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//Contest is still going on\\

I hear my phone vibrate, again. I look to see my Twitter blowing up. I roll my eyes and flip the phone over. I flip through channels trying to find a decent t.v show.

If you haven't guessed it Hayes and I are in another fight. Yesterday night he dissed me and blew me off to hang with another girl. Another freaking girl.

"Oh we're just friends baby." Was his excuse oh and my other favorite was "but I haven't seen her in forever."

I roll my eyes at the remarks. Ugh there's no good shows. I throw the remote and storm to the kitchen and grab some ice cream. I open the lid and grab a knife.

I stab the paper while thinking about that girl. I hate her. I hate her so much. Her blonde hair, bright blue eyes, skinny little self.

'Oh I'm a model Hayes.' 'Hayes you're so funny.'

I throw the knife in the sink and sit back down. I hear a knock on the door. Ugh are you serious!? I slam the ice cream down and open the door.

I see Hayes standing there. I look at him.

"Hey." He says.


That's right you better apologize you jerk.

"You still mad?" He asks.

"No I'm happy as a flower." I snap.

He breathes out and looks to the side. He's not here to apologize is he?

"Can I come in?" He asks.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

He walks in tearing up.


"Look Hazel. I love you but I can't do this anymore. Fighting. I screw everything up and I hurt you over and over again."

"So you think breaking up would make me feel better?"

"No, but I just can't do this anymore. There's too much stress, the fans are wanting more from us and I just want to have fun."


"I'm sorry I really am."

"So 3 years is just a waste of time? No fun? No happiness? Nothing?" 

"No I loved every moment but since we're together all we do is fight and it's too much pressure from everyone. And I'm moving back to Michigan to finish school."

I tear up my heart breaking. I caused all of this. Why am I so stupid?

"Effort. I know we have our fights but you shouldn't give up."

"I know but I think it's best this way."

"What are you talking about? Best? I've given my all in the past three years and you're just gonna walk away because of two stupid fights?"

"I've given my best but it's not a healthy relationship."

"Healthy? You ditched me for some other girl, you ditched me for your friends but I kept coming back. I tried to keep us together and you're gonna say it's not healthy? Are you kidding me? That's your big excuse??"

"I tried making it work too but you rather be with Ryder!"

"He's my best friend!! He was there at Iris's funeral, he was there when I got my first movie. Where were you!?"

"I tried ok? But you don't seem to care."

"Care? If I didn't care why would I last three years with you Hayes? I love you I care about you. All you care about is yourself."

"That's not true."

"It's not?"

We stand there staring at each other.

"You know what? If this is really what you want just get out and go have sex with your slutty girl."

"Don't do this."

"What? I'm just giving you what you want."


"Just leave me alone. I can't stand you right now. Please leave."

He sighs and walks out.

"Do me a favor." He starts off.

I shoot him a look.

"Grow up."

He slams the door and I mentally shoot him. I grab a pillow and scream into it. Grow up. Me? Ok screw you Hayes. 

I storm upstairs tears streaming down my face. What did I just do? I love him. I want him. And I just blew him off.

I lay down staring at the ceiling.

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