Wendy Fernandes

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Wendy's POV

I woke up and saw an old lady touching my forehead. I was feeling scared thinking what would she do to me, but, I guess I'm wrong. She told me to stay here and I nodded my head. I straighten myself up from the bed and saw my abdomen got bandaged. I touched the wound but I felt no pain. I muttered to myself, "Weird." 

"Good Wendy you're awake." That voice! I turned around seeing gramps with the same old lady. I jumped from the bed and hugged gramps as he did the same too. "Oh gramps, I haven't seen you for a long time ever since you have taken care of brother and me when we were little." I said it with my tears running as he wiped them off using a handkerchief. "It's been a long time Wendy and you're all grown up into a fine young girl. I've missed you so much." 

Then something came in to my mind. I asked gramps, "Can you tell me what happened when I was kidnapped by the hunters and brother was there along with Erza?" He looked at me in surprised, "You don't remember anything Wendy?" I shook my head, "No I don't...all I remember was that I got hurt badly and brother was standing right in front of me feeling shocked. That's all I could remember but before that and after I can't remember..." 

Gramps sighed and took my hand as we walked out of the infirmary all the way to his office with the old lady. I asked her, "Excuse me miss, thank you for saving me." She smiled, "I only did what I can but Erza was the one that saved you. You can call me Porlyusica." 

"Erza was the one who saved me?" 

"In fact she gave you her blood and there's a truth you need to know about yourself, Wendy." gramps said as we entered the office. I sat down opposite of him and Porlyusica sat right next to me. He crossed his arms and spoke in a serious tone, "The truth is Wendy, you're already became a vampire." 

My eyes widened hearing those words gramps spoke. "A vampire?" I gasped as he added, "A pure blood, just like your brother." 

"Brother is also a vampire like me? But how did I?" 

"You were trying to save Erza from the hunters and you got injured instead. You were barely living and Erza saved you by dripping some of her blood into your mouth. She's a pure blood too. Only Pure bloods can transform humans into a vampire but in this case...you and your brother's vampire powers were sealed by your parents. They wanted to protect you but they died in the battle and now you're safely here in Magnolia city. However, since the hunters know your identification they would hunt you two down. I was once the leader of the hunters but things have changed to worse and I couldn't stand it. so I resigned recently and now being a normal principle in this academy." 

I couldn't stand hearing all of these as I felt speechless. He took my hand, "Don't worry Wendy, I'll protect you at any costs even for my life. I was the one that promised your mother in taking care the both of you so it's my responsibility. I won't let those hunters take you both and others as well." 

"It's alright gramps...I understand..." he looked at me as I continued, "Since I'm a vampire, I need to do what I can in order to protect everyone that I cared. I need to ask a favor. Would you take me to my home in the vampire world? I need to know more about my birthplace." 

"But it's too dangerous Wendy. Vampires would try to kill you or maybe kidnap you." gramps said worriedly as I placed my hands on his. "Its going to be fine. As long as I have someone to accompany me. I need to know so that I could protect brother, everyone, Chelia and even you gramps. I'll promise I'll be back in a few days." I tried reasoning with gramps till he finally agreed to my decision. "Fine, but be careful. I'll send some people to keep you accompany." I smiled happily as I hugged gramps tightly, "Thank you gramps but please don't tell my brother if not he would be worried of me." Gramps rubbed his head, "I know, your brother is very protective of you and I don't think I can handle him once he find out that you were gone." I giggled looking at gramps' reaction. 

"Don't worry, I'll come back before he does. Who shall be accompanying me?" 

"I'll send Mira and Laxus to go with you. When do you want to leave?" 

"Tonight if that's possible...who's Mira and Laxus?"  He gave me a winked and walked over to the telephone. Porlyusica patted on my back, "Here take this with you." She gave me a small bag full of pills. They look red almost like real blood. "These blood pills will help you hold your thirst for a few days. Use wisely." I smiled and thanked her. The door was opened and there was two people. 

"What is it Gramps that you called us here early?" said a guy with blonde hair. He's pretty scary and tall too. "Laxus, Mira you two will accompany Wendy in the vampire world. Keep her safe." So that's his name and the white haired girl must be Mira. She's so pretty and sweet. She looked at me, "Hello Wendy. I'm Mira, Erza's friend." I shook hands with her, "Nice to meet you Mira." She hugged me tightly, "Oh you're so cute just like your brother. I bet you're grow up into a pretty girl." 

"I thought you said that I'm cute?" Laxus said as Mira gave him a smirk. "Aawww Laxus, you must be jealous when I said Wendy and Jellal cute..." He turned his face towards another direction and I laughed. "So Wendy where would we be going?" Mira asked. 

"My birthplace....I need to know more about my childhood days and everything that happened. Oh, please don't tell anyone especially my brother...I don't want him feel worry." 

"AAAAAAwwww Wendy, leave it to me! I've got a perfect plan to distract them for a while..." she said as he picked up her phone dialing a number. "You don't mean that..." 

"Hush Laxus! it's our genius plan remember? We aren't supposed to tell anyone." he sighed and snickered. "AHEM!" They both stopped and faced gramps. 

"Sorry master." Mira said as Porlyusica handed them some blood pills. "Alright let's go!" I said. 


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