Chapter 17

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The morning dawn rose high above the landscape and as my forces and the forces under General Yoshiharu began to move as one huge column towards the monastery near Yakuwara. Just as our plans had agreed on, my force was right in the middle of his huge forces and as I lead my men I foot, it was kinda exhilarating to see all of these soldiers in one army marching for a common goal.

And accompanying me on this journey was none other than Yoshiharu as he kept me company along with Hanbei and a small, ninja girl as they all rode on their horses. But as I watched her watch me, it unsettled me that a small girl, like Hanbei, was watching me with the eyes of a hawk while dressed up as a shinobi.

"Her name is Goemon and she is my personal bodyguard and ninja." said Yoshiharu as he rode alongside with me.

"Hmm.. nice to meet your acquaintance.." I told her.

"It is nice to meet you acquai-acquei-" Goemon stuttered as she tried to say "acquaintance" and I couldn't help but think it was one of the cutest things ever.

"Don't strain yourself." said the Blue-Handed next to me.

"I should say the same to you, old man." said Goemon.

He gave a flustered look as I gave a small snicker when I then asked Yoshiharu, "Say... do we have any plan to take on these... Ronin and the Tokugawa that may be with them?"

"They are known as the Spear Donkey and the Spear Slayer.. They have surrounded the monastery with a substantial force of over 250 men, while the Lions Chosen as been whittled down to a force of barely 100 men.." said Yoshiharu as he then said, "We also know that a Tokugawa force of over 200 is planning on joining them soon for a attack at Watamoto through the remains of Okugawa so we may not have that much time to work with."

I nodded as I then said, "Then we better use what men we have here to our best... otherwise when the Tokugawa arrive, we may not have anything left to fight with."

Slowly, the army continued marching from Watamoto to Yakuwara.

The night soon came descending down on us and as some lanterns were lit to light the way, I was carefully watchful as we neared the remains of Okugawa. It was still as we had left it but as I looked past its weather-worn walls, I saw a shape rise up from next to it. The fort was much like the one at Naramaki but as we began to march right past it, I saw that this one had an impressive residence.

The man wore no helmet and had no hair but he did own an impressive mustache. He wore armor like Yoshiharu's but he had instead of a bunch of weapons, he only had with him a yari spear and a katana blade as he watched us approach the fort.

"Ah! Dosan! It's good to see you." said Yoshiharu from up ahead as he waved from his horse.

Dosan smiled as he waved at Yoshiharu as he answered, "General... it's good to see you alive."

He then looked at me as he said, "Oh... who is this? Is this the Bloody-Handed One that everyone has been speaking of?"

I gave a curt bow as the army slowly came to a stop around me and Yoshiharu and as the Blue Handed and the Yellow Handed appeared by my side, the Blue Handed said next to me, "That's Saito Dosan! The Viper of Mino!"

Dosan slowly walked down from his place at the forts walls and as he appeared before us, I looked around the fort as I looked over the army he had here. I could see 50 yumi ashigaru, 50 yari ashigaru, and about 25 tangeshima ashigaru all spread out around the fort, a mere border protector than a true army of war.

Still, as I watched the Viper of Mino walk towards us, I had much respect for him as he stopped and looked me over before saying, "I was expecting a bulkier man but it appears... that looks can be deceiving..."

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