Chapter 22

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I won't lie, I didn't do anything when she said the word "duel". I mean, compared to me, she was still but a child but as I looked at her and her steely gaze, I was unsettled by the gaze and almost gave a noticeable shiver but I managed to stuff it down as I then asked her, "Why?"

"I want to see what this... Bloody hand can do." said Inuchiyo as she twirled her yari around as what surprised me was how it was a fukoro-style yari whereas the infantry around us were using jumonji-style yari's.

But even as I looked at her and noticed how several of the ashigaru around me were watching, I then said to her, "You do realize... that I'm several heads taller than you, right?"

"You afraid I'll win?" she asked which brought some chuckles from the men around us.

"No. I'm afraid I'll make you cry." I said.

"Ooh..." said Noble from nearby and Inuchiyo gave a growl as she put her hood up and then said, "Come on... fight me.."

I almost gave a sigh but as I watched her move around me, I noticed some very important things.

First, she was extremely fast, obviously more dexterous than myself or the men around us as she probably used that speed to absolutely outmaneuver her opponents in duels. Second off, she was keeping herself around my back and everytime I went to look at her she would continue to zip around to keep behind me. And lastly, she was making fast jabs at me when I was busy trying to face her and she was keeping me relatively unbalanced.

And as I finally managed to face her and keep her facing my front, I didn't say anything as I then decided to slowly pull my black bladed katana out and point it at her as she finally stopped and faced me with her spear as it seemed everyone began to crowd around us as I heard Joey shout, "Don't get your ass kicked, Bloody handed!"

I didn't answer but as I took my black blade into both of my hands, I slowly sidestepped around the large circle we found ourselves in as I watched Inuchiyo slowly match my movements as we seemed to be circling one another.

And then suddenly I watched as she lunged at me with her yari coming for my gut as I instantly threw myself backwards as I watched her yari sail over my masked face as she flew over me as well. I scrambled onto my feet as I watched as she looked back to me and as I looked around, I realized I had for whatever reason dropped my yari and as I looked at it lying in the dirt nearby, I knew that if I wanted to keep up in this battle that I needed to grab it.

Right Now.

And as soon as I began to go towards it, however, I watched as Inuchiyo suddenly lunged for me again and I threw myself away as I barely avoided being skewered by her yari as I then hissed just as she whipped it back around and managed to nick my hand, drawing a slim bit of blood from it.

"AAAH!" I hissed as I drew back my hand and then batted her next jab at me with her yari as I then got up and then looked at her as she stared at me with her yari spear.

"Anyone else tell you your annoying?" I asked her as I held my blade.

"You talk a lot in combat, you know that?" she said back.

I shrugged back when suddenly she lunged for another stab and this time I slid underneath her as suddenly I hoisted her up with one hand and tossed her over my shoulders as I sheathed my katana and then snatched up my yari spear before facing her.

She scrambled up from the dirt as she looked at me and growled and said, "That was rude.."

"But effective." I said to her as then I took my jumonji-yari and stabbed at her as I used my longer reach to reach towards her.

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