Chapter 4

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Aiden's POV

I was opening my locker when I heard Sienna walking down the hall. Ross didn't tell us why she was away but she hadn't been at school for the rest of last week either. She began greeting her friends like she hadn't seen them for years. I really don't know why girls do that. All the hugging seem tedious to me.

I didn't bother listening to their conversation but Sienna gave me a small smile when I walked past. People moved out of my way as I headed down the corridor. The one benefit of what people think of me is that they are scared of me and move out of my way.

Sienna was in my first class and she talked to me like usual and I still didn't talk to her. I don't trust people that easily and I'm still not sure about Sienna. She seems nice but you never know. I wasn't making that mistake again.

I headed to AP English after and we started a group project about our novel. Our teacher was a grumpy old teacher and decided that we were too immature to pick our own partners so she assigned them. I was partnered with some girl that quickly told me that she would do all the work for us.

I noticed that Sienna's partner wasn't sitting next to her and she was arguing with Mr Davis.

"I don't see how I can do a project with someone that isn't here," Sienna pointed out.

"Well then part of your task is to get your partner to come to class," Mr Davis added. This extra task didn't seem to please Sienna.

"And you will fail if you don't work with you partner. Even if you get him to come to class once then you will have at least a B," Mr Davis promised.

"So, my work isn't important. I could have the most amazing report but if my partner refuses to come to class then I fail. How is this fair on me?"

"Sienna, this is a group project."

"And Mr Davis I want to pass this course. How is it my fault that you partnered me with a shitty partner that doesn't work?"

"Sienna, you have two options. Either deal with it or leave my class," Mr Davis said. By this point the whole class was watching with her. She quickly picked up her book and shoved it under her arm and shoved her back over one shoulder.

"Well, I guess I'll leave this class," she snapped.

The class all turned around and watched her storm out of the class and slam the door behind her.

I managed to slip out of the class without anyone noticing. I was basically ignored in class because I don't participate in the class discussions but I did well in the assignments and test but teachers often forget me.

The benefit of not having friends I know all the hiding places in the school so it didn't take long to find Sienna. She was slumped against the wall around the back of the school. I sat down beside me and don't think she was expecting me.

"Tell me I didn't just storm out of AP English?" she asked.

"I hate to tell you that you did," I told her.

"I have never heard you talk," Sienna pointed out.

"Yes, you have I helped you with your drunk friend."

"That was you. Thank you. Anyway how did you find me?"

"I know all the hiding places at school. A benefit of not having friends."

"You don't have any friends at all," she asked surprised.

I would have thought that she would have realised given I don't spend any time with anyone at school but maybe she never thought about it or thought I had friends out of school.

"No," I told her honestly.

"You should join us at lunch."

"No, there is no way that I am going into the cafeteria."

Sienna wiped the tears out of her eyes and smirked.

"I will drag you."

True to her word, Sienna did drag me into the cafeteria. No one seemed to pay any attention to me because Sienna has many male friends so they didn't care about me. Sienna wrapped an arm around me so that I couldn't get away and started marching towards her table.

"Guys, this is Aiden and he is sitting with us," she said and sat down at the table.

I felt sort of awkward as I sat down. The rest of the table was staring at me. Sienna rolled her eyes but then started talking to some of the other girls. I sat there and started eating but then I heard some of the other boys talking about baseball teams.

That was something I knew about and they were more than willing to let me join in their conversation about different school teams and how they were going and how much our sucked.

Sienna was in my next class so we headed there together along with her friend Sara. I didn't want to tell Sienna but I enjoyed spending lunch with her friends but I didn't have to, she invited me along anyway.

I didn't know much about Sara. She was very pretty though. She had blonde hair that she had left loose and it curled over her shoulders. She was wearing a flowing sleeveless blouse that was baby blue and tight jeans with converse.

Sienna had to leave during class leaving me alone with Sara. She seemed a little awkward around me but then we started talking and it got better.

Our conversation wasn't very personal but we got talking about basic things like school and that sort of thing. Sienna came back and you could tell that she was surprised how well Sara and I were getting along.

"Where did you go?" Sara asked.

"I had to deal with my problem with Mr Davis," Sienna said and continued her work.

"What are you going to do?" I asked.

"Mr Davis has formally apologised and I don't have a partner for this project," Sienna said.

I walked with Sienna and Sara afterschool so that I could walk with Sienna to the Help Group. I never realised how funny Sienna is, especially with Sara and I spent most of the journey laughing.

"Thanks for forcing me to sit with you," I told her after Sara left us.

"Your welcome, you need some friends," Sienna laughed.

"Hey, I have friends," I said indignantly even though we both know I was lying.

"Who, Ross," she said clearly meaning my therapist.


We walked inside and Ross was clearly surprised that we came in together and we were both laughing. He looked between the two of us as we sat down with her sitting next to him and I was sitting in my usual seat.

Other people started coming in and the noise got louder until Ross started the meeting.

We had the usual ups and downs for the week before Ross started a new discussion. It was about family influences. It came round to me and like usual I didn't say anything. Sienna raised her eyebrows at me even though I know she knows about my agreement with Ross.

I guess she thought that I might change my mind but I wasn't sharing my personal life with these people.


I know this is really late but I haven't felt like writing recently. I am so sorry.

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The Wise One

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