Chapter 17

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Sienna's POV

I stood outside Bennett's house and he had already walked inside. I could hear Annabelle talking to him inside and then I heard her laughing and then I decided that I should go inside. Bennett's house was really nice and as soon as I stepped in I got attacked by Annabelle who decided to wrap her arms around my waist.

I looked at Bennett but he just laughed at me. His Mom must have heard him because I saw her come out. His Mother looked exactly like him, the same hair colour and eye colour. The same face shape except he was taller than she was.

"Hey, Mrs Thompson, I'm Sienna," I said.

"Don't call me that, call me Ella. You two go have fun, I'll call you when dinner is ready when Stephen is home," she said and ushered us off.

Annabelle then disappeared so Bennett and I headed upstairs into his room. It was relatively plain and small so I sat down on the bed. Bennett dumped his bag and pulled out a textbook.

"Do you have any homework?" he asked and I shook my head.

"Damn you, I have maths work, how did you finish is already?" he asked.

"I'm amazing," I teased as he started to write.

I felt a little awkward sitting there so I grabbed the first book that I recognised from his bookshelf. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. I started at a random page and started to read. I was so distracted by it that I didn't notice that Bennett had come and sat down beside me and I didn't notice until he grabbed me around the waist.

"Asshole," I said smacking his shoulder.

He just laughed at me and I dropped the book.

"It's time for dinner," he said before lifting me up onto his shoulder.

I didn't bother protesting but he had to duck so that we could get through the doorway. Annabelle was already running down the stairs. Bennett dropped me so that he could chasee after her and I saw them disappear into a different room. I picked myself up from the floor and headed there too.

A man was standing in the kitchen and I assumed that it was Bennett's Dad.

"Hey, you must be Sienna, I'm Stephen," he said and shook my head.

We all sat down at the table. His Mom had made pasta with chicken and sauce. Bennett handed me the bowl and I started to serve myself.

"I never asked if you have anything you don't eat," Ella asked.

"I eat most things," I said.

Bennett glanced at my plate and then placed another spoonful on my plate. I stared at him but he just smirked. I started eating and it was ridiculously good.

"Ella, this is amazing," I said.

She thanked me and we started a conversation like normal family. They didn't ask me a million questions like my family did. They knew that Bennett liked me and they seemed to like me and they didn't care about anything material, like how much money my parents make.

Annabelle is also adorable. She was talking about what she did at school and it was so much fun to listen to and see much she enjoyed it. She loved school so much more than Bennett and I do.

"Sienna, do you want to play UNO with us?" Annabelle asked.

"Sure," I said and she rushed off to get the cards.

"I really hope you mind but we usually play a game together after dinner," Ella explained.

Annabelle rushed back in and Bennett started shuffling the cards so that we start. He dealt out the cards and I looked at my hand and mentally groaned. There was no way that I was going to win this hand.

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