Chapter 2

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Aiden's POV

My Mom and I had a deal. She would avoid me and not talk to me at all and I would go to this Help Group every week day and one-on-one therapy one a week. School on Monday was as boring as usual. I had to sit though boring classes and I spent lunch time sitting in one of my usual spots where no one ever finds me.

I was always the first one to the group. Because I didn't have any friends to talk to and meet with after school so I headed there. The therapist that lead the group and my therapist, Ross was already there. I sat in my usual seat in the circle.

The next person in was a girl that I didn't recognise. She had black hair pulled back into a bun and she wore black shorts and a red shirt with some writing on it that I didn't read. She started a quiet conversation with Ross that I quickly tuned out of. She took that seat next to him and they continued to talk until 3:30.

"Alright, this is Sienna and she is going to be my assistant for some time," he said.

The rest of the session was the same as usual. I listen to everyone else talk about their ups and downs of the week. Ross and I also had a deal. I didn't have to talk in these group sessions but I had to talk in our therapy sessions. He didn't even bother asking me the questions.

I had the therapy session after the group therapy and Ross didn't follow me into the room instead it was Sienna. Even though I didn't talk to anyone at school, I did know who she was. I think she might be in some of my classes but I don't really care.

"Now Ross told me that you probably aren't going to talk to me so I'll just talk to you," she said and as she predicted I didn't say anything.

"Alright then. So my name is Sienna. I have two older brother and two older sisters. I haven't seen them in a while but they are visiting soon. Most of my friends call me Si as a nickname. My best friend is Sara," she started.

This girl was incredible. She managed to talk about anything for an hour without needing me to say anything. After talking about herself for a few minutes she talked about school and different people at school that I knew. Ross knocked on the door and walked in.

"I see that Sienna had a nice conversation with herself," he laughed.

I smirked at him and we both got up and left.

"Nice to meet you," Sienna called after me as I left.

I didn't want to go home yet. My Mom was going to be there and I haven't been able to talk to her. I ended up at the batting cages. The owner there knew me well and handed me a bat as well as a bucket of balls that I tipped into the machine. The first one came out and I smacked it as hard as I could.

Hitting baseballs was relaxing for me. I was aiming for a target straight ahead and was hitting it most times. Someone came up and was watching me. The machine stopped so I turned to him.

"You have a nice swing," the guy said.

"Thanks," I said and turned to leave.

"Would you be interested in playing for my team?" he asked.

"Sorry, sir but I don't play," I told him and left.

As it turns out Sienna sits next to me in Calculus. I got in before her and she immediately noticed me.

"Hey, Aiden," she smiled.

I raised my eyebrows at her and she laughed.

"You aren't going to talk, are you?" she asked and I nodded.

That didn't stop her though. She kept talking to me until the teacher came in and started the lesson. I hadn't even bothered to get my book out and attempt to take notes. Sienna's was sitting in front of her but she didn't have a pen and she wasn't looking at it.

I slumped on the desk and must have fallen asleep because I woke when Sienna was shaking me.

"Aiden, class is finished," she said.

I blinked and realised that we were the only ones left in the class. Sienna waved at me but then headed out of the classroom.

Sienna's POV

By the end of the next week Aiden and I had a mutual agreement. I could talk to him as much as I wanted but he wouldn't talk to me. I mostly just listened in his therapy sessions with Ross and got to understand how Ross works. I don't know how mutual our agreement is but Aiden hasn't complained.

I thought about asking Aiden if he wanted to join us at lunch but I decided against it. He doesn't even talk to me let alone a bunch of people that he doesn't know. I was only half listening to our lunch conversation. I think that Sara was telling Lily that it was not ok to wear two different shades of a colour. I rolled my eyes but started paying more attention.

I heard some of the boys having a conversation about the baseball team which I tune into.

"We seriously need a better pitcher," Brody said.

"And someone that can start the order," Jesse added.

Our baseball team sucks. Brody and Jesse both play and they are constantly moaning about how they need a pitcher. They have never been about to find anyone very good after Aiden left. I heard that right after he quit they tried to get him to come back but he wouldn't talk to them.

I heard the bell rang and quickly stood up. I really didn't feel like going to class but my parents would kill me if they found out that I was skipping classes. Sara joined me and we headed to AP Chemistry. We had assigned seats and I wasn't sitting near Sara. Since there was an odd number I was the only one without a lab partner.

We weren't doing a practical assignment today though. I began taking extremely good notes on what the teacher was talking about. I wouldn't need them but without fail one of my friends would ask for them because they 'lost them'. I didn't care what happened to them and it wasn't like I could do anything else.

Sara was waiting my by locker the end of the day. I dumped my unwanted books in there before slamming it shut. Sara jumped at the noise and I laughed. We lived close enough to school that we usually walked together.

We spent the journey talking about my job. I couldn't tell her who went or what they talked about but I could tell her how the group worked and how much I enjoyed it. I reached her house and she headed inside. I then started walking toward where the help group is held.

Aiden didn't have a session today as it is Tuesday. The session past quickly and Aiden left before I had a chance to talk to him. He did wave at be before he left. Ross's first session was with a girl whose Father had just left.

It was another session where I observed. Ross was extremely good at his job and just by watching I got a good idea of what to say and what to ask. Ross offered to drop be home once we had finished but I refused. He still had another session and I didn't mind the short walk home.

The door was open when I head in which was strange. There was no way that my parents would be home yet. I stepped inside and heard voices though.

"Si, you're home," a woman called.


I had extreme writer block while trying to write this. I just couldn't write anything. And then our internet stopped working.

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The Wise One

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