Vampire World

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Wendy's POV

We traveled since morning till evening. We decided to stop and have our meals and rest before continuing our journey. After a few hours, we head on the road till we found a deep and dark forest. I was feeling afraid but Mira patted on my back reassuring me that everything would be fine. I smiled as she held my hand and followed Laxus into the forest. We walked and walked till we reached a giant waterfall. 

"This is it. The vampire world is beyond that waterfall. Once we head in there...there's no turning back..." said Laxus. 

"Don't forget, we need to cover ourselves so that no one will know our identity." Mira added as she lifted my hood till it fully covered half of my face. We all did and we passed through the waterfall. I was amazed seeing the vampire world. The whole city is beautiful. I can't wait to see. "Do you see any palace?" I asked and Laxus shook his head. "We could ask someone." He said as we spotted two vampires at the bench talking. 

Laxus stopped in front of them and asked, "Sorry to butt in your little conversation but could tell us where is the royal palace?" The two of them laughed, "Are you crazy or something?" one of them said. Laxus got pissed and lifted one of them and holding up his fists right to his face. "Well you can find out whether this guy is crazy or not? What do you say?" 

Then one of them spoke, "Alright we'll tell you. The royal palace is far beyond the city on the mountains."  Laxus put the man down. "Thanks." 

"Wait, you guys are seriously going there?" 

"Why is that?" I asked and they answered, "Well its been a few years since that palace was destroyed and no one has ever step foot there." 

"Anyway, we are going there." I said as we left them alone. "Well I gues we have to walk another two hours before we could reached the palace." said Mira as Laxus knelt down to me, "Do you want to rest Wendy?" I smiled, "I'm feeling fine...don't worry about me." He smiled as he carried me on his back. "You can put me down, Laxus! I'm perfectly fine!" He smirked, "It's fine. I can tell that you look exhausted. We'll be there in no time." 

I remember the times where brother usually carry me on his back and he said those exact words. 


"It's ok brother. I'm ok." 

"Just rest Wendy. I can tell you look exhausted." 


"Alright let's head on. Once we there maybe we can find out something about your background Wendy." said Mira as I smiled. "Yeah, I can't wait. I wonder what my brother is doing now..." 


Jellal's POV

Erza and I walked down the streets heading over to the academy to visit Wendy. "Let's go to that cafe again some other time!" said Erza with her bright sparkling eyes. I laughed, "Sure, anyway just now you really ate a whole lot of cake." She pouted, "What's wrong about that. I love eating cake and it's my favourite!" she said with her bright eyes. "Hahaha. I do hope Wendy is awake. Haven't seen her these few days..." 

We reached at the entrance of the academy and we bumped into Makarov as he headed out of the academy. "Hey gramps!" I said as gramps stopped and waved, "Hello Jellal. How do you do?" 

"Feeling great. Is Wendy awake?" I asked and then he just gave me a stare. Erza and I got confused and we waved at gramps. "Uhm, gramps...are you dreaming? Hello gramps?" He shook his head, "Oh sorry I was dreaming. Ahahahaha." 

"Is Porlyusica in? We just want to drop by and see Wendy..." said Erza as the both of us walked in and then gramps tried to stop us. "Wait! Wait! Wait! You can't go in there! She'll chased you out! you know about Porlyusica!" 

"Oh come on gramps, Porlyusica is not like that." I said as he gasped, "Fine if you don't believe me then good luck." he said and we both laughed. "Later gramps." we both said and he chased after us into the academy. "Wait!" 

"What do you mean you want to see Wendy?" Porlyusica asked in a serious tone as she gave us a dead glare. We got frighten a little, "Uhm, we just dropping by to see whether she's alright or not..." I said as Erza nodded. She sighed loudly, "I thought I told you Makarov! You shouldn't have let them in!" 

"I already told them but they didn't want to listen." gramps pouted at the corner. 

"She's fine as you can see she's resting." 

"Yeah right like she's resting since she left the academy." I heard gramps muttering at the back till Porlyusica gave him a glare. he realized and he covered his mouth. We turned at him looking confused. "Gramps are you hiding something from us?" He shook his head as he gasped, "What do you mean I'm hiding something. Hahahaha." 

"Tell them the truth gramps." 

"Shut up you idiot!"

"What you say?" 

"Will you two morons quit it! Annoying!" 

I turned around and saw Natsu, Gray and Gajeel behind gramps. "Hey, since when you guys came?" 

"We just came to hand in our reports to gramps, but then we heard voices so we found you here." Natsu explained as Gray came closer to gramps. "Might as well you tell them gramps." 

Gramps gave in, "Fine! Fine! She woke up this morning and she already headed to the vampire world." 

"WHAT?" All of us shrieked.

"Why didn't you call me gramps and why is she going to the vampire world? It's too dangerous!" I said.

"Laxus and Mira are with her. She just said she wants to find out more about the family." said gramps. 

"She even told me not to tell you because she doesn't want to make you feel worry for her." he added as I sighed loudly. Everyone turned at me. I smiled,  "When will she be heading back?" 

"Within two days or maybe tomorrow." gramps answered. 

"You're not worried?" Natsu asked. 

"Laxus and Mira is with her so she will be fine. I trust her." I said as everyone's eyes widened.


"Finally someone is matured..." Gajeel and Gray said as Erza gave them a hit on their heads. "What do you mean someone's matured huh?" I laughed looking at the scene along with Natsu. "So what's the plan now?" Natsu asked me and I rubbed my hair, "Well let's just put things aside first. I'll just wait till Wendy gets back." 

"Don't you want to find out more of your parents and your homeland?" 

"I'm not ready yet. Every time when I think about them, it makes me sad and I don't want to think about it more. I still love them till now. I just wish I had more time with them." I felt Natsu patted me on my back, "You got a new family now and it's us." He smiled and that make me happy. "Thanks Natsu." Gray gave a rub on my hair, "Come here buddy." They gave me a bro hug and Erza stood there smiling. I feel so lucky to have them as part of my life...


Minerva's POV

"Your orders Minerva?" Kagura asked as she pulled out her sword. I stopped her, "Wait Kagura, now's not the time. We are just here to investigate on them not capture them first. We must be on guard. Once I get you, I'll make sure you suffer worse till you'll die in despair, Jellal." 

Fairy Tail Vampire:Jellal & Erza IIWhere stories live. Discover now