Chapter 26: I Want Her Back

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Carl's POV

I was up early for morning shift. I looked at my clock and it was 7:00 am. That's my first shift of the day. I got into some clothes - jeans and a flannel - and put of my sheriff hat and my boots. I put my knife and my gun in my brown colored holster belt. Once I was ready, I went downstairs and got a quick drink of water before heading out front. When I got to the gates, my dad was on shift.

"Morning Carl," my dad greeted me.

"Hey dad," I replied.

"Can I talk to ya?" He asked.

"Yeah, I guess."

"So, what yesterday evening..." He began and I already knew where this was going.

"I don't want to talk about that."

"You said I can talk to you. I expect answers. I'm the father and your the son."

"Okay fine," I groaned.

"I think Enid still loves you. She's very hesitant when she claims that she doesn't. And she told me she doesn't know if she likes you or not. She's truly sorry about everything with Destiny," I could tell that my dad was serious and he liked Enid and I together.

"I don't know, dad."

"She makes you so happy," my dad argued.

"So does Destiny," I argued back.

"I can't even count how many times you and Enid use to say 'I love you' every day. You've been through so much more with Enid."

I was silent. I have no more words. I don't know why. Enid makes me happy, but so does Destiny. My dad does have a point. I just don't want to let Des down. My dad eventually walked away when I had nothing else to say. I continued to take watch. It helped me get my mind of things.
"I heard we're going on a run?" I asked Michonne.

"Yeah. Tara, Sasha, Rosita, Enid, and I," Michonne replied," I would invite you but it's kinda an all girls trip. Just picking up essentials for the place."

"Oh. I think I'm helping everyone else with the building of a food court and a secure place for extra weapons."

"Awesome. Good luck, Carl. Be good for you dad," Michonne hugged me tight. She always gave me simple, yet so helpful advice. She was the mother figure that I've missed out on ever since...well...ever since my mom. I don't like to think about it. That moment, when I shot her, was the moment I was changed for life. I wonder if I'd different. Everything would probably be different with my mom still around. I now have Judith, though, who makes up for not having my mom.

I walked around my house and made my way to Judith's room. She was laying in her crib awake so I picked her up and brought her over to a wooden table. We have been using it for changing her. I laid her down on the fluffy blanket that covered the wood and I changed her. I put on a fresh diaper and a new little onesie dress. I went over to a cabinet in her room and got her baby food from it. I feed it to her and followed with a bottle of milk. I picked her up and went to bring her to Maggie's house.

"Maggie, can you watch Judith? I got to go help Glenn, Daryl, and my dad."

"Yeah of course kiddo," she smiled.

"Your belly is getting bigger everyday. I think it'll be coming soon. Do you think it'll be a girl or boy?" I asked to start a small conversation.

"I don't know. I just hope it's healthy and everything goes well," her smile went down a little.

"Can I ask you something?" I asked, nervously.

"Sure," she replied.

"Are you scared that you'll have an experience like my mom did?" I wanted to know the truth. Maggie looked down at her belly and her eyes watered. I knew what she was thinking about. She was thinking about the same thing I was. I thought about this every second of the day. While I'm killing walkers, and while I'm trying to sleep at night. The image of the boiler room was planted in my head. The knife, the gun, the tears, the screams, the blood, and her lifeless body.

Maggie hadn't replied yet. She was frozen staring at her stomach.

"I'm sorry that's stupid," I said.

"No, it's not. But whatever happens, it was meant to be," Maggie managed a fake smile across her face. She was shaking a little and her face grew pale.

"Maggie, you'll be fine," I assured her. I realized she was scared of something happening to her and her baby. She was sitting on a love seat couch and then hugged her to make her feel better.

"I hope so, Carl. You're a good kid. You'll help me take care of the new baby, right?" She laughed as she sniffled.

"Of course," I smiled. I went out the door now and over to an open field except for the wood scattered across it.

This was where we were making the weapon storage house. It was hidden with some trees and we also found a lock and keys to lock it up when it's all together. It was going to be the most secure part of this whole place. The bottom of the storage house was made and little parts of the wall. We were using wood and wood glue that was found on a run. It was a huge bucket of it. I helped bring the wood pieces over and stack them as high as we needed them to be. When it's done, we will put shelves in there to put everything on.

After doing a little bit of the storage house, we went over to a empty building. This is where we were making the cafeteria. Well, this place was already a cafeteria so it wasn't hard to get ready for our first meal in it. We are just making it nicer and putting all our food in it. It had all the equipment in the back that actually worked! That's where Maggie and Carol will cook and then there was at least 20 round and rectangular tables. I had to wipe them down until they were spotless clean, mop and sweep the floor, and all the dishes. Everything had to be super clean so no one got sick or anything.
Everyone was now eating in the cafeteria. The girls came back from the run. Enid walked in and I kind of expected for her to sit by me. It looked like she wanted too, but Destiny beat her to me. She stared at Destiny and I and I mouthed sorry to her. She shrugged her shoulders and looked away to get her food. The look on her face made me realize something.

I think I want Enid back.

eh sorry for a boring, filler chapter. but everything will add up to what happens at the end of this book. don't worry, there's a sequel!

Instagram: twdxxnation (I posted a video edit!!)

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