Chapter 28- Alec Lightwood

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Before this chapter begins I just want to say that the Italics are memories/flashbacks. Also this chapter is not as great as my others and is fairly long since it covers (attempts to cover) two possibly three episodes that involve Alec. I've realized that the timeline of this story doesn't match the show and for that I would like to remind that the majority, until now, was just Jarolyn and how she was dealing with things while Clary, Jace and the others were running around. The story line should even out and fill in a few blanks in this chapter. Also please note that unlike other shadowhunter fanfictions this one mainly focuses on the other side to the TV show. So if there's any questions about this chapter please feel free to inbox me or leave a comment!


'You should follow your heart Alexander, a woman like her only ever comes once in our lives.' Magnus spoke with a dark look as he laid the reports on the desk.

'Good morning Alec, did you sleep well?" Jarolyn questioned as she stared at him over her latest herbology book.

'If we get married it would restore your family name, might even help your parents.' Lydia spoke as she watched Alec who stood glaring at the wall.

'You're going to be a big brother! Again but isn't this amazing!" Jarolyn shouted the news to a young Alec as she hugged him.

'Why are you even doing this? How can you hurt someone you love?' Magnus snapped as he headed towards the door.

'The Clave has ordered for your parents to return to Idris, if we marry, you can stay and run the Institute, we both deserve this.' Lydia persuaded.

'I'll follow you Alec, through every mission and through everything life throws at us, you're my best friend and I will always be here.' Jarolyn whispered the night before they became true shadowhunters.

Alec sat on the bed in the infirmary, his shirt unbuttoned and the bandages rubbing and itching his skin. His body was sore and tired as he recounted the last few hours, trying to form the sequences in which the events had happened. He had met Lydia, kissed Jarolyn, fought a Forsaken, became a shadowhunter with Jarolyn promising to stand by him even when her twin was being annoying. No, that wasn't right either, that had happened years ago so why was he remembering past things? Jarolyn. She was the reason their past was coming back to haunt him, he had told her he was getting married, had pushed her away when all he wanted was to pull her close and never let her go but he had screwed up. He seemed to be doing that a lot, going off on the wrong people and pushing away the ones he wanted close.

He stood as his bedroom door was slammed open, turning to see Jace standing in the doorway, a look of worry etched on his face. Alec kept a hard look in his eyes, he was angry at Jace just as much as he was angry at himself but deep down he couldn't blame Jace; he was protecting his little sister, something Alec understood all too well.

"You good?" Jace questioned, knowing Alec wasn't pleased with him, hell even Izzy wasn't pleased with him but she managed to call and let him know Alec had been attacked alongside Hodge. Jace had briefly checked on Hodge before running to Alec's room only to see him standing and glaring at the door.

"Good." Alec spoke as he buttoned his shirt and left his room, pushing past Jace and entered the hallway. Alec met with Lydia and Izzy in the control center as he walked towards them he froze as he saw Jarolyn sitting in her usual spot, laughing as Jace was leaned against the desk and him on her opposite side; Jace had been teasing and joking with her and she had called Alec over to join in on the fun. His throat felt like it was closing up and he wondered if he was still suffering from the Forsaken, he still didn't fully understand how he had been treated but he was so lost and angry he didn't care. Alec reached Lydia and stood beside her as he crossed his arms and kept an impassive look on his face, trying to control his anger.

Angelic Darkness //Alec Lightwood// (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now