Chapter 25

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Sienna's POV

I had explained to Ross the situation with the baseball team. He said that he would think about it but that was three weeks ago. When Aiden had his session on Monday Ross brought it up for the first time.

"Aiden, Sienna told me that the baseball team needs a pitcher," Ross started.

"Not you too, I'm not joining to the fucking baseball team," Aiden snapped.

"Aiden, I think that you should join it. It would be good for you."

"I can't step onto the mound after what happened last time."

"Aiden that was three years ago. You have changed."

"No I haven't."

"Yes you have. I've seen it, even Sienna has seen it," Ross said and I nodded.

Aiden looked at us for a minute and I could see he was about to give in.

"I'll do it but if this ends badly I'm blaming you two," Aiden said.

Ross reached across and high-fived me. Aiden looked at us and sighed. He knew that he was never going to win this argument.

"Am I telling Bennett or are you?" I asked.

Aiden grabbed his phone out and dialled Bennett's number. Bennett answered after two rings and you could tell that he was confused because he knew that Aiden was in this session with me and Ross.

"I'mjoiningthebaseballteam," Aiden told him really quietly and fast.

"What?" Bennett asked.

"I'm joining the baseball team," Aiden said slower but just as quiet.


"I'm joining the baseball team," Aiden said louder.

I heard a thud on Bennett's end and I knew that he had dropped his phone. Bennett must have picked it up because he congratulated Aiden on the wise decision. Aiden rolled his eyes at me as I was laughing at his face. I found it amusing how startled he looked.

Aiden hung up on Bennett and we continued on in the session. I could tell that Ross was being gentler and more kind than he usually is. I think that it is because he convinced Aiden to join the team that he felt that he shouldn't push Aiden too much more.

The boys all had training early the next morning I could see how tired Aiden was when he and Bennett joined me the next morning in class. I could also see that Aiden enjoyed it and that Bennett enjoyed having his best friend with him. It was nice to see them both smiling.

"How was it?" I asked.

"Aiden is much better than our old pitcher," Bennett said.

Aiden tried to protest but Bennett wasn't having it. I let the two of them talk about baseball as I started doing the worksheet that we were meant to be doing. I zoned out of the conversation and didn't even notice that the bell had rung until Bennett was shaking my shoulder and telling me that next period had started.

"We need to talk after school," Bennett said.

I agreed with him. Half of me wanted to talk about it but the other half knew that it was a better conversation to have when we were alone. I nodded and we walked into class together. Bennett and I were more comfortable around each other again and I think that my surprise date for him the other day helped as well.

Lunch came and went and I noticed that Sara wasn't even sitting with us. Mom had even noticed that we weren't even talking because she noticed that Sara wasn't at our house very often anymore and clearly it is obvious because Mom doesn't notice much when it comes to me.

Bennett and I arranged to meet at my house after I got home from the Help Group. When I got back he was already sitting in the couch and was playing some game on his phone. I don't think he noticed me come in until I sat down next to him.

"Holy Shit, Si, you scared me," he jumped.

"I'm going to make food. What do you want?" I asked.

"Anything," he said and I rolled my eyes. That wasn't helping me do anything.

Bennett become the supervisor of my cooking since I didn't trust him in the kitchen after last time. I decided on pasta because it is fast so I started the pasta and the meat. Bennett was throwing the apple up and down and I was just waiting for it to drop into the pasta.

"You should trust me, I'm not going to drop it," Bennett smirked.

I rolled my eyes but grabbed it from him and put it on the bench away from him. Bennett pouted at me and I laughed. The meal was finished a few minutes later and I piled it onto plates. Bennett didn't say anything for a while because we were just eating. I was eating as slow as I could so that Bennett would have to be the one to start the conversation.

"Si, thank you so much for the other night," Bennett started.

"I'm going to get you back Bennett. I'm not letting you go that easily again."

Bennett looked at me and I have him a small smile. I wasn't going to let Bennett go again. I needed him in my life and it hurt so much when he left.

We tidied up in silence. Bennett looked deep in thought and it really looked like he was going to drop the dishes that he was drying.

"I don't think that I could let you go again," he said once we were finished.

I wrapped him in a hug and we stood in the middle of the kitchen in silence again. I pulled backwards so that his arms were still around me but I could see his face. I stood on my tiptoes and pressed my lips to his, very gently.

At first he wasn't sure what to do but then he pulled me closer.

"Have you forgiven me yet?" I asked.

"I don't know," he said with a smirk.

I rolled my eyes but got down on one knee. Bennett looked so confused with what I was doing.

"Bennett Thompson, will you please by my boyfriend?' I asked.

Bennett pretended to think about it for a minute and then nodded.

"I'm so glad that you finally said yes."


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The Wise One

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