Chapter 6: The Mission

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Enid's POV
I woke up to the sun shining through the glass doors of the store that I stayed the night in. I stood up and walked over to the door and looked out to see how peaceful it really was out here. This world isn't so bad after all.

I gathered all the food and water I found in the store and had a small breakfast. After I ate I took all my things and went up to the roof top. I laid on my back and watched the clouds in the sky. I wonder if anyone noticed I was gone. I wonder if anyone's on their way to find me.

Rick's POV
We had the herd behind us when Glenn and Nicolas' car stopped in front of us.

"What's up?!" I yelled out of me and Daryl's car window.

"We're out of gas!" Glenn yelled.

"Oh shit," I said as the herd began to crowd our vehicles.

Abraham, Rosita, Tara, and Sasha were in the car behind us as they started to blow their machine guns. The noise kept tracking dozens more. This was life or death now.

"Go without us! You will lead most of the herd ahead and Nicholas and I will deal with the rest!" Glenn yelled.

"But you have a family at home!"

"And that's why I'm doing this! I have to!"

This was yet the best plan so the two cars behind Glenn's went around his and we yelled at the walkers. The ones there at the time followed us but as we were miles down the road we saw from a distance more were coming towards Glenn. We had to keep going.

Glenn's POV
I thought it was best for them to go without us. Nicholas sat in our car in silence as walkers crowded us.

"Look what you got us into to," Nicholas stated.

I kept silent and began to think of what to do. An idea struck in my head. I got into the back seat and grabbed the two sets of bullet proof armor.

"Here, put this on. We can run through them without getting scratched if we go fast enough. They can't bit through the armor so we will make in far enough," I told him as he nodded and we both got our armor on.

I took a deep breathe, got out my gun and counted to three to open the door. 1,2,3.. We both opened the door and ran side by side. The walkers became hungry and I yelled to Nicholas to keep going and don't stop for anything.

We've been running forever and the walkers were minutes behind us. We can obviously outrun them so we stopped to catch our breathe and then we continued down the road. There was an ally on a side of a building, probably a store so we stopped in the ally. We both panted until we heard more walker noises. Oh no. There was a herd of about a dozen. I took out my gun when I realized I dropped all the bullets while running. Nicholas was unarmed, he probably lost his gun back along the road along with my bullets.

"Shit," I whispered.

We looked around and we ran towards a fence. The first instinct was to climb over it but there were more walkers on the other side of it. We decided to jump on the top of the garbage can. We were clueless. There was nothing to do now.

Rick's POV
We leaded the walkers into a abandoned house and trapped them in there. Our team became relieved and we decided to head back to where Glenn and Nicholas was left.

We got back to the road with their car and no walkers in sight. We looked in the car and we saw they left their bags in there but the bullet proof armor was gone. We invested the ground on the clear road but we found dropped bullets and Nicholas' guns and knife laying on the ground. We came to the conclusion that they dropped them. We picked the stuff up and we knew we couldn't go look for them because the sun was going down. Instead we headed back to Alexandria and hoped Glenn and Nicholas find their way back. Alexandria needed us. Anything could be happening as we stood here wasting time.

We got back to the town and everyone seemed worried.

"Where's Enid!?" Carl asked.

"Where's Glenn?!" Maggie cried.

I explained myself to both of them. Maggie insisted she had to go find him but we held her back.

"You won't make it before dark," I told Maggie.

Maggie began to shed tears as she walked away.

authors note: i could keep writing in this chapter but i want to carry it out for a while. maggie will think glenn is dead and i will carry that out a couple of chapters. im having a little writers block for what to write with enid. if you watched the episodes you know that enid saves glenn but what should i do with her in between that? comment below (:

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