Chapter 21

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"Greeting, Bloody-Handed One."

I was in my black kimono, covered in the red-hands in circles that was my company's symbol, as my black-bladed wakizashi and katana on my hips within their simple sheathes as I was before the Oda council that was the generals and leaders. Behind me was Joey and Noble in their new kimono's based off of their armor colors as both of them also had their weapons on their hips, sheathed.

The Council was positioned one two lines on either side of me as Oda Nobuna and Oda Nobunaga were down at the far end, being the head leaders of the Oda clan. On my left was Manchiyo, a small girl with a tiger-head hood named Inuchiyo Maede that was the Oda's best spear wielder, Mitsuhide Akechi as she was another Tactician under the Oda, and then a much older woman known as Hisahide Matsunaga who was apparently some form of a witch. On the right was Katsuie in her armor, Yoshiharu with Goemon and Hanbe just a little behind him, and then also Dosan himself. Most of them, besides Katsuie, Inuchiyo, Yoshiharu, and Goemon, wore kimono's of beautiful colors as the women looked quite stunning if I was honest to myself. But as I looked at the items before me, I almost gave a sigh because I had figured this might happen.

First off was what looked like a skull on a platter, full of what looked like blood and as I gave a whiff of the air, I could smell that it was. The second item looked to be something a little more better, a scroll that was neatly rolled up into a cylinder as it sat on its own platter. The third one was a blade but as I looked at the hilt, I didn't get the good feeling watching a liquid slowly seep from the hilt. And finally, what looked like a small chest was on a platter and I can only assume what it could hold as it sat there.

And as I looked at the Oda leader, I almoat wanted to ask them why they gave me these items when Oda Nobunaga said, "I can see you are perplexed why these items are before you..."

"Well, simply put, we have heard many things that people have said will appease you... we simply wished to make sure you were appeased enough..." he said as he gave a curt bow.

"Thank you for the generous thought." I said as I bowed back but then straightened. "However... I believe the tales about me that don't come form your generals and tacticians here... are a bit out of proportion."

"I see." said Oda Nobunaga with a smile before he clapped his hands and servants took the items away as I managed to unstiffened myself.

"I believe we may finally begin this council for real not that we have the silliness out of the way." said Nobuna as then she cleared her throat.

"Today, the Ronin simply known as the Bloody Handed One has come today to become part of the Oda." she said as she addressed everyone.

"Let it be known that he has already helped us many times before the battle at Yakuwara. He helped in the battle of the Minakonai against the Asato clan while also later destroying them."

"And thus saving my life." said Katsuie as she spoke up.

Everyone nodded as then Nobuna said, "Not to mention he help liberate the city of Naramaki from the Dragon Clan before we could.. he has done much for us even before we asked him."

I nodded as I watched Manchiyo raise her fan to her face again as I looked like she was thinking as she looked at me.

"So now.. who is in favor of the hiring of the Bloody Handed One?" asked Nobuna.

"I am." said Yoshiharu as his arm shot straight up first.

"I am in favor of this movement." said Dosan as he gave me a warm smile.

"I... am in favor of this decision." said Katsuie as she held her hand up.

"I give my favor to this decision as well." said Manchiyo with a small look of a smile even from behind her fan.

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