Chapter 3- Before My Return

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{This chapter had been edited}

"I never get called to the fun." The continuous complaints drifted through Izzy's bedroom.

Articles of clothing were being tossed from her large walk-in closet. The more she complained the more innocent clothes were thrown out and onto the floor. Earlier that morning she had came to wake me up only to find Alec and I asleep in my bed. 

Apparently Jace had snuck out during the night, which led to an awkward breakfast. Izzy spent the majority of the morning screaming and clapping whenever Alec and I stood near each other. Eventually, we managed to get her to hear us out which led to her current complaints.

I didn't see why she was complaining, sleeping with your twin and his parabatai was always a poor decision the next morning. Jace took up half of the bed and snored louder than a chainsaw. 

While Alec was a peaceful sleeper, he also was the type to latch onto anything close and not let go. It's nearly impossible to escape his hold when he was awake but it became completely impossible once he was asleep.

"The warden is gone, and you know what that means!" Izzy chided, appearing in front of me and snatching my book from my hands. I scowled as I leaned forward and snatched the book back. In her other hand was a red sequined dress that was more like a shirt.

"Why do you have a sequined long shirt?" I tested the waters, hoping that it was an actual shirt and not a dress she intended to force me into.

"It's a dress." She grinned like the cheshire cat as she laid the dress next to me on her bed. I looked from the dress and to my own outfit. 

Today's outfit of choice consisted of black leggings and a matching thin strap dress. It reached just above my knees and had peach roses printed throughout the entire dress. Over this ensemble I wore a gray knit cardigan, unbuttoned as my own way of rebelling, and brown ankle boots that had the tops turned down.

Unlike Izzy, and leaving my hair down, I had styled into a milkmaid style and still didn't bother putting on make-up. The outfit was comfortable and unrevealing, the usual look chosen for me and one I was comfortable remaining in.

"Sorry Izzy, but I'm already dressed for the day." I motioned to my outfit only to receive a loud scoff.

"Jar, you can dress however you want, especially with her being gone." Izzy encouraged, spinning on her bare heel and headed back inside her closet. "Honestly the whole girly goody-two-shoes act doesn't suit you."

"I like these clothes, they're comfortable and isn't that what counts?" I questioned, standing from the bed and tucking my book under my arm as I headed towards her door. "Don't forget about the mission tonight."

"How can I? It's the only interesting that goes on around here!" She called as I shook my head and gently shut her door.

Walking down the long hallway, I stopped by the library to put my book back before heading towards the center of the Institute. It was where the hard frames and monitors sat. The technology aided in shadowhunters being able to keep a close eye not only on the perimeter but on New York itself. 

I enjoyed sitting behind the monitors and creating case files for the teams. It was a fairly simple task, almost like a hotline for the teams. We offered alternate routes and methods to those who needed help in the field.

Angelic Darkness //Alec Lightwood// (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now