Chapter 4: Cracker Trail

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a/n: so in the beginning half of this chapter it's going to be pretty much my own ideas but still based off the episode. carl is going to find enid and then the last half will have something that happened in season 6 I believe so stay tuned and it will create more drama and separation between the group and the town of Alexandria. don't forget to vote <3

Enid's POV
After I met up with Ron yesterday, I decided I needed a get away. Life was getting too hard back there. You may think I have it easy, but it's difficult. Ron hugged me and I didn't even know why I went through with it. Me and him are OVER. I met up with him on the bench because he told me he needed someone to talk to. I've known Ron forever, so I'll always be there for him. We talked for a while and he hugged me for comfort. I wasn't going to be rude, but then Carl saw me. I didn't want to listen to what Carl had to say, so I left. I didn't think of what everyone else would think, I simply just left. That's what I tend to do when life gets rough. I leave my problems. That's a habit of mine.
I woke up in my hollowed tree that I always go to. I wasn't going back to Alexandria, and there was no way in hell I was sleeping wide in the open. Usually I don't sleep but tonight I did. Sun was rising now and I wanted to continue my adventures. I peeked out of my tree and saw that I was safe. I was miles out in the woods but if I looked closely I could see the watch tower and the gates of Alexandria. I didn't want to go too far and get lost.

I walked a little more down and I found a open field with trees that surrounded it, making in hidden. I threw my backpack on the ground and spun around in circles. I felt free out here. I fell into a pile of leaves and closed my eyes. It felt amazing to be out here.

I felt very peaceful and soon enough I blocked out all sounds and began to feel sleepy. Soon enough I fell asleep.
I whined and kicked my legs and arms as a creature held onto my body. Without opening my eyes, I kicked it back as it moaned and growled. I opened my eyes quickly and very wide. WALKER! I nearly screamed but didn't want to attract more. I panicked not knowing what to do. It was coming back as me, as it quickly recovered from my kick. My mind was yelling to me that I was going to die. No I was not. I wasn't go to die. Not now, not after everything I've done. I realized that I had my belt on where I held my gun and knife. I kept kicking as I used my hands to feel around my waist. I felt my gun, but that would be too loud. I felt around some more and found my knife. I hurried and grabbed it out. I lifted it in the air and lost my temper. I yelled at the stupid walker.

"COME AT ME. I DARE YOU!" I screamed not caring anymore of the consequence.

The walker became hunger and reached out for me. I lifted my knife and put it right through its forehead. I took the knife out quickly and got up to grab my book bag. I swung it on my back and ran as fast as I could. I realized I was running towards the gate but the walker most likely came from the other direction so I had no choice. I wasn't taking any chances.
Carl's POV
I thought about what I should do last night. I came up with my decision. I'm going to find Enid. I have to find her. I know she wouldn't go far, she's out there somewhere. I walked casually over to the gates and no one was on watch yet so it was perfect. I looked around and when no one was in sight I started to climb on different parts of the metal wall.

I was over the fence now and I ran straight for the woods. I had a 2 guns with plenty of ammo and a knife on me, along with a water bottle. I hoped and prayed that I don't need to use anything that I had with me.

I slowed down my pace when I reached a few minutes in the woods. I saw Enid's tree that she claims to be hers so I hurried over to it just in case. I inspected it when I finally saw a sign she was there. A crushed piece of her favorite crackers was at the bottom of the hollowed tree. I laughed to myself and smiled. She's safe. I thought to myself.

I strolled along the woods, on and off the path. Dropped pieces of crackers followed the path. Is she making a trail for me? I thought.

I kept my eyes on the crackers and kept following them. It was almost like it was going in a... going in a circle! I spun around to check where I was actually going when I saw a brown haired girl with a book bag run off laughing. Enid. I smiled and sprinted after her.

I finally caught up to her when she stopped to catch her breathe. She sat down on the ground and wouldn't look at me in the eyes.

"Enid? Look at me. You can tell me if you like Ron," I started to talk to her now.

"What?! No way. He's just a friend. He needed someone. He was feeling down and needed someone to hug. I was being a good friend," she stated, defensively.

"Okay okay. I understand now." I laughed.

She smiled at me if relief. This time her eyes were looking at mine. I took at seat next to her and I grabbed her hand. She made herself comfortable and placed her head on my shoulder.

"Go to sleep. I'll watch after us," I whispered as she was half way dozed off anyway.

She was out now and I leaned in to kiss her on the forehead. I swear I saw her smile after that and it made me smile too. This was peaceful. Sitting in the woods with the person that makes me happy. That is what life is all about.
We headed back to Alexandria about an hour ago and I was watching Judith with my dad and as I know of, Enid was at home. My dad jumped out of his seat when he heard gunshots and I began to worry and freak out.

"Dad!?" I yelled as he went out the door with others with his machine gun and handgun.

"Carl, watch your sister. Keep her safe!"

He was out the door so I rushed over to the door to lock it and I put Judith in her crib, hoping she doesn't begin to cry. I sneakily looked out the window with curtains and I saw a whole group of men with 'w's on their forehead. They were on a rampage, stabbing people. Deanna was rushing people to safety as my group was the one fighting them all off. I saw Carol dressing up as one of the attackers to trick them and kill them. She is a smart woman.

I heard dramatic knocking on the back door and my first instinct was to turn around and aim my gun. I saw Enid, gesturing to let her in. I rushed over and opened the door and hurried her in. I locked that door now and closed the curtain.

"I came to say goodbye," she states but I ignored.

"Keep guard on the back door I'll do the front," I told her.

"I'm not staying."

"Yes you are. I'm not letting you go out there."

Enid was very bipolar. She would hate my one second and love me the next.


We sat back to back. She was facing the back door and I was facing the front.

Gunshots filled our ears, and Judith was getting impatient. I don't know what to do.

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