fire had done damage and I saw on the watch tower a single figure with a musket as I knew that it wasn't an Oda man from the mismatched colors the figure wore and as I almost swam through the rice paddies, I stopped as I saw three figures appear at the gates of the village and I saw one of them was the blue and black Ronin.

I slowly came to crawl through the water, the water touching my stomach and my arms and legs, as I tied to not get caught yet when I heard the Ronin speak.

"Someone must have found our hideout, damn! We lost everything there!" he said as he cured.

"But what if we use this village?" asked one of the bandits as he held his spear.

"The Oda will eventually drive us out but I guess we can make a profit off it... especially since we're going to be executing that General of theirs if they don't give us their koku." said the Ronin.

They are going to kill Katsuie? That's not good. I thought as I heard one of the bandits ask, "Shouldn't we just have some fun with her?"

"Ha! As if!" scoffed the Ronin. "Owari women are all hard heads and aren't worth nothing in bed. She'll remain at the post till the execution."

And then the three figures walked away as I got up and slowly walked through the paddy and as I came to the wall, I shook myself as the packs on my back did rattle a little but a I stopped and listened, I heard no one coming over a I soon hook the majority of the water off me. I looked around and I crept to the gate as I looked over the bodies.

 I saw the bandits had died only to the muskets and that only six were present while half of the Ashigaru from Katsuie were here all dead. As I walked by them and crouched at the gate, I took an arrow and notched it as I looked ahead of me down the street. two more were dead of the Oda, making a total of ten, as both had spear through them still and as I looked down the street, I saw a bandit dead I assumed and as I slowly crept along the street's sides, the glow of the few lanterns around me illuminated me in the night.

I was creeping by the man when he moved and I jumped but said nothing as he was instead passed out and as I put my arrow away and took out my yari spear, I looked around before I stabbed the man in his neck.

He choked as his eyes bulged and he then leaned to the side as I looked around and as I slowly crept towards the end of the street, it split off two ways that I knew about. The left lead towards the center and ultimately my destination but the right lead towards the granary and other farming-related buildings and as I looked down that way, I saw three more Bandits, not looking in my direction, as I then walked away and headed towards the center of Kurigawa.

The center was a mess. Stalls were splattered in blood and were overturned as they also just so happen to be riddled and as I stayed close to the buildings with the lanterns around me being destroyed, I saw a horse and the rest of the Oda Ashigaru as they had been absolutely slaughtered here.

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