Chapter 8-Anima Alterum

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{This chapter has been updated.}

Giggling filled my ears as my brain slowly woke up from the magic induced sleep. 

Peeling my eyes open I was met with a young girl, grinning brightly as the sun. I refrained from shouting in shock, instead settling on pushing myself up only to see she was swinging her feet as she sat sideways on the bed. 

Her appearance was that of a normal little girl. Plain dark brown hair, normal doe eyes and ivory skin. Even her zebra printed pajamas gave no outwards appearance of her being a downworlder.

What did give her away was the swirling magic that engulfed her entire aura. It was weaker than Dot's had been, indicating to her probably not even being trained.

The idea wasn't all that far fetched, Magnus had made a passing comment that warlock children didn't begin official training until they came into their markings. Though I didn't understand what that meant, I assumed he meant until they were older.

"Hello." My voice was thick with sleep as I stifled a yawn. This only caused the little girl to giggle more, her beaming smile seeming to grow.

"I'm Zoe!" Her voice was slightly high pitched but sounded as adorable as I imagined. She stuck her hand out and as I gently took it she shook our joined hands. 

"You're Jarolyn, Uncle Magnus's Akuma Parabatai."

I frowned, gently pulling my hand back. The events of last night rushing back and nearly drowning me. I gulped, not wanting her to see my disgust and misunderstand. I nodded, forcing a smile as I searched for something to say. After a brief second I motioned towards the air surrounding her.

"You must be a powerful warlock," I smiled more genuinely watching as joy blossomed in her eyes. "I'm willing to bet you're more powerful than Magnus."

"You think so?" She spoke in a giddy tone, switching her position and sitting on her knees. "Uncle Magnus promised to teach me when I was of age."

"Does Magnus teach all of the warlock children?" I questioned, my disgust and fear diminishing as curiosity took its place.

"Sometimes, when he isn't busy or searching for you! But now that you're together you can both teach us!" She explained. I nodded, about to speak when the sound of the door opening pulled my attention away and towards a woman now entering the room.

The woman, with the exception of Zoe's eyes, had the same appearance. It was obvious that she was Zoe's mother. The only difference was her cat eyes, they burned a bright crimson and was very startling. Even her entire red outfit was as crimson as her eyes. 

Dark magic shrouded her entire being, proving to be far stronger than Zoe's and perhaps even stronger than Dot's. It was obvious she practiced forbidden magic but beyond the startling color of her eyes, their was a motherly warmth within the crimson gaze.

"I had a feeling you would be in here." Her voice was warm and her smile inviting. "I told you that we needed to let Jarolyn rest."

"Sorry momma." Zoe spoke in a sheepish tone, her gaze moving back to me as she smiled once more before jumping from my bed and bouncing out of the the room.

"I'm sorry about her, she has a habit of ignoring certain things. I'm Zendella." Zendella moved further into my room and gently shut the door. "Magnus wanted me to check in."

Angelic Darkness //Alec Lightwood// (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now