Rescue Mission

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Gray's POV

"We're going to rescue Jellal and Wendy." said Natsu as he pumped his fists. "But first we need to inform Master about this." said Erza. 

"Right, but he's having a meeting with the hunter. I remember he said earlier with one of the hunters." I said and she sighed, "Then we just have to wait. Right now we saved the both of them." In a flash the three of us ran all the way to the headquarters. Erza kicked the door opened and we bust right in. "Stop right there!" A girl with black hair carrying a sword jumped in front of us. "What in the world are you all doing here busting in the headquarters, show some manners!" She unleashed her sword and Erza blocked her attack. "I'll handle her, you two go rescue Jellal and Wendy." We both nodded, "Yeah!" Another two hunters leaped above, "You're not getting in my way!" I released my ice attacks and Natsu punched him using his fire magic. Then a group of hunters surrounded us. Natsu pumped his fists, "Hey Gray you're ready?" I smirked, "Yeah." 

Erza's POV

She's a strong one. I can't even find her weak spot. "You're impressive red hair. What's your name?" 

"Erza Scarlet and I'm a pure blood vampire." She smiled, "Looks like it's my lucky day to fight against a vampire!" She slash through my sword and it cracked slightly. I summoned to swords and attacked her simultaneously. She stopped and took a stance, "The name's Kagura and I'll shall end your life, vampire!" She ran and flipped upwards hitting her and landed on the ground perfectly. "Not today Kagura. I'm not going down easily." Kagura ran and I blocked her sword. I glared at her, "Now tell me where have you kept Jellal and Wendy?" She hissed, "Well I'll tell you after you defeat me."

Jellal's POV

They brought me to the headquarters and locked me up in one of the discussion rooms. Minerva sat on the table opposite of me while playing with her gun. She looked at my eyes and grinned, "What's the matter Jellal? You looked pretty exhausted." She took a glance at my wound where I was shot and lift my face using her fingers, "You're too handsome but sadly, you're going to suffer in a few days time because the bullet that I shot contains a drug that supposed to make vampires thirst for blood.They'll be desperate and will be in a rage mode becoming a monster and start slaughtering humans for the sake of blood. Actually it was meant for Titania but instead you took the shot." 

I smirked at her while she starred at me surprised, "Too bad for you that she didn't get shot. Looks like I made it in time to save her." She snickered, "Are you trying to be the hero? But you ended up get caught and now you're here." Cobra entered the room. "Oh nice to see you again Jellal. My apologies I was having a meeting with the other hunters." He eyed at Minerva as she nods and left the room leaving the two of us alone. 

I glared at him, "What do you want Cobra?" He snickered, "You know what I want Jellal." He snapped his finger, "Bring her in." At once the door was opened and Minerva brought Wendy in the room. I stood up looking at her all battered up, "Wendy...what did you do to her?!?" I yelled. He laughed as he pulled Wendy's hair up and she yelped in pain. "Stop it! Let go of her!" I tried to free myself but these chains just keep getting tighter like some sort of spell they cast. "Answer me Jellal, are you a vampire if not I'll kill your sister right in front of you." 

I glared at him, "What if I said yes? What would you do?" He smirked, "You know what destiny awaits for the vampires. Are you saying that you're aren't?" I wanted to say back but then fire came and burnt through the door and all over the walls. Fire? That must be Natsu. Natsu busted in the door and gave a kick at Cobra's face till he hit against the wall. Wendy dropped to the floor unconscious. Gray came and untied me by freezing the magic chains, "Are you two alright?" I nodded, "I'm fine but Wendy is hurt." I rushed to Wendy's side and saw her body was full of bruises. I carried her in bridal style and ran out of the room together with Natsu and Gray. I asked the both of them, "How did you guys know I'm here?" 

Gray answered, "Erza told us that you got captured by the hunters and Wendy too." 

"Where's Erza?" 

"She's fighting against Kagura. She told us to get you out of here while she distracts the hunters." 

I can't thank Erza enough...every time when times are difficult, she'll always be at my side even Gray, Natsu...all of my friends from Fairy Tail even gramps. I can't imagine my life without them. But for now, I need to get Wendy to Porlyusica. We continued running till we reached outside of the headquarters. I saw Erza was fighting against another girl. So that must be Kagura, one of the hunters. Kagura caught my eye as she tried to attack me but I jumped backwards. Erza came over and blocked her attack. "You're alright." We both smiled at each other. Kagura cursed under her breath, "Jellal..." Natsu and Gray came from behind and attacked her, "We can handle this, go get Wendy to Porlyusica." Erza and I nodded and we both ran off leaving Natsu and Gray to handle her.

Halfway running, Wendy was moving slightly within my arms as she slowly opened her eyes, "Jellal, what are you doing here?" I put her down on the ground, "I'm here to save you. You need help." She shook her head and hugged me tightly, "I'm sorry brother, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have left. I should have listen to what you have to say." She said while I could feel her tears running down over my shirt. I rubbed her hair, "It's alright, I'm sorry for not telling you the truth and kept it as a secret from you." 

Erza knelt down towards Wendy and patted on her head, "Your brother was trying to protect you so that you won't get hurt." Wendy wiped her tears and smiled at Erza, "I understand." She looked back at me, "Just tell me when it's the right time, brother." I smiled back but then I saw Cobra came from behind towards Erza. "Lookout!" I yelled.

However, it was too late...I'll never forgive myself for  being a coward. Right before my eyes Wendy pushed Erza harshly and she was pierced at her heart. "Wendy!" Blood splashed all over the places and some were on my face. I was too stunned to move and saw her smiled, "I love you big brother." A tear dropped from her eye as collapsed to the ground lifelessly. Erza barely caught her, "Wendy! Wendy! Please wake up!" Cobra stood there laughing, "She's dead and there's nothing you could do!" 

No this can't be...Wendy she's not dead. Then I heard a voice in my head. 

She's dead Jellal. There's nothing you can do to save your sister, but, there's something even more greater. 

What is it?

The magic that lies within you embrace it Jellal. It'll make you stronger. Slowly engulf into the darkness Jellal and you'll see the difference...

Erza's POV

I saw a sudden change in Jellal as I sensed a strong dark aura surrounding him. "Jellal..." I was surprised by his change. 

Fairy Tail Vampire:Jellal & Erza IIWhere stories live. Discover now