Chapter 19

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Sienna's POV

I was not in a good mood the next morning. I had woken up at three in the morning after a nightmare and couldn't get back to sleep. I thought about calling Bennett but I didn't want to. I didn't want to have to rely on him. Bennett wasn't downstairs when I got there. I was also running late.

I stared in the cupboard and glanced at all the food in the cupboard but none of them jumped out at me. Part of the reason that I was running late was because I stood in the mirror because I stood in front of the mirror for about twenty minute and nothing that I wore seemed to look good on me.

Sara was waiting for me so we started walking. She didn't mention the fact that Bennett wasn't with us, I don't know if she didn't notice that anything was different or that she noticed that I didn't want to talk about it. Aiden and Bennett were both talking outside Bennett's locker noticed us approaching us.

"Hey, Sienna, you look tired," Aiden commented.

"I didn't sleep well, I woke up early in the morning."

Bennett looked out from locker and stared at me. I felt his eyes looking up and he frowned. I thought that he was going to say something but he didn't. Ruby came up and joined us.

"Sienna, you look like you about to fall asleep on your feet," she added.

The other four nodded, agreeing with Ruby's comment.

"I'm sorry for not sleeping well, now leave me the fuck along," I snapped and headed towards my first class.

I heard Bennett saw something but I was too far away to hear what it was. Someone came running after me but I didn't turn around and didn't see them until I was sitting in my seat.

"You know that you could have still called me," Bennett said before sitting on his seat.

"Yeah, thanks," I snapped.

"Sienna, I just need you to look after yourself."

I rolled my eyes and slumped on the desk.

"You didn't eat breakfast this morning did you?" he asked.

I didn't look up so that he couldn't see that he guessed it. My arm was lifted up and I was walked out of the class.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm taking you out for breakfast," Bennett said plainly.

We were sitting at some little diner that served really good pancakes. Bennett made sure that I ordered something that was large and it was. There were three massive pancakes that were the size of my face. Bennett had ordered blueberry pancakes and he had five instead of three.

I felt someone tap on my shoulder and saw Isla, Jack and Harry. They are my cousins and I hadn't seen them for a while since they didn't come to the family gathering. I think their Mom might have said something about it but I didn't listen.

"Hey, guys," I said and they slide into the booth.

"Aren't you meant to be at school?" Isla light-heartedly teased.

"Probably, I didn't know that you guys were in town. Guys this is Bennett, Bennett these are my cousins Isla, Harry and Jack."

"Yeah, we were just looking for you," Jack started.

I nodded and let him continued.

"Mom and Dad have cut us out of the family and we need money," Harry continued.

"You came here to talk to me about money?"

"Yes, Sienna, we need the money."

"No, you aren't nice to me except when you need something."

Isla stood up and the two boys copied her.

"You are making the wrong decision," Harry snapped and they all left.

I returned to eating my pancakes and I noticed that Bennett hadn't started eating again.

"Have they done that before?" he asked.

"Yeah, they're always getting cut off from their family and they come begging to someone for money. It's happened before, it's not a big deal."

Bennett nodded and returned to eating.

Bennett and I missed the first two periods by the time that we made it back. Aiden noticed that we joined him in third period and he smirked. He didn't say something though but I knew what he was thinking. I knew that he knew that we had broken up though. Bennett went to the bathroom and Aiden took his seat.

"I thought that you and Bennett had broken up," he said.

"We have."

"Then we were you the first two periods today?"

"He took me out for breakfast when I told him that I hadn't had any," I told him.

Aiden looked at me and I glared at him.

"I don't understand what is going on between you and Bennett," Aiden mused and swapped back to his other seat.

I glared at him and he laughed as Bennett came in. Aiden noticed that I was glaring at Aiden knelt down next to Aiden and they started a quiet conversation that I couldn't hear. I noticed that Aiden was nodding and agreeing with most of what Bennett was saying.

The teacher started talking and I stopped paying attention to their conversation until Bennett came and sat down next to me again.

"So, are you going to take my advice?" he asked.

It took me a moment to figure out what he was talking about but then I nodded.

"I guess, sometime," I said.

Bennett smiled and returned to his work.

I woke to the sound of my phone ringing and Bennett's number came up. Usually it was the other way round but I answered it anyway.

"Hello?" I asked as all I could here was him breathing heavily.

"Si, I need help," he said.

"Can't it wait until the morning?" I asked.

I was in a bad mood because I woke up earlier from a nightmare and he hadn't answered and he was acting like a bastard at the moment so I wasn't going to help him at 3 in the morning.

"Si, it's bad, don't hang up on me," he pleaded but I did anyway.

I wasn't sure what Bennett was worried about but I would ask him about it in the morning. I rolled over and tried to get more sleep.


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