Chapter 19: Storytime

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Carl's POV

I took the condom out of my pocket and I saw Enid with a bunch of expressions on her face. Nervous, shocked, confused, and maybe a little bit happy. She then nodded nervously and I slowly crawled on top of her.

"W-wait," Enid said just before I began to take off her shirt.

"You okay?" I asked.

"I'm sorry. I can't do this right now. I have to think about this. Think about everything," she said sort of embarrassed.

"It's okay. What do you have to think about? you have to think" I ask worriedly and putting the condom into my pocket.

"I don't know. But where did you find a condom?" She asked my curiously.

"I found it in Glenn and Maggie's room when we were hiding. I was waiting for the perfect night," I confessed.

She laughed at me and then adjusted her shirt and went up to do her hair.

"One desperate man, aren't ya?" She laughed.

"Hey, I want to live a normal teenage life, you know? If I was in high school, there'd be going to parties, getting drunk, teenage pregnancies. I mean, I can at least try for a some what normal relationship," I laughed back.

"Alright. I just...need to think," she turned at me and her hair was in a messy side braid.

I got up and walked over to her. I tugged on her pony tail and placed a kiss on her forehead.

"Carl! Enid! It's story time!" Daryl yelled from downstairs.

"Ah, great, now we can go be five year olds," I joked and we went downstairs.

"I'll go first!" Destiny volunteered to tell a story about her life, which we try to do at least once a week after dinner to remind us about the life before this nightmare.

"Better not tell a story about me little girl," Daryl teased.

"Oh, don't worry. I have plenty!" Destiny laughed.

She was very happy and hyper for a fifteen year old teenager.

"Okay, so once, when I was...hmm...about seven years old, my dad, Daryl, and I went hunting while my mom was somewhere doing boring housework and chores. She's was struggling to work two jobs. The only money my dad brought in was from selling his meat from hunting. So, my dad got me a bow and arrow on my sixth birthday. I learned how to use it before I turned seven and was a pro at it. So whenever you see my purple crossbow, it's from my dad. Haha. Anyway, we went hunting that day about five miles from my home. Then my dad started going crazy because he couldn't shot the deer. It was moving too much for him so then I just swing out my bow and arrow and shoot it perfectly. Maybe that's why I'm such a good shot now," Destiny and Daryl laughed this whole story, as well as the rest of us.

"Alright, alright. I'll go next," Enid said smiling.

"When I was ten or eleven, I don't really remember, I went to the beach with my family during the summer time. It was my dad and my mom, which my mom was pregnant. But it was a miscarriage at about 6 months into her pregnancy so that's why I never talk about it. But, at the beach, I thought I was some sort of explorer. I loved exploring, nature, and just running around getting into trouble. I went around and I thought that every time I found a shell in the sand it was like magical and that I was a genius," Enid told her story and we all laughed.

More people went and told stories. Maggie told a story about when Hershel, Beth, and her went apple picking. Glenn told a story about a vacation with his family. Rosita told a story about her family when they lived in Ireland. And lastly, my dad told a story about when my mom and him took me to see the Grand Canyon.

It actually felt like a normal night.

a few days later

My dad rushed around all the bedrooms for us to wake up. I groaned and looked at my watch to be about seven in the morning. I was tired so my hearing was a little off and my vision was blurry but all I could make out my dad yelling walkers. Enid and I jumped out of bed, almost on cue. We say Destiny and Daryl packing their bags with their stuff and Enid and I did the same.

"What's going on!" I yelled at Daryl in worry.

"Walkers! They are everywhere! They managed to break through a not very secure part of the posts and they all followed through. There's maybe about sixty of 'em," Daryl explained while packing.

"Shit. I knew it was too good to be true," Enid said angrily.

Once we were all packed, I got Judith and we went downstairs to where everyone else was planning on how to escape. Carol packed all the food we had. Daryl and Glenn just got back from the run yesterday, so we had a decent amount of stuff. Everyone had bags to carry with everyone's stuff. Maggie was clutching her stomach. Carol said it was be stress causing the cramps and if she doesn't calm down the baby will come early. Glenn tried to calm Maggie down but it didn't really work. She was breathing heavily. She was only about twenty-two weeks so Carol said the baby shouldn't come and that the cramps and breathing are not signaling labor. Glenn picked up Maggie some pregnancy cramp pain killers and gave Maggie some and put some in her bag.

Then, suddenly, my dad opened the cabin door and grabbed one walker and shut the door right after.

"Dad! What the hell!" I screamed.

My dad stabbed the walker and began to cut it open.

"Carol, grab as many bed sheets as you can," my dad ordered.

"We are going to cover the sheets with guts and blood and put them around us. That's how we will leave, disguised as walkers and then we'll go far, far away from here," my dad finally informed us all on the plan.

"Judith, you have to wear one of these," I told her as everyone's little walker guts outfits were made.

Judith nodded as her tiny bottom lip trembled and her eyes watered.

"Judy, you can't cry baby. It'll be okay. The walkers will hear if you cry so please don't," Enid pleaded convincingly and Judith nodded with a scared expression.

"It will be okay," Michonne said to Judith.

Everyone was dressed up now. Our hands were connected in a line and my dad was in front, then followed with Daryl and Abraham. We managed to walk past the walker and I held Judith tightly under my walker outfit, even though she had her own. We all walked slowly and with caution.

And then we heard a scream coming from the back of the line...

a/n: sorry the beginning of this was kinda boring.

*who do you think the scream was from? and who's POV do you want more of?


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