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Ok I'm sorry for posting a note this early in the book but I have something to say....

For those who don't agree with other people's opinions don't go "tattling to their mom" because you don't agree with it.

Just because people have a different opinion doesn't mean you should go and ruin someone else's life.

Everyone has different opinions that's how it is. So if you have a problem with it just keep it to yourself ok? Don't go to that persons parents and starts snitching on them because you don't like what they're doing.

Think before you speak ok?

Sorry again for posting this note but my friend was snitched on by someone and now she has to delete her Instagram because she can't post what she loves without be tattled on.

I'll post the next chapter soon. Sorry again for updating this I just had to get it off my chest. Have a great rest of the week.

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