Chapter 9

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When morning came, the village went into Watamoto while the blacksmith and my group continued to Naramaki. With it being only my group of 20 mercenaries and the blacksmith, we were making good time to Naramaki.

Of course, that was before the rain began to pour down on the group and as I looked around, I said to the others, "Lets get to shelter. Get out of the rain till it passes."

Everyone nodded as we helped the ox-driven cart off the road and into some nearby woods and as we all took shelter in the forest, I kept and eye out for anything really bad, like lightning. The rain came pouring down and as I watched it, I thought about what to do next before I then got the idea.

"Blacksmith." The man turned as he heard my voice and he looked at me as he asked, "Yes, Bloody Handed One?"

"Your friend tells me that you can help train Ashigaru. Is that true?" I asked him as I sat down on a nearby log while some of the Ashigaru began to set up temporary shelter lean-tos from the branches and fallen logs around us.

"I can train Ashigaru to become a better unit. But it will come at a price." said the blacksmith.

"How much?"

"About 200 koku would suffice. Well, at least until we get somewhere that would be better to train." said the man.

I took from my pouch 200 koku and put it in the mans pouch as I said, "Until we get somewhere better and maybe more open to train, I say this should suffice."

The blacksmith nodded as I then said to the Blue Handed, "Gather the men and have them take instructions from the blacksmith. I trust you to help him and them as best as you can."

The Blue Handed bowed as he went to gather the men and as I walked over to the Yellow handed as he secured the reigns of his horse to a tree branch as he saw me and asked me, "What do you need of me, sir?"

"We're looking out on the road for trouble." I told him as I kept my spear with me and he took up his own spear and katana as we both went to the edge of the woods to keep an eye out.

The rain was still coming down but thankfully it wasn't as bad and as myself and the Yellow Handed watched the road in silence, it had been about an hour. Then, I looked at him as I said, "So... the Blue Handed use to be an Ashigaru... I'm assuming you use to be in a light cavalry unit?"

"With the Takeda to be more specific." said the Yellow Handed.

"Really? I never would have thought of it.. Were you any good if you don't mind me asking?"

"Well, I was good." he said as he looked upward at the clouds and said, "I'm curious, what did you first do as a ronin?"

"More like a rogue Ashigaru. I found a bandit hideout and I took it out... then I retook from those same bandits Kurigawa with much help.." I said. " And that's what started it all... kinda sad I bet to your ears."

"No. If anything, that gives you some experience, which is more than some of these men can say. And at your young age, you certainly have somethings over us old men."

"Well," I said as I looked to him, "you aren't that much older than me. Besides, I may be able to lead but I'll need you 'old timers' to keep the group together as best as you can."

He nodded as he then sighed and said, "I wish the rain would let up for once!"

"When we get back to Naramaki, I'm gonna get us some straw raincoats. It calls to be prepared... but this time the weather won out on us." I said as a few raindrops hit me.

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