The Moment of Life and Death

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Erza's POV

I sat facing down the floor with Gray and others in the hospital along with the whole guild. Wendy and Lucy were sobbing at the side as Mira sat next to them comforting in grief. Natsu was leaning against the wall feeling frustrated. Gray's face was darkened and he paced the floor. It has been for the past few hours we waited outside of the room. The doctor and even Porlyusica haven't came out of the room. I gritted my teeth as I clenched my fists. Why? I should have been there beside him if not he wouldn't have end up this way. I should have taken his place instead of him suffering like this. I didn't realize that I was crying till I felt slightly wet as tears dropped on my skirt. Jellal....please be alright.

"Is the surgery over yet?" Gramps asked as he just came in the hospital with Laxus. "No they're still inside." Max said as gramps sighed heavily. "What happened to the hunters?" Macao asked. "I've reported them to the mayor and he said he would take some actions against them. They won't be bothering us for a while now." 

"And the vampires? Tartaros?" Wakaba asked.

"No clue where are they. Most of the vampires were sent to the cell and about the rest of them I have no clue where are they." said gramps.

Then the door opened and Porlyusica stepped out with the doctor. I could hear the whole guild stopped whispering as they turned faced the two of them with hopes in their heart. I looked up facing at Porlyusica. Her eyes were serious and she stated what's in the report. "Jellal not doing well. We have treated what we can, but his injuries were too deep and potentially fatal. He's still in extreme critical condition and I'm not sure when is he going to wake up." The whole guild was shocked and I immediately stood up feeling angry and depress at the same time. "Tell me..." I walked over to Porlyusica placing my hands at her shoulder, "That's not true right? He's going to be fine right Porlyusica? TELL ME!!!!!" I couldn't control myself anymore as I let my emotions take control of me. Levy came over patting my shoulder comforting me. Porlyusica looked down as she placed her hand on my head, "I'm really sorry...The doctors and I have tried our best even with surgery and magical healers, the wounds are too extensive. His chances of surviving is slim. It's best if you all prepare for the worst." 

"What?" I said feeling speechless as I fell onto my knees. "Erza!" Levy grabbed me as she knelt beside me. Wendy shrieked as Lucy grabbed her to restrain her screams at her chest. "Is there any way he could survive this?" Natsu asked in a loud voice as he stomped forward. "I'm not sure but we are working on it. We are trying our best to do whatever we can to keep him alive." Gray punched hardly at the wall as everyone turned at him. "Gray darling." Juvia said softly at the side. "How long is he going to stay like this?" he asked seriously. 

"As I said before, I'm not sure when is he going to wake up. To be honest, there's another thing that I haven't told you all. Even if he managed to survive, he won't be able to use his magic or fight for the time being." Gray and Natsu's face dropped as I was too stun and shocked. Makarov asked with his brows wrinkled more, "You mean he won't be able to use magic and fight for the time being?" 

She nodded, "Yes. If he survives, he might take a long time to recover and gained back his magic."

The doctor spoke, "Does he have any relative? Blood relative?" Wendy came out slowly, "I am his little sister." 

"He'll need another surgery tomorrow and much blood to be transfused into him for chances of surviving. We might need also a few donors who can donate their blood." 

"Take my blood. My blood typed is O." I said as Natsu and Gray volunteered too. They have the same blood typed as me. The doctors and Porlyusica smiled as she called the nurses to hand some documents to proceed with the donation. "Come this way." One of the nurses showed us the way to another room while Makarov, Laxus and Mira followed Porlyusica and the doctor to settle some medical finances. "We'll be taking from each of you at least a liter of blood, but you might be a little dizzy after this." The nurse said in a sweet voice as she inserted a sharp needle at my arm. I watched blood starts to flow out of my body into the blood bag at the side of the chair. She also did the same for Natsu, Gray and Wendy. Wendy yelped slightly as she felt pain the moment the needle was injected in her. "Don't worry Wendy, it will be over soon enough." I said trying to ease her worries. She smiled, "I'll try my best." 

"He will be fine. I'm sure of it." said Gray.

"I have hope in him too." Natsu added as his clenched his fists. I smiled seeing those two. "Erza..." 

I turned around facing Gray and Natsu as they gave a half smile, "Don't give up hope just yet. I'm sure Jellal will wake up soon." 

"Thank you Natsu, Gray." I replied as the nurse came in and took out the needles from us. She gave us some sweet drinks for energy in our bodies. "Take this, it might help you gain your energy." We took it as we made out our way to the waiting room where others were waiting. "Oh great, you guys are back. Lucy and others are in the room already." Warren said as he saw us coming. "Where's master?" 

"He went with the doctor and Porlyusica to settle the financial course. Don't worry, he's using the academy's money to pay for it." 

"Master..." I said as Gray patted on my shoulder. "Come along." We walked in the room. The whole room was dark and there was a dim light coming from the lamp at the side of the bed. Lucy and Levy were sitting at the side of the bed as Juvia and Gajeel were standing on the other side. I saw Jellal lying in the bed hooked up with monitors. His abdomen was covered with bandages and wires patched on his chest and his hands on his body connected to the heart monitor right next to his bed. A blood bag and saline dripped into an intravenous line attached to his right hand. His skin was still white as snow, Porlyusica entered the room and checked his temperature one more time before heading out. "How is he feeling now?" I asked. "His pulse are still weak but we'll keep checking to maintain his condition. Don't stay up too late, you all should go and rest." she said as she shuts the door leaving us in the room. 

"It's getting late, you should go home and rest Wendy." I said to Wendy. "But I'm really worried." 

"Don't worry, you can come by again to spend the whole day in the hospital tomorrow." She nodded as Lucy and Levy took her. "We'll stay with her tonight." I nodded my head as they left the room. "I'll follow them in case anything happens." Gajeel said as he followed them out of the room. I sat right next to Jellal as Gray and Natsu slept on the couch in the room. They wanted to stay for the night in the hospital. I looked over at Jellal and brushed off his fringe from covering his eyes. I threw my arms across the bed hugging him, "You have to come back to us Jellal. I wished we could spend more time together. Please wake up." Suddenly his body jerked up and the heart monitor beeping loudly. I gasped as I burst out of the door calling for help. Natsu and Gray woke up from their sleep and rushed to Jellal feeling worried. "What's happening to him?" Natsu asked as Porlyusica, the doctor and two nurses came running in the room pushing us aside. His heart rate was beeping faster and the sound was getting louder showing a warning sign. I covered my mouth holding back my tears.

"He's having a heart attack. Quick get me the defibrillators!" Porlyusica said as the nurses handed over to her. "His blood pressure is decreasing and his breathing is slowing down." said the doctor.

"Clear!" Jellal's body jolted up as his bandages slowly turned red. "Clear!" They kept doing it for a few times and still the line was showing warning sign beeping loudly. "Damn it!" said Gray feeling frustrated. Natsu was facing down feeling too worried. I stood there praying everything will be fine.

"His wounds are thorn open! We need to stitch them up immediately." said the nurse and Porlyusica snapped. "I know but we need to get his heart beating normal again. Increase slightly the voltage, this might work." 


At that moment, the monitor showed his heart beat back to normal. We all sighed in relief and I smiled feeling grateful. "Now, let's restitch the wound back, bring some new bandages." The nurse handed them to the doctor as he started to stitched up with Porlyusica's help. Thank goodness, he's alright. 


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