The True Motive

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Wendy's POV

Me, Mira and Laxus made it back safely to the academy. We bumped into Natsu and the others but their faces were in despair. "Gramps we are back!" I said as I hugged him. He was keeping quiet and the others too. "Hey what's wrong people, speak..." said Mira as she looked at them closely. Natsu punched the wall beside him causing a small crack, "I DON'T CARE IF YOU GUYS GONNA STOP ME OR WHAT! I'M GOING TO HELP JELLAL WHETHER HE LIKES IT OR NOT!!!!!" 

"You idiot don't go running off like that, you hear me?!!??" Gray yelled at Natsu and chased after him. "What's going on? Where's Erza?" I asked and Lucy came to me as she took my hand. "Long story Wendy, long story." Lucy explained to me, Mira and Laxus about what happened since we were gone. 

"I can't believe this...why does brother want to go all by himself?" I said while crying as Lucy comforted me. "Where are the hunters?" Mira asked Lucy. 

"We fought them and they managed to escape but Natsu and the others saved me and Levy, but we don't know whether Seilah is still alive or not." Lucy said as gramps came over to us. "I think we need to deal with those hunters first before things go chaos. Looks like I have to close this academy for a while." 

"What you can't do that? What about the students?" Levy asked and Gajeel too. "I'll post an announcement tomorrow morning at the main entrance." 

"What about Jellal and Erza?" Gajeel said while crossing his arms. Gramps sighed loudly, "Just give them some time alone. He'll be back eventually. I'm sure of it." He walked away. "How sure are you master?" Mira asked. "I know him as much as you all do. That is all I'm going to say. You all should go and rest." 

Such an idiot! Why was he thinking? The moment I find him, he has to explain everything to me. "Wendy where are you going?" I heard Lucy shouted but I just ran as fast as I could. Knowing him, he might somewhere outside of Magnolia. 

Mard Geer's POV

"Master I'm starting to feel worry for Seilah." Kyoka came forward as she leaned against the pillar at the side of the throne room. "How many times must I tell you, Seilah will be fine. She's strong all I know." She sighed, "But still I have a bad feeling." I twiddled my thumbs, "We just have to wait. Anyway..." I walked towards the lacrima crystal as I touched it, "Zeref will be coming back to us any moment as long those foolish hunters bring back Jellal to me." 

Suddenly the doors opened wide. I smiled while clapping my hands, "Jellal you've made it back and I really like your look now." I walked closer to him smelling and touching all over his body, "You smell lovely scent." I wanted to touch his smooth white hair but he gripped my hand tightly. I looked at him as he threw me towards the wall. I laughed as I got up from the pillar. "Master are you alright?" I stopped Kyoka. "That hurts pretty badly." 

He glared at me with those red eyes, "Save your breath." He used speed and started attacking me. I dodged some of it and hit back at him. "Looks like they didn't capture you right." I pinned him down to the floor, "Just look at you, all bloody and the scent is making me to drill more of it. Give me a bite Jellal!" He smacked at my face and hit me using his attack. "Sorry to break it to you, but your Seilah is long gone." 

"What did you say bastard!!!!!" Kyoka leaped above me and started attacking him. He dodged and pierced right through her. "Damn you Jellal...I...I'll ki..kill you." She fell to the ground and blood was all over his body and some on his face. I smirked, "How did you managed to defeat Seilah?" He came over and stepped on me, "I ripped both of her arms off. Do you want me to do the same to you or your precious little servant over there." I snickered as I grabbed hold of him tightly and roll over to the floor. "Just give me your blood already Jellal for the awakening of Zeref." He resisted, "Not a chance Mard Geer." I caught a glimpse of his injured wound at his side. I snickered, "You've been pretty hurt badly. I guess your wound is not even recovering fast. Do you want to feel more pain?" 

He smirked, "Just give me your best shot." I smiled leaving the both of us attacking each other at the same time using our magic. 

What? That doesn't even affect him? Is this the end of me loosing at him? I fell over to the floor.

Jellal's POV

My wound is not even healing fast. Guess I'm too careless to let it happened. All I have to do now is to destroy that lacrima. "It's not over yet Jellal." I turned around Mard Geer captured me with his magic. Thorns pierced at my body and wrapped around my hands and legs tightly. I winced in pain as he came closer lifting my face up to his level. "This is the end for you Jellal. You'll be sacrificing your blood to Zeref, but first...let me have a last drink of your blood!" 

"GET YOUR DAMN HANDS OFF OF HIM!!!!" Mard Geer was kicked instant hitting against two pillars. 

"Wendy?"My eyes widened. She placed her face at my chest while gripping on me tightly. "Idiot..." I gave her a half smile knowing what she was going to tell me. "You don't have to do this alone." 

"Then what about didn't tell me that you leaved to the vampire world." 

"I just wanted to know more about our family but everything's been destroyed and yet..." 

"That's why I'll end all of this alone eventhough it costs my life." 

"I'm afraid you're too late Jellal." I gasped when I saw Mard Geer at the lacrima crystal. "Luckily I managed to touch some of your blood during our fight back then. Aahh, I'm really going to miss that handsome face of yours. Time to die Jellal." He threw a spell heading at our direction. "Get out of here Wendy!!!" 

"No way I'm getting you out of here." 

"Just listen to me will ya." I yelled but she resists. "No way I'm gonna let you die. Then what about Erza? How would she feel if you die now and I won't forgive you!!!!" I closed me eyes gritting my teeth. I cursed under my breath, "You really know how to get me." 

Mard Geer's POV

Goodbye my sweet Jellal and his sister Wendy. Hahaha looks like I'll used this remaining blood of his to revive Zeref. "Not so fast Geer..." What? Impossible!!! How come the two of you are still alive?

The smoke cleared the way and there they are standing. I covered up my anger by putting a smile, "Looks like things are going to get harder. So then be it!" 

He smirked and aimed his magic over the lacrima destroying it into pieces. No way!!!!! What have you done!!!!! "I realize something's fishy from the beginning when you told me about Zeref's awakening and the story of it. When I took a closer look at the lacrima, I realize that it was just a fake one but now since things have come to this...I can tell that actually Zeref is not in your possess." 

Jellal's POV

He gave me a glare and asked, "And what makes you say that?"

"I can tell by the look on your face. You keep telling me to give my blood to Zeref so that he will rise but the real motive of you having me at your side was to gain my blood in order to make you stronger and increase your curse power level." 

"Wow I'm impress. How did you managed to know his intention Jellal?" 

I turned over to Wendy and smirked, "Don't underestimate my smartness Wendy." She pouted at the side, "You just reminded me of someone I knew." I laughed, "Lighten up will ya." 

"One more thing, is it just me or you look more hotter with that look of yours and your white hair. Calling me impress seeing my brother getting his looks just to get attention from Erza huh..." 

I gasped, "Shut up Wendy! It's not like that. I'll explain it to you later. Now just let me settle with this demon over there." 

He laughed, "Bravo Jellal. You have managed to know my plan all the while. Pure blood vampires are so interesting especially you. Oh I can't wait to dine in your blood Jellal. Shall we begin?" 

Fairy Tail Vampire:Jellal & Erza IIWhere stories live. Discover now