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I stand in front of my mom's casket with a dull face. I know I have to try to be happy but how can I? How can I look people in the eye and force a smile and thank them for coming?

How can I hug people and hear them feel sorry for me? How? I can't even look at a flower without breaking down. I hear someone stand beside me.

"She's beautiful isn't she?" I hear cam whisper.

"Very. She looks peaceful and happy." I respond grabbing her hand.

"You know we have to thank people for coming." He tells me putting his hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah... I know." I whisper tearing up.

He kisses my forehead and walks away.

"I love you." I mumble and turn away.

I look at the ground trying my best to hold in the cries. I stand beside cam and watch as people walk in. People come up to us telling us how sorry they are.

I just hug them and try my best to smile. One by one people head to the chapel. Soon the people clear out and they all gather in the chapel.

I look back at my mom. When I turn I see Hayes and his family standing there. That's when I break. I let all the tears come down.

He walks up to me and hugs me tight. I wrap my arms around his neck.

"I'm so sorry Hun." His mom tells me hugging me.

I smile and hug Hayes again. Nash goes up to cam and cam breaks down in Nash's arms. I look at Hayes, he looks back at me.

"I never stopped loving you." He says.


He smiles and we kiss. I feel sparks rush through my body. He deepens the kiss and I smile through it. We break apart staring at each other.

"Didn't think we would meet up again like this." He softly says sending chills down my back.

"Love does crazy things." I respond my arms still around his neck.

I kiss him again feeling amazing. When we break apart his mom comes beside me.

"I'll see you in the chapel. We'll be in the last row."

"No. You're family I want you to sit with us. She loved you all." Cam steps in.

"No we couldn't possibly."

"Please." I interrupt.

She finally gives in and the men take the casket to the chapel. People stand and we walk in behind the casket. We sit down on the front row.

I stare at the casket memories of her flowing back to me. Hayes grabs my hand and intertwines it with his.

"We are here today to not grieve but to celebrate the life of Crystal Dallas."

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