Chapter 8

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Aiden's POV

Sienna was in an extremely bad mood on Monday morning. I asked Sara about it but she didn't know anything. She said that she stayed at Sienna's on Friday night and she seemed fine. I tried to say something to her but she wasn't listening to me.

"Sienna, you have been glaring at the tree for the last five minutes," Sara said from her position next to me.

"No shit, I hadn't realised," she snapped before standing and leaving our group discussion before school.

Sara looked slightly surprised at Sienna's outburst. Sienna wasn't a naturally angry person and I hadn't seen her snap at anyone in the time that I had known her except when talking to our teacher that one time.

Ruby quickly got up from her seat and took off after Sienna. I thought that Sara might but she looked so stunned that she didn't.

Sienna didn't come back but she was in our first period class. Ruby must have calmed her down because she was calmly talking to Bennett. I took my usual seat next to her and listening to her conversation with Bennett.

The teacher came in and started the lesson. Bennett turned around and Sienna looked like she was about to sleep on the desk. Her arms were placed on her book and her head was slowly dropping.

The teacher didn't even notice but Bennett did. I don't know how but he turned around and saw her sleeping on the desk. He gave me a weak smile before turning around again.

"She looked really tired," I whispered.

I don't know if he said something but he nodded.

I attempted to wake her up at the end of the lesson but I was having trouble. Bennett started helping me but it still took us a couple of minutes. She lifted her head of the desk and noticed that Bennett and I were the only ones left in the room.

"Did I fall asleep?" she asked even though she probably knew that she had.

"Yeah, do you want to go home and rest," Bennett suggested.

"Maybe," she said but she had closed her eyes.

"I'll take you," I said and Bennett nodded.

"Sure, my parents would kill me if they know that I skipped periods," Bennett said.

Sienna's house was beautiful and extremely large. She directed me to her room and pretty much collapsed on the bed and fell asleep. I sat down at the desk and replied to a text from Sara asking where I was.

I didn't know how long Sienna was going to sleep for but I headed downstairs into the kitchen and opened the fridge. I found some leftover food and grabbed it. I'm sure that Sienna wouldn't mind that much.

I explored most of the house and it was mostly a large amount of bedrooms, bathrooms and some offices. I settled back up in Sienna's room and glanced over her bookshelf. I found a book that I have previously read and started to read it.

Sienna woke up about six hours later, around 3pm. She was extremely groggy but seemed in a better mood then she was earlier in the day. She noticed me sitting at her desk and I think that that jogged her memory.

"Hey, you didn't have to stay," she said.

"It's better than going back to school," I told her.

We headed downstairs and Sienna suggested starting a game which we did. Sienna suggested inviting Sara around which I approved of. Sara seemed slightly surprised when I called her because we both should be at the Help Group but I wasn't going to turn up and Sienna called in sick.

We decided on UNO and it was extremely competitive. Sienna and Sara almost took turns winning and I was always stuck with a pile of cards. Sara and Sienna both got extremely annoyed when the other won and we must have been playing for about two hours when I heard the door open and shut and I heard two voices.

Sienna scowled and people that were probably her parents came into the room.

"You are playing UNO without us," the woman said jokingly.

"Aiden this is my parents, Mom, Dad this is Aiden, Sara's boyfriend," Sienna said.

I felt them looking me up and down.

"You have a beautiful house, Mr and Mrs Adams," I said.

"Call us Jennifer and Paul," she said and I smiled.

Sienna's parents joined us that the table and we started a new round of UNO. Sara kept winning because Sienna wasn't paying much attention anymore. I grabbed Sara closer so that she was sitting right next to me. Jennifer smiled at us and I squeezed her hand under the table. Sienna must have noticed because she faked being sick.

Sienna and Sara were talking outside Sara's locker the next day. I joined them and they immediately stopped talking.

"I'm just going to the library," Sienna said and quickly disappeared.

This confused both of us but I was the only one that voiced my confusion.

"She doesn't need to go to the library," Sara added.

"Why did you leave then?" I asked but didn't concern myself about it that much.


I know it is really short and not that good but my next chapter might be longer, hopefully but haven't started it yet.

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The Wise One

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