Chapter 1- The Flowers

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{This chapter has been edited.}

"The lilacs seem to be coming along nicely." A fatherly voice pulled me from a fabricated world.

Looking to the source of the sudden statement, my eyes flickered to the general direction of the freshly planted lilacs. Standing next to them and beginning to come closer was Hodge Starkweather. A proud smile formed on his lips as he left the violet colored flowers and joined me. 

From where we sat on the stone bench was the perfect vantage point to see all that was growing in the greenhouse. Light filtered in from the large glass dome above, basking the room in warmth and causing the flora to seem even more vibrant.

"I was finally able to plant them in the right soil," I replied, placing my bookmark on the correct page and closing. "I hope they'll take."

Hodge nodded, his blue gaze moving along the various plant life. The proud smile still remained and I found myself wondering why he was in high spirits. Whatever the cause for his joyful mood, led me to also smile. It wasn't often Hodge allowed himself to relax and simply enjoy the smaller things in this world.

"This place use to look like a barren waste land. Then you came along." He seemed to reminisce, standing to inspect the large ferns.

"It took weeks to get it to grow anything and months for it look like it does now." I agreed, setting my book next to me as I recalled such dark times.

The greenhouse had naturally been large and in prior years the perfect place for a large and luscious garden. Somehow it had turned to nothing but dried dirt with windows you couldn't see through. I had only been eleven when I took up the seemingly impossible task.

Shortly afterwards, Hodge helped clean and move things around. The day we officially finished the greenhouse had been one of the best day's of my life. Everyone had gathered inside and Hodge carried on about how I brought it back to life. It had also been one of the few days my brother told me he was proud of my hobby.

"You should be proud of your work Jarolyn." Hodge reminded me, turning to smile as the door slammed open, the loud echo ran throughout the room. I winced at the loud and annoying voice of my brother.

"J-Plant!" The annoying nickname filled the silence. Turning I saw my brother, grinning proudly at my annoyance.

His blond hair had been pushed back and his mismatched eyes glowed brightly. He jogged to where I was, a teasing smile playing at his lips. He seemed to be in high spirits as well. 

This could only mean one of three things; he had a mission, he got his parabatai to break the rules for him or he had another one night stand planned. Turning my back to him, I headed towards the wrought iron staircase that wound to the second floor.

"Couple'a demons thought it would be fun to crash a mundie's party and kill a few." His excited tone only earned a snort from me.

The love he had for our life style always unnerved me. Glancing past him, I searched for Hodge, hoping he would distract my brother. Unfortunately, Hodge had pulled his usual disappearing act and had vanished. 

My gaze settled on my brother briefly before I attempted to head further back on the second floor. However his arm shot forward, fingers wrapping around my arm and pulling me to a complete stop.

"This is perfect for the J Twins." He stressed, spinning me around so we were once again face to face.

"When did the greatest shadowhunter need help from his little sister?" I questioned, my eyebrow lifting as if daring him to actually answer me.

Angelic Darkness //Alec Lightwood// (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now