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Chapter Forty-Eight

Alice and Jasper were a fantastic new addition to our family. They had moved in to Edward's room. We hadn't protested as we were eager to see how he would react.

"We're... Home?" Edward burst in through the door, Emmett behind him. Rosalie immediately went to embrace Emmett but Edward dashed straight to his room. I waited for it. "WHERE THE HELL IS MY STUFF?" I tried to stifle a laugh. Esme was giggling quietly. Edward was in front of us in a second. He opened his mouth to protest when he spotted Alice and Jasper, sat on the couch behind us.

"Who are they?"

"Your new siblings. So be. Nice." Esme stood on her tiptoes to stare Edward straight in the eyes.

"Where's my stuff?" Edward peered around Esme as he spoke. Alice stood up and smiled at Edward.

"In the garage."

"WHY is my stuff in the garage?"

"Because I'm taking your old room." Edward's mouth dropped open. He stared at Alice, speechless for a full two minutes before straightening up.

"That's highly unfair."

"I'll take your stuff to the spare room." Alice left the room. We could hear Edward continuing to protest as she took his stuff into the spare room.

"Well that was..."

"Interesting." Jasper finished my sentence, laughing softly.

"Exactly." I smiled at him, nodding in agreement.

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