Mard Geer

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Erza's POV

"Jellal has entirely became a different person..." 

Everyone starred at me including Master who sat there paralyzed. Natsu and Gray looked down to the ground feeling uneasy. "What happened Erza?" asked Master. Lucy, Juvia, Mira and Laxus came opening the door, "We heard what happened." said Lucy as they entered and joined in the conversation. 

"The hunters they captured Jellal and Wendy due to reason whether they were vampires or not. I met Gray and Natsu as we bust right in the headquarters saving Jellal and Wendy. Wendy got injured while Jellal was broken down and that's where it happened. The dark aura around him started to increase and his appearance changed. He was feeling broken, thorn to shreds after seeing Wendy saved me from the hunter's attacks." 

Master bang his fists on the table, "If only I would see this coming. I should have never allowed them in. It was my fault that it cause all of this commotion. I thought I could bring peace to both vampire and human world but things won't go too well. I feel so sorry for Jellal, Wendy and you, Erza." I looked up at Master, "It's not your fault Master...if it weren't for you I wouldn't be here and met people who cared about me in life. I would ended up being a vicious vampire just like the rest of them who are in darkness. It was you who gave me a choice to live the life normal. I'm truly grateful for that." I saw tears shred from master's eyes. 

Gray and Natsu patted on master's back, "AAAAWWWW gramps is crying like a baby." Master twitched his eyes and gave a hard bang on both of their foreheads, "Don't describe me crying like a baby!" They hugged each other, "We're very sorry." Master shouted back, "Don't harmonize!" Me and the others laughed the way Natsu and Gray harmonize together. Never knew they were so close to each other even though they always fight against each other. Still...I'm still worried for Jellal...I hope he'll come back to us and remember everything. I'll save you no matter what. Wait for me Jellal.


Jellal's POV

"Right this way, Mard Geer is waiting for you." said Kyoka as she and Seilah opened the doors and I entered the throne room. "Welcome Jellal...I'm glad to see you." Mard Geer got up from his throne and stretched out his arms. I bowed, "It's my honour of meeting you sir." 

"Don't be too formal, just called me Mard Geer. Seems to me you look entirely different Jellal. You don't look like yourself." I was confused by what he was saying. "What do you mean I looked different?" He showed a mirror at the corner, "Why don't you see it for yourself?" I walked and saw my own reflection. My hair, face, tattoo everything seems different. I saw my own black wings at the back. I snickered, "I like it this way." Mard Geer smiled at me. I felt a sudden dryness in my throat as I rubbed my throat feeling thirsty. Damn thirsty. My eyes were glowing red as Mard Geer noticed it, "You must be feeling thirsty." He lifted my face upwards to his, "Why don't you take my blood..." I tackled him to the ground and smiled mischievously, "I'll only take it from whom I choose to be my blood vessel." He laughed as he pushed me to the ground and unbuttoned my shirt. "If that's the case I'll drink your blood till every last drop." He licked my neck and embedded his fangs into my neck deeply. 

He let go and lick the remaining blood that trailed out of my neck. "Your blood really taste wonderful. I would die to having more of it. He took a glance at my face and over my body. "You're look pretty attractive for a vampire, however, you're now a demon vampire." 

"A demon vampire?" He continued, "To put it this way, a demon vampire is a whole lot different level compared to vampires. They are almost the same rank as pure bloods but slightly stronger and faster. For your case it's quite special. I could feel two magic energy flowing inside of you. The light and darkness. It seems that your darkness has overcome the light and turned you into one, demon lord vampire just like us."

"I obtained that power after devouring my brother's blood." I said as he nodded, "I know that long time ago." I was blown, "What?" He turned at me, "We have been watching you all along since the day you were turned into a human along with your sister and also the fight between you and Grimiore Heart. Hades was a fool. He thought destroying the world and obtaining the curse power would bring benefit to the vampires, but that's all a lie. There's no such thing of obtaining the curse powers. We demons from the books of Zeref are the only ones who obtained these curse powers." 

So now I get it. All this time Hades was trying to obtain the curse power was a big fat lie. I smirked, "I couldn't care less about him now. He's gone for good." 

"Oh my what a black heart you have Jellal. I must say you'll be a useful equipment for us. Well, you can rest for now in your chambers. Seilah will lead you to it. I'll see you soon." I bowed and took my leave from the room. Outside, Seilah was waiting for me as she cling herself around my arms, "Let me send you to your chambers, my lord." I followed her. 

"Here it is. You can rest for the day." My eyes glowed red again and my throat became more harsh than ever. I muttered, "It must be the drug from the bullet that Minerva shot at me." Guess I should take a nap maybe that would stop my thirst. I lied down on the bed as I drifted off to sleep. 


Levy's POV

Everyone was sitting silence in the office room thinking of a way to bring back Jellal. I feel bad for him, I mean how long does he have to suffer like this... Just then a knock came by the door. Ultear and Meredy came in. "What is it Ultear?" said master as she explained, "There's no time for this. We really need to bring Jellal back before it's too late." Everyone paid attention to what Ultear was saying as they starred at her. Meredy step forward, "Ultear's right. If we delay it Jellal will completely engulf into darkness and his true self will be lost wandering in the darkness forever." 

Erza stood up, "How could you tell Meredy, Ultear?" 

"I've seen it once, Seigrain was in the same situation as Jellal now. Seigrain lost control over his magic and he was slowly being blighted by his dark magic. He was barely himself and it took several months to bring him back to senses. Master Hades saw this and that's why he prevents Seigrain from overusing his powers again." 

"Now I understand why Hades was trying to stop when Seigrain had a slight change over his appearance." said Erza as Ultear continued.

"This is not ordinary dark magic. It's a rare magic that certain vampires possessed it. By now Jellal must be engulfing slowly into darkness. Do you remember how he looks like now?" 

Erza clenched her fists, "The last I saw was that his body and face got dark marks, his hair turned white, his tattoo was black, eyes were red and he had black wings." Ultear was shocked and she stood stunned, "No way, it's already that bad..." She fell to her knees as Erza bend down to her level, "What is it Ultear?" She didn't answered. 

"Tell us Ultear." said Master as everyone starred at her. "It will be difficult to bring him to his senses. He's going to be a fully demon vampire in a few days and that time he'll be entirely a new person and his old self will vanished into darkness." Everyone eyes were widened. "No." Erza covered her mouth as tears flowing down her face. Lucy hugged Erza, "Don't cry Erza, we'll try a way to bring Jellal back." 

I saw Gray hit over his chest as his eyes was burning up, "Alright there's no time to waste. Let's bring back Jellal our friend who are always there for us. Come on we can't lose him now." Natsu pumped his fists, "Yeah I'll have to agree with you for the first time Gray. Let's go!" Erza was smiling happily, "You guys...thank you." Natsu laughed, "Come one let's go." He pulled Erza's hand but then Master stopped us. "Just a minute." We all stopped and turned over to Master. 

"What now gramps?" asked Natsu as Master gave a winked at us, "Follow me and you'll see for yourselves!" I'm curious what is actually master thinking? Can't wait to know. 


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