Chapter 22: Just Scream

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Rick's POV

I slammed on the breaks of the van when I heard Enid and Alex fighting about something. I heard a trigger being pulled and that's when I practically bounced out my seat and into the back.

"Fuck off dude!" Carl yelled, slapping Alex's gun, which was formerly Glenn's, out of his hands.

"Carl, I can handle this," I said as calmly as possible. I took Alex by the hand and dragged him outside.

"Try anything and I will kill you," I warned Alex as we stood out in the middle of the road now. Alex gulped and fidgeted with his hands. I could tell he was scared.

"I-I-I'm s-sorry," he stuttered and wouldn't make eye contact.

"Don't. Ever. Do. That. Again," I said slowly.

"I won't. I promise," I could tell I still couldn't trust him. I took out a long piece of rope from my pocket.

"What are you doing!" He screamed, but still quietly.

"I need to make sure you don't hurt my people. I won't be very tight, so calm yourself."

I dragged him back inside and sat him down in the back of the van. I went back to my seat, but before I started to drive, I looked back and Alex had his eyes closed.

"Everyone, get some sleep. We still have around five hours of daylight. We will go as far as we can today and tomorrow we plan to go farther down the country side and hope for it to be clear," I told everyone.

Carl's POV

My dad told everyone back here to try to get some sleep. I don't know how much sleep I can get with that Alex kid on the other side of this van. His eyes were closed shut. He could be faking it and then come to kill us all. He was tied up but he seemed suspicious, still.

Enid's head was rested on my shoulder and our fingers were intertwined. Most of our group was sleeping except for Daryl, Rosita, Sasha, and Tara. Destiny was asleep by her dad and everyone was spread out sleeping.

"Are you sleeping?" I whispered very quietly to Enid. She responded with a groan and a smile.

"I can tell your awake," I laughed.

"I'm trying to sleep, though," she opened her eyes.

"If your asleep, who am I supposed to talk to?" I pouted.

"Well that's not my problem."

"You little brat," I joked. We hugged and my hands were around her waist. I pulled her closer towards me and ended up putting her to sit on my lap. I was facing forwards and she was sitting sideways on my lap so her side was pressed against my stomach and my hands placed around her waist.

"I love you, baby girl," I whispered in her hair.

"I love you, Carl Grimes."

"Get a room!" Daryl shouted and we ignored him.

Soon enough, Enid and I were both fast asleep.

Enid's POV

Everyone was shocked awake when the breaks we're slammed on. It felt like we've been sleeping for hours, but the sun was still up.

"We're going to clear this place. Alex, you can help. Who's coming in and who's guarding outside?" Rick asked everyone while we got ready.

Carl, Michonne, Daryl, Tara, Abraham, Alex, Destiny, Glenn, and I all volunteered to clear the place. Everyone else, which included Maggie, Carol, Rosita, and Sasha were going to stay outside for watch.

"Enid, are you sure you want to go?" Carl asked me, worried.

"Yes of course!"

"I don't want you to get hurt."

"I won't. I promise you, I'll be fine." All I received was a half smile from him. He worries about me too much so I need to prove to him that I can handle myself.

We all walked up to what looked like a dollar store. The van was parked outside of it and everyone on watch stood on top of the van to keep an eye out.

Everyone had their weapon of choice in hand as we walked into the shop. Rick was in the lead and we followed behind. From what we could tell, there was no walkers.

"I'll go check these shelves down here," I told the group and Carl just replied with a nod signaling to me to be safe.

I threw my book bag onto the floor by the shelves and unzipped it. I threw some general medicine and some pregnancy pain killers for Maggie and other things. I looked up and at the top of the shelf was hair ties. I could always use them since my hair is very long. I got on my tip toes but couldn't reach. I began to climb up the shelves. I stretched my arms out trying to reach them but my foot slip. I fell down onto the ground and I winced in pain. I looked to see my foot caught in between the shelves. I tried to pull my foot out but the shelves were too heavy and too tight on my foot.

"Shit," I whispered. I wanted to try to fix this by myself so I was tempted to not call out for anyone. I tugged on my leg to get it out but nothing worked.

I felt a hard tug on my hair and I turned around to see a walker. It was crawling through another shelve to try and eat me alive. I quietly panicked as my arms swung in the air. I tried to reach for my book bag which was where I put my knife. I almost reached it, but not quite. The growls of the walker made me want to scream. I cannot scream. I cannot scream. I told myself. Just scream Enid! You can't do it! I also thought. I didn't know which side of me to listen to.

"Arg! Ugh! Help!" I finally called out.

"I'm coming, Enid!" Carl instantly yelled from across the store.

"Hurry!" I felt tears coming down my eyes and you could hear the fear in my voice. The walker had skin peeled off its face and was chomping it's teeth at me. I heard loud footsteps coming towards me. Someone was running towards me. Carl? I thought but couldn't speak. Why can't I speak!? I questioned myself. Every time I tried to make out a word I couldn't. I guess I was just in too much shock. I laid my head down accepting the fact I was going to die. Hell, I was probably already in the process of dying. Then, the walker stopped trying to grab me. I heard a faint sound of the knife going through its head from behind me. I looked up at the ceiling and I saw something falling down towards me. I squinted my eyes trying to see what it was. I suddenly felt a huge thud on my head and my eyes became blurry. I looked around a little bit more and I saw blurriness of people surrounding me. I couldn't make out their exact faces but I hoped it was my group. I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out. My eyes were fluttering shut and I couldn't help it. I tried to keep my eyes open, but I couldn't. Before I saw darkness, all I heard was screaming. Screaming and crying that came from a teenage boy. Carl.

yay i finally finished this chapter :) comment, vote, and follow.

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