Chapter 11

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Sienna's POV

Bennett told me that he was going to take me out on another date on Friday which is three days away. We had a very strong agreement not to make out at school. Both of us weren't fans of PDA and just because I was dating someone doesn't means that I am going to abandon that.

Bennett hasn't really asked me out anyway but I don't mind. He knows that I like him and I know that he likes me so I don't care. I walked to school with Sara like usual and she was slightly confused.

"I went round to your place around 8:30 and you weren't there," she said.

"Oh, yeah I was out," I said vaguely.

"Out, where?" she asked.

"I had to get some groceries."

She looked at me and I don't think that she believed me but she didn't say anything else.

Bennett and Aiden where both standing outside my locker. Bennett smiled at me and I returned it. Neither of Aiden or Sara noticed though.

"Are we going to tell anyone else?" I whispered to him.

"Um, I don't know, maybe not," he said.

"Sure, see how long it takes for them to notice," he said.

"Not everyone is as perceptive as you."

"Sure but it'll be fun anyway," Bennett smirked.

Aiden and Sara finished their 'conversation' and we turned back to them. I looked at Aiden and didn't get butterflies in my stomach. I glanced at Sara and I was no longer jealous of her. I was but not over Aiden anymore.

Bennett glanced at me and I smiled.

"It worked," I said.

The bell rang and we all headed towards our class. Aiden looked slightly conflicted and I elbowed him. He glanced at me and I raised my eyebrows.

"Will you guys be willing to play baseball with me again?" he asked.

I high-fived Bennett while Aiden scowled at the pair of us. I laughed before taking my seat next to Aiden. He was focused on his book even before the teacher walked in. We began planning when to play baseball. Bennett suggested Saturday and that seemed to work for all of us. Aiden suggested bring Sara along to help pick up balls and I agreed.

Aiden and I walked to the Help Group like usual. In the session we were having a conversation about influences and role models. It wasn't a long conversation because we had a few new people so it took a while for everyone to be introduced.

The first person to come in was one of the new girls. Her name was Harper and she was probably about 16. She had red hair that came down to about the bottom of her ribs. She joined because her sister committed suicide and her Mom got her to come after Harper admitted that she thought about it too.

The first session is when Ross first gets to know the patient. I joined in the activities too so that Harper gets to know me. Ross says this works because it means that the patient gets to understand the doctor so they feel like they can come and talk.

I really like her so far and she seemed nice and pleasant so I was happy to work with her. Ross seemed to think that she would be pleasant to work with but it is a bit hard to know after one session.

There were a couple of more sessions before I got to head home. Sara and Aiden were out on a date and Bennett was looking after his sister so I had the night to myself. Mom and Dad had already told me that they were going to be late. I'm not sure why they told me given they left me alone most nights anyway.

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